Shot heroin for the 1st time yesterday and it was absolute pure euphoria. I can tell this is the beginning of the end...
Shot heroin for the 1st time yesterday and it was absolute pure euphoria. I can tell this is the beginning of the end
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What did you do, what did you see, what did you feel? Ill reach that point eventually so id like to know what im in for.
My old guidance counselor at my old highschool got arrested my second year there for heroin possession
Imagine being dumb enough to do heroin lol. You should have been aborted. Ib4 drugs are or so kool I'm soh edgy xD
All anxiety disappeared. i got the urge to plug in my ps2 and played the original ratchet clank for the 1st time in over 10 years. It was pure bliss and nostalgic euphoria. After doing that for 45 mins I began to get quite tired and nodded out on the couch.
How do you achieve this without heroin
It still sounds like the best way to go out or die but then again people say you convulse and have a seizure or some shit. Just stopping the heart without trauma is my main goal.
I've never understood why people try it in the first place. Are you depressed, OP? Have a personality disorder? You've fucked yourself, I hope you know that. Unless you never touch that shit again.
Nah its fine i'm at peace with it. I've never being diagnosed with anything but I haven't felt pleasure from anything in years, life is just so numb and boring.
Why is it so bad to even try? What are you afraid of?
35 here, with board filled with actual kids it's pretty shit of you to post how good heroin is when it's a devastating drug not even worth trying once go post your shit on a drug forum you are as bad as the pink pill posters
>implying a drug problem is worth even giving a chance
I don't want to be sucking dick for a hit in my future at any point
I'm pretty sure I made it abundantly clear with the pic I posted that I'm at the end of the line and want to have some fun before its over.
>This is OP yesterday
Delete all H dealer numbers
Remove yourself from H completly
If you go back to it you will ruin your own shit. Not going back to it will probably be the hardest thing you'll ever have to do in your life but going back to it and THEN trying to stop will be actual hell.
I am gonna kms and I'm trying to find heroin before killing myself. I have no idea where to find it where I live but eventually I will find it.
How does listening to music feel while high?
Mgw I have no contacts to buy..
I don't think you understand how good it is man, it's literally like 9 orgasms but for hours
You should do it again OP :)
Imagine how terrible life is going to be from now on without that sweet sweet heroin coursing through your veins.
Do it!
Trying to quit heroin is by far one of the hardest things you can do, period. Do it now before you're hooked forever. It's not worth it. Heroin is just going to drain your bank account and will to live in the long run.
Doing heroin is one of the dumbest things a person can do...
I wish I could kms with H
Turn back now dude. I've been shooting for years and can't stop
Fuck man I want to IV my first time. Give heroin please
I know it's a bad idea to do heroin since I barely have enough self-control to avoid meth addiction but I feel like I'm gonna end up trying it one day
No matter how good IV feels though I could never bring myself to put a needle in my arm, I nearly pass out even when a nurse does it
Stop before it's too late user
I hope you can buy more heroin soon.
don't do it user, it's expensive and will fuck you up. It sounds cliche but trust me, it will
opiates do help a lot of robotic problems, and that's why they're really dangerous for people like us. don't mess around with them.
Stop saying things that make you weak. Doing things that are self-destructive is inexcusible, especially if you're using the "lol I'm too dum xD" cliche. Think weak thoughts, do weak things. Act like a bitch, treated like a bitch. Put your chin up and quit making excuses for the idiotic things you do. Try this on "I'm doing heroin because I'm not trying hard enough in life and I need to work harder." Don't fall for the "mmmeeehhh addiction is saddies!" trope. Be an adult and take responsibility for your shitty behavior, and for stopping it.
