What crime is worse, rape or murder?

What crime is worse, rape or murder?

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>person gets unpleasant memory or dies

>person has sex or gets slaughtered like an animal
hmm indeed

>tax fraud

it really depends on the conditions, desu
there's not only one kind of murder, or one kind of rape, was it the 'we were drunk' kinda rape or the 'I didn't want to kill him' kinda murder
it also depends a lot on the victim, if it's some 60yo asshat getting raped/killed it's really not the same as a little girl, for example

Rape. You have to live with the memories and trauma for ever. And whilst you can get some kind of support you will never be the same again.
If someone is murdered they are free. And their friends and family will mourn, they too won't be the same but at least they have each other.

going to heaven or stuck in the hell that is Earth hmmm

>You have to
They can kill themselves any time they'd like.

rape since it can only happen to women

Historically speaking it's not letting feds search your home.

You have holes too user. If a nigger shoves a pipe up your ass that isn't rape?

no, that's my normal saturday night

>be 5
>molested by my paedo dad

Rape. imagine getting raped by a nigger and having to give birth and take care of a mud kid

Girls love that shit. Single moms are everywhere

A better question would be which is stupider, op or his thread?

males can't be raped faggots

>rape vs murder
Both are good.

Dying ain't so bad. A dead man/woman has no sorrows. Torture is worse and I'd count the dishonor of getting rape as torture.

What do you call having a radiator pipe shoved up your ass?


You can rape and murder, do time, and be rehabilitated, but if someone is a racist, they could pretend to be not racist, but secretly still be racist.

So if all rapists killed their victims afterward, the world would be an overall happier place?

Depends on the severity. I'd rather be drugged and fucked than shot in the head. Hell, I'd rather be held down and fucked than shot. But I'd rather be shot than tortured and raped like a lot of cp I hear is out there. From what I've heard of the video, im glad Daisy died at the end of it. Imagine living with those memories.

when i was 13 i was on a weekend camping trip with my neighbor's family
we camped across from another family with an RV and there were 3 teenage girls there
the next day they came over and started talking to me while i was alone and told me to come into their RV to see something
i followed them
once we got into the RV they held me down and stripped me naked and then started playing with my dick and laughing and calling me "baby dick, baby dick!"
i was crying and terrified
they kept calling me baby dick for the rest of the weekend
as a result i'm a 30 year old virgin who has severe trust issues with women and a fear of intimacy

men can be raped

I would say rape, most rape victims get fucked in the head after the fact. I would rather be dead than a messed up fuck wit.

>what is worse, sex or someone not existing ever again
Hmm...Generic assaults are worse than rape since they involve more injury than rape does, unless the rape also involves a beating or it results in a pregnancy. If it doesn't rape should be treated as a lesser form of assault and battery in court.

But even if you're fucked up you can still laugh at a joke, or taste nice foods, but a deadmun just lies there not enjoying even the smallest thing.

I think the difference is in how the unhappiness is doled out, one vs. many. Same amount.

Which method for murder? Gun shot? Then rape. With knives and other stuff? Murder.

Would you trade sporadical moments of laughter for living the rest of your life with the gnawing pain, anger, impotence, etc product of a traumatic experience (not to mention any sort of harmful mechanism you've had developed to cope with it like some addiction, self harm, isolation, etc)? I sure as fuck wouldn't.

But most rape victims don't top themselves as a result of it, so it can't be the death of the soul event that you think it is.

Do you have any pictures of the event?

I don't know user. I've worked with rape victims. Some, as you say, cope with it and live happy "normal lives". Most tho, have extreme trust issues and choose to isolate themselves from the world and cope with some hardcore shit like I mentioned. That is if they haven't killed themselves already.

But still, the vast majority choose to live with the pain rather than kill themselves. So why would you automatically choose death over mental anguish, that you may or may not be capable of adjusting to?

Anus inspection day.

>when i was 13 i was on a weekend camping
>we camped across 3 teenage girls
>the next day they came over and told me to come into their RV to see something
>once we got into the RV they held me down and stripped me naked and then started playing with my dick
>i was crying and terrified
>as a result i'm a 30 year old virgin who has severe trust issues with women and a fear of intimacy

You had a golden opportunity and you fucked up. You could have smashed those girls if you had your shit together and had the sexual desire for them. Stop lying to yourself. You don't have "severe trust issues", you're a literal faggot!!!

i was only 13 and i hadn't hit puberty yet and i was a small kid

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I've never understood how drunk sex means rape

I wasn't talking about that, I was more talking about one of them (or both) being so drunk they don't even realize what's happening, which leads to 'rape' which shouldn't be compared to real actual rape

Rape, you can't give a shit about being killed if you are dead.

So edgy!!!!!!!!

