Why don't you have a cat Jow Forums?
>snuggly and soft
>sweet purrs
>not as needy as dogs
>wacky antics and meme worthy behaviour
>have been worshipped since ancient times
Why don't you have a cat Jow Forums?
>snuggly and soft
>sweet purrs
>not as needy as dogs
>wacky antics and meme worthy behaviour
>have been worshipped since ancient times
My cat wakes me up at 3 am jumping on the table and knocking expensive shit over. fuck him
I like cats, and they like me
when I said "I want to be alone", I didn't mean I just wanted to not have humans in my immediate living space, I meant living creatures in general.
U should give it a try user, you never know
dogs are better because they actually love you, unlike cats.
Because he died.
dogs and cats are equally annoying, one barks all the time, poop and pee everywhere and leave a large amount of hairs on your floor. and the other one is a fucking cat.
I like my cat but she has a habit of loud mewing outside my door at 4am
And when I let her in she asks to go back out and meow some more
It wants you to keep your door open, they can be stubborn that way
My cat grabs my arm so I can't get away while cuddling and licks my face and hair it feels like he loves me :3
My cat loves me and it's undeniable. When you actually raise them with love, they reciprocate
dogs are definitely more open about it in most cases but if you treat your cat right they show their affection for you
My cat loves to lay on my chest too
>tfw when I come home and am greeted with headbutts and meows
>tfw I lay down for the day and she has to be on me or near me immediately
hope you and your cat are happy and healthy for many years to come! i love coming home for that reason too. my cat also joins me if i drink alone downstairs in the kitchen
I have pigeons so a cat would mean trouble.
People who say this have never raised a cat with any conviction.
Cats and Dogs are both great animals, but when you get a cool chill cat it's better than a dog x10
Like you own pigeons?
Thank you, same to you, user. My cat is actually sitting near me on the couch browsing Jow Forums with me
beautiful cat, what kind is he/she? mine is just a regular tabby house cat but i dont think ive seen many like yours
I found her off the side of the road when she was about 5 weeks old. The vet thinks a Siamese or some other similar breed escaped and smashed with a regular tabby. If you're the user who posted the pic of their cat, your cat is adorable too! I love the gloves
thanks! and good on you for rescuing her like that and giving her a good life. i adopted mine when he was around 4 months or so and he's helped me feel less shit about myself throughout the years
>mfw my owner stinks
Yea. I have about 30 of them.
he just likes covering his eyes/face when he naps sometimes
Same, user. My cat has been through so much shit with me. She's 9 years old, about to be 10 so she's an old lass. Just likes the laze around and have convos with me these days. I take her outside sometimes because she loves the sun.
I also adopted a kitten recently from a stray that was pregnant that my gf took in. Pic related
I hope they're outside, an abundance of cats never smells good
>abundance of cats never smells good
Nice reading skills, my friend.
My bad bro, I'm a bit high rn. You have 30 fucking pigeons? Where do you keep them?
why do you have pigeons user? I'm curious, tell me more
>tfw tesla
im a neet
i can't afford to take care of a pet
if i got a job i wouldn't have the energy to hang out with one either
They have a special cage outside. It has small exits so they can come and go whenever they want.
My mom saved a pigeon from being eaten by a dog when I was 10. She took it home and we took care of it. Naturally, the little guy got attached to us and liked to be around us and even liked to stay on my shoulder. I also got very attached to it and I liked to have it fly around and chill on my shoulder and such. Unfortunately it died about 3 years later.
Ever since then I wanted to have pigeons. 4 years ago I moved to a house in the countryside and built a place for them to stay. I bought some pigeons from people nearby and even caught a couple of competition pigeons as well.
Do you find that they're intelligent, user?
Fucking euro poster
It'd say they're about as intelligent as a dog. They know when I'm about to give them shelled sunflower seeds (their favorite treat) just by seeing the can where I keep the seeds. They also respond when I call them. For example if they're chilling on my house's roof and it's getting late I can call them and they all fly back inside their cage. If it's too early though they don't want to fly back inside so they try to bamboozle me by pretending to approach the cage then flying right over, turning around and flying back on the house. Eventually they listen if I'm persistent.
Also they're very good at finding their way back home but you probably knew that already.
My apartment doesn't allow pets
Though I go to my mom's house and play with her cats all the time so I still get to interact with kitties
This made me smile autisticly
Had many cats over the years but since i've moved out i'm considering getting a snek or lizard as a pet to try something different.
Personally i don't need any love or affection and like reptiles for being pragmatic and honest. Who knows? They might be cute with their boop noses and noodle bods.