Where do you think you are
What's the problem with self-destructive behavior like doing heroin if I'm just gonna kill myself eventually anyways
There are tons of robots on here who are going to kill themselves which is the ultimate self-destructive behavior, you're not some morals obsessed normalfag are you?
is heroin better than sex?
just go for the OD
you won't deal with the long term impacts of heroin that way
just make sure to do it somewhere no one finds you
So much better in fact you won't even care about sex as long as you use heroin.
yes. I'm not OP but I have tried heroin once in my life and even thinking about it as I type this is making my eyes well up. The best way to describe it is like when you're listening to the perfect song in the moment and the best part hits and you get goosepimples and feel light and euphoric. Or when you see a sunset and your stomach briefly jumps. It's like that feeling but constant for hours. I was crying my eyes out with joy. I have tried cocaine, meth, weed (lol), DXM, acid, shrooms, Mescaline, DMT, tramadol, nefopam, PCP, Ketamine, MDMA.... Heroin is on another level. It made me understand why famous people have given up everything for another hit of it. Read 'Kubla Khan' - it's the greatest pleasure on Earth but once you drink that milk and honey you can't go back
once you get on the heroin/opiate ride it hijacks your desire for sex and intimacy and replace it for a desire to just get high. it's completely different from something like coke or mdma, on those you do still want to fuck but your dick just doesn't work. on dope you just literally dont care about it, it fills that need.
can confirm. My gf almost broke up with me when I had kidney problems because I was on tramadol 24/7 and I got more pleasure from staring at the branches of the trees moving in the wind than I did from her sitting on my face. Hell of a drug and ideal for NEETs
its not ideal for neets. theyll just end up selling everything they own and become a homeless junkie.
and they will feel great doing it
Nice description. I feel you I have heard beautiful songs or read beautiful poetry and felt what you describe.. in a glimpse it was better than any sex I ever had.. to think that there is something that just gives you this for hours.. I can easily understand how people get addict now
I did heroin recreationally a couple of times years and years ago. I occasionally think about it to this day and looking back at how it made me feel makes my mouth water. It's like being in one of those cheesy love montages in a movie but the love is all for yourself and you're perpetually orgasming.
The vast majority of shoots will be, yeah
>Shot heroin for the 1st time yesterday
Kindly fucking kill yourself before you're living off my tax money degenerate.
Sounds exactly like some wagie complaining about NEETs
Stay mad kek. Gonna use every single way to abuse the system to buy heroin with your tax money.
god i wanna try H so bad. i dont carr if i get addicted i wanna feel happy before i die, i wanna experience that pleasure. ive done a bunch of percocets and oxycontin before and that alone is euphoric as fuck, i cant even imagine shooting heroin. id just listen to music and smoke cigs and maybe walk around the neighborhood afterwards in bliss if i could shoot heroin. too bad no friends.
order it off the net? Or literally make opium and smoke it? I have no friends and found it quite easy to cook DMT and buy acid online
I am not in usa or europe.
fuck. You should definitely become an H addict then. I can't imagine that
imagine getting addicted to heroin. It's over for you man.
I will do better. I will kms. But I want to try H first.
Still worth at least checking darknet, worst case scenario there's no vendors in your country
physical excercise
Doing heroin and having sex at the same time must feel really good
but if I go on dark net to buy drug there might be FBI undercovers
no it doesnt because it makes your dick numb and its hard to get an erection and you mainly just wanna lie down and chill
Tbh if you've percs and oxy its the same feeling just...better. Dont try shooting cuz it will control your life. Coming from an 8 year IV user. I still get non fentanyl stuff so i have only ODed twice
Fuck that shit OP heroin is one of those fucked up things you cant have a good life on. I seriously hope you never go back to it I've seen it ruin too many lives already
You have a great life WHILE you're on heroin though
Thats such a cuck way of chasing a great life tho.
It's literally setting yourself on fire because you're cold I cant think of any other drug besides meth that is for such utter degenerates. I hope anybody on it can find the willpower to get rid of that shit from their lives and if you are and reading this im rooting for you
well that guy isnt me i do live in USA, but my roommates here they literally moved here because at their last place a package got siezed in the mail and their landlord overreacted like fuck and kicked everyone out. so i definitely cant risk doing that they would probably kick me out if they caught my ordering drugs to here. i mean i will order some phenibut soon but thats legal.
its difficult staying hard on it. your dick isn't totally useless when you're high but it doesn't feel as good as you think it does and its very difficult to cum. when you're all doped up you mostly just want to nod out anyway
FBI would only go for the actual vendors or big time buyers. If you take the necessary precautions, they woulnd't bother.
Stop now, its only downhill from the first shot.
I did not know there were cuck ways of chasing life.
Ever heard of opiate dick? Becomes limp af
It will feel good for a bit until it stops feeling euphoric and you start using it to just not feel like shit.