There's your reply, fagboy.

is rape really that bad? like unless he has a really big penis, just lay there for 10 minutes and move on with your day, i don't get how it "hurts" people

>get hit by car and nearly die
>heal up but not without scars and a limp
>now known as an asshole for being a crippled annoyance
>no one will hire you
>barely even get federal assistance

>be girl and have sex with dude
>decide you want to stop
>he gives one more pump then stops
>have him put in prison for rape for not stopping immediately (this actually happened btw)
>now called a "survivor", a "hero", given free money and presents to help you through your troubled times
>also get put into magazine articles and do interviews on Oprah

Actual rape must suck but no one even knows what that is anymore. Every girl is so desperate to be raped so they can claim the attention they're entitled to that now everything is rape.

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being raped is like being murdered and then being expected to continue with your life as if it never happened.
rape is worse.

Rape is worse, it's a form of torture
Victims near-universally develop PTSD and are often led to suicide because of it

Would you like to be forced to take a BBC down your food hole?

No? What's the big deal? You lay there for 10 minutes and then move along with your day.

>Victims near-universally develop PTSD and are often led to suicide because of it

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Murder is worse
Rape is really bad but you can rebuild yourself so to speak, you can patch yourself up and come back, can't do that if you're dead.

imho it's rape
unless you're going to rape someone over and over again until they get stockholm syndrome and make them your wife, then you're leaving a bigger mess behind that the rest of the world has to deal with
remember kids, it's always more efficient to just kill someone


well its a bit diffrent for an anus, but if he used lube and it didn't hurt, why would i care?

okay, this is epic
I'm tracing your location as we speak

I think it depends upon the person. I mean someone who is already a bit nutty or a schizoid probably wouldn't be that affected by getting raped.
Some might treat it as a prize the rest of their life and go about bragging how they "survived rape".
Others might become paranoid and go through torture the rest of their life thinking it might happen again.

But one thing is the same all the way round and that is when someone is murdered, they are dead. So murder is still worse, as rape at least has a recovery chance. Even those that do become paranoid will likely learn to deal with it or recognize they're being irrational.

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Depends I guess. Would say murder, although I hate rapists with a passion.

Murder, and it's not even close. Rape is objectively not even a big deal, and I don't just mean the bullshit "I regret having sex with some guy" rape, I mean actual rape too. Feminists only make such a big deal out of it because they're sex-obsessed animals whose only asset are their pussies. They know it's a valuable commodity that they can monetize and use for social gain, specifically for the purpose of manipulating beta orbiters who will do them favors. That's why the idea of rape, that some guy can forceably take their pussy away without giving anything in return (becoming an orbiter, paying actual money, etc), is so frightening, because they literally have nothing else to offer or anything of worth and that sole thing is being taken advantage of. Women who have actual worth beside their pussy wouldn't even care about rape because they know that's not what defines them. Then again, those women are extremely rare.

Unironically yes. So many people depressed because of lack of support systems. Some rape victims so traumatised they go and commit murder themselves (see Aileen Wuornos)

Obviously murder. How is there any debate? That's the same as asking if beating your child is worse than killing them. Of course not. Normal people would have their lives ruined with a chance to heal (and rape does not even guarantee a ruined life) instead of straight losing it.

Besides, rape is a very vague term today. Like, no, getting a woman drunk and banging her and her regretting it is not worse than murder sorry.

highly depends on circumstances

"I didn't want to kill him" isn't murder its manslaughter

Homicide is the act of one human killing another, Murder is a type of homicide and implies intent to kill. Manslaughter is another type of homicide and usually does not have the same intent to kill.

MURDER is very clearly worse than rape.

Murder because you only get one life. If you're an edgy faggot who's never delt with much hardship in your life then I could understand why you'd think rape is worse.

>it doesn't rape should be treated as a lesser form of assault and battery in court.

Rape. At least with murder, it can be done as a spur of the moment mistake born out of anger or hatred. While most are not deserved, a lot of these could be sympathized with.

You cannot sympathize with a rapist, though, that is always ALWAYS an act of evil.

Murder, because Rape victims want their lives back. With the precondition of normality and lack of Trauma. Oof Princess got a mind boo-boo. Way worse than all her lights going out.

Depends on how each thing was executed but rape could be worse than death if it involves a lot of torture, plus the person has to live with it whereas for the dead person its just over

>Always evil
It used to be biological necessity that created the kindness in your heart today. It isn't nice or good. But quit eroding the term evil. It's just bad.

Ok but you could be poisoned calmly or this could happen to you


or this


i mean technically the latter was murder too but she didn't even die instantly...

>you cannot sympathize with a rapist,
maybe you can't

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Having sex is not biologically necessary. You can live your whole life without having sex. Biologically necessary means something that is required to maintain homeostasis.

I think what that user is getting at is that it's pure evil to hurt someone terribly just for the sake of pleasure, and at least with anger its borne out of a sense of justice, although misguided. Selfishness can be way worse than a simple lack of self control.

most rape victims deserve it for the shit they wear

It really depends on the nature of the rape, how violent it was, and the identity of the perpetrator, if the rape was incestuous or committed by someone the victim trusted, like a teacher or priest, and how susceptible the victim was to emotional trauma.

In finland you get waaay worse penalties for that than murder

Combination of the two, doesn't realy matter in which order...

>implying I don't dream of being murdered in a random drive by
fuck you OP

>What crime is worse, rape or murder?
murder obviously, murder you're dead. Rape you're just dead inside and have a chance to come back. What a dumb question

One time my female cousin got mad at me for making a racist statement and I was like "the guy murdered multiple people" and she told me that racism is worse than murder.

Not answering ops question but it still felt relevant

>racism is worse than murder
is this a thing in burgerland?

Probably rape but they deserve it, wear your hijab slut.
Being killed is a blessing in my book, unless it's drawn out and involves torture.

taxes are theft

>You have been muted for 2 seconds, because >your comment was not original

Murder is worse, but more justifiable.
There are situations where somebody could genuinely see that murder is the correct solution to a problem, but there is no situation where rape is justifiable.

Orgasm vs death


Had an actual convo about this in a class in college. Most people said murder, but the dumb ass snowflakes started spazzing out and saying we'd never understand how it felt and that the women that agreed with us were male identified, and how terrible living being a victim is and how many wish they died. We all got tired of explaining that people can learn to deal with their assaults, but being murdered is permanent, so we just moved on

I literally want someone to rape me gender doesn't count but she/he should be 10/5 and not fat then i look forward to that rape
murder is much worse thats obvious there are people who live a full life after got raped
>nothing worse than murder for me but im autistic so feels doesn't mean too much for me

Rape if it's a woman, murder if it's a man because then you'd be committing the even worse crime of depriving a woman of a potential provider.

>btw after rape you can still kill yourself so basically rape is better
because the victim has the chance to end her life afterwards or live with the pain

What if I want someone to strangle me to death? Would they go to hell if I consider it a favor?

Oh fuck off, you would absolutely not like it if some guy shoved his dick in your ass/mouth, and pretending you wouldn't mind is fucking pathetic

>Rape. You have to live with the memories and trauma for ever.
Why do almost all rape victims recover super quickly and almost never kill themselves? Rape is bad yes, but it's overhyped just because it targets females. I'd rather get raped desu than getting brutally beaten up at night for example

As a guy who was raped thrice as a 12 year old: trust me... you do NOT want to get raped. I'd fight to the death before I'd ever let it happen again. That and PTSD is a bitch.

File sharing

>As a guy who was raped thrice as a 12 year old
I get that it's bad, but I'd much rather get raped once than getting severely beaten up once

You're not getting the issue about rape.
It's not the physical pain that gets you (hurt like fuck in my experience but I've had WAY worse, like the first time I sprained my knee for instance)
It has some shitty psychological effects on you: You stop trusting people, feel no one gives a shit about you, become angrier, push all your friends away, etc...
And then there's PTSD, that's the real pile of shit on the issue. See if you get the living shit beaten the fuck out of you, yes, you might have some minor trauma, but you shouldn't get flashbacks in most cases.
PTSD however, well, imagine a nightmare. Now imagine you're fully awake, know you're in the present and in your room, but still feel like you're back there and every time you close your eyes you're back there and you're just trying not to scream and shit.
TL;DR: Rape isn't bad because of the physical pain, there's much worse in that regard. It's the mental aspect that (literally) fucks you over.

Torture and Tumblr

>It has some shitty psychological effects on you: You stop trusting people, feel no one gives a shit about you, become angrier, push all your friends away, etc...
But getting beaten up if you were on a walk for example would also cause great psychological or at least to me. I wouldn't feel safe walking out again even when my wounds have healed. Why is rape the only crime that people say leaves psychological effects?

Mental trauma is much worse than dying.

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If you rape a chick, you're stealing from her husband (or future husband). If you kill a chick, you're stealing from her husband/parents. If you fake your taxes, you're stealing from the kikes. Which do you think they care about more?

Thing is, that can also happen with rape. But really, the real bad thing about it is because the whole PTSD angle.
I understand what you mean however, and your fears are entirely reasonable. Just don't underestimate PTSD, it can wreck a person, any war vet can tell you that.

Physical Assault can lead into paranoia and agoraphobia being beaten is far worse than most people think

Based (((they))) poster

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I wonder what rape feels like sometimes. Would I be able to defend myself? Would I be clever enough to get away? Would I cry or beg or just stare blankly? I dont exactly want to find out but sometimes I wonder. I wonder if I would be too embarrassed to tell anyone or if I would go straight to the police. I wonder if I would get murdered at the end. I wonder if I would beg for my life. I wonder if being strangled or stabbed is worse. What wouldi think about before I died? Would I think about the people I love or would I only be thinking i dont want to die like this?

I wish I didnt think about this stuff so often.

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Spoted the roastie


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