Let’s discuss the absolute state of Jow Forums right now

Let’s discuss the absolute state of Jow Forums right now.

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The board culture gets worse every year. I’ve been here since it was health and fitness.This place is r9k lite now, I can barely browse without cringing

have sex


We're all gonna have sex.

2019 memes

2018 memes

like do I even have to say anything lmao? Post quality has gone to shit.

Go back to where you came from, newfaggot.

Are you unironically retarded?

To be honest, the quality of the board used to be a lot fucking worse. 2015-16 breathed some new life in to this place. I get what you mean, I see the same jokes, same images, same GIFs and webms reposted every fucking day. The 'Jow Forums humor' threads are the absolute worst, every thread is just a carbon-copy of the last with the same tired posts. I also hate seeing vegan-bait threads, NoFap threads, thinly-veiled Jow Forums threads, anime threads, newfags asking the most obvious questions threads, routine-begging threads, etc. It gets tedious seeing the same shit over and over.

>tfw no gf
I really don’t understand how so many people on this site can be so naive. Dissecting female nature has been a huge topic for the past couple years, you’d think that Jow Forums of all places would know better.

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This board is turning into incel hangout land.

It used to be great - you could actually get fitness advice from people who would actually post bodies w/time stamps AND post vids of them lifting huge amounts. Also, you could post text convos and get advice on how to response to chicks to get pussy.

Then there was this really gay "that feel when" phase that lasted for awhile. However annoying it was, occasionally you would sympathize with user, so it wasn't too bad.

Then Trump started running and the board was awesome for a bit because a lot of angry beta losers spent all their time on Jow Forums. Then the Trump train came to a halt and ALL OF THEM FUCKING CAME BACK AT ONCE. Nigger this and "I lift for Hitler" that topics everyday. It's all so tiresome. However, they also drop red pills so it wasn't so bad.

And now... it's fucking ... it's like all of r9k started lifting so now they all come here. That or all the zoomers can't get laid anymore because our culture has turned to such shit. Either way, you can't post one bench press help thread without hearing about how "all women are stupid whores" and how "I've never even held a hand before and now i'm 25" God damn. It's bad.

And now it's become 4channel and the mods are ban heavy as well.

nice blog you raging faggot

>That or all the zoomers can't get laid anymore because our culture has turned to such shit.

Its this one

It used to be about fitness and "we're all going to make it." Then roiders showed up and grew a stronger presence. Then the incels showed up. And now it looks like we're surrounded by roiding incels. It's an interesting twist.

2017 memes

You sound like a prancing la-la homoboy, fag.

There is a massive amount of american incels right now. Literally every 3rd young American man is incel. Explains the increase of incel posts in recent years

>That or all the zoomers can't get laid anymore because our culture has turned to such shit.
The board hasn't turned into incel hangout land. Society at large has.

The real question is, what are we gonna do about it? Absolutely fucking nothing? Sounds about right.

There is literally a thread for fat acceptance now aka /fat/

Old Jow Forums would have destroyed that shit

Mogg threads? Basically cuck porn. What is the point of them?

Remember we used to talk about health and fitness?

There’s two sides to that, its not just that there’s a lot of shitty posts, there’s also a lack of good posts. The incel thing is really annoying though, constant blackpill this, can’t make it that blabla, people that don’t lift or train should just fuck right off of the board. People also can’t shut up about politics for a second.
Reporting off-topic threads and comments (and the jannies actually deleting them in a timely manner) + more positive, on-topic comments and threads are definitely needed

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Aren’t /fat/ threads about losing weight? Seems pretty Jow Forums related to me. Agree on the mogg threads though, its mostly incel / lookism shit rather than anything humorous

>It used to be great - you could actually get fitness advice from people who would actually post bodies w/time stamps AND post vids of them lifting huge amounts.

You MIGHT have a shot at that in /plg/. No one else in this shitpit lifts.

2016 memes

Also One Punch Man workout threads need to stop. It is a cartoon.

>knowing which year each meme debuted

I seriously hope you guys don't do this.

2015 memes

How can you shitpost when Zyzz is dead?

>NOOOOOOOO glooooomfff

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Meme dieters should be executed on sight when they leave containment threads t b h

>It's another "wojak/Pepe poster makes a nofap/retarded thread
Real tired of this shithole.The boards that shame shit threads aren't like this

I have never said this unironically before but please have sex

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not great, but its better or, at worst, as bad as most of the other popular boards. nowhere near the downward spiral to hell /v/ and /tv/ are stuck on

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I can't read that but I hope that's Marvin's Room

>Caring about the year memes came out.
Shiggy diggy.

I dont like that mods constatly remove my "im building a team" threads

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I think rich piana dying has something to do with the board changing.

I mean think about how many threads were about his videos. Nothing has filled his void, so the board degenerates. Watching Rich's videos were my post-workout pretty much.

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Jeez, how interesting, just around the time we started having that shitty qtddtot, board quality has gone steadily down.
Maybe if we didn't cram all Jow Forums related threads into one barely readable thread the board would improve.

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Would you say your jim jams are rustled?

fucking nostalgia faggots. it was retards 7y ago and it is retards now.

>all the people replying getting butthurt with no actual criticism cos they know its true

I don't know but now Jow Forums is barely browsable.
I don't really know why but I always feel dissapointed when finishing a thread, I learn nothing and it's all shit.

This place is just r9k with a pump
We got fucking waifu threads, defeatist shit, feels threads and straight up tfwnogf
I fucking hate it

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the pearls in a sea of shit wasn't a meme back then, now it's just have sex

apply to be a janny

i lifted once, it was horrible

shitposting and baiting incels is more rewarding

You are all part of the problem. Your shit contributions were not witty, truth-filled, or funny. You owned no one. Why even post other than to get some peice of ... false pride behind having "the last word?" I don't get it.

Anyway, you suck. Have sex. Kys. Cringe. Etc.

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>Being a hot pocket.
>For free.
>For a miscellaneous board.

It was a mistake coming here all those years ago

(You)’s are like heroine.

friendly reminder that no part of Jow Forums has ever been good

Dude quit it

/vp/ has always been solid. The porn boards have been consistent too.

Didn't read, just do SS+GOMAD.

Jow Forums during the pre-election 2016 a few months before the "alt-right" became a thing was awesome. Even at the very start of the alt-right wave it was great... we actually organized shit together. We almost made Shia LaBeaf kill himself (serious). WE LITERALLY FOUND A FUCKING MUSLIM TERRORIST HIDDEN BASE AND GOT THE MILITARY TO BOMB THE SHIT OUT OF IT. And we got someone to shout PEPE at Hilary Clinton during one of her speeches.

There was so much more than that, but that's all over now.

t. been here all summer

when is the cutoff then ? 2016? three years ago you couldnt open a board be it fit pol mu name it without being bombarded by pic related i quit back then came back 3mo ago. and i know for a fact 5/6 years ago people where also obsessing over insertions/balding/meme diets back then it was just jerking off rich piano and zyzz just like they are obsessing over jeff/grizzly/bugenhagen.

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There used to be 5 daily >tfw no gf threads on here back in 2012, it has always been shit

/sp/ during the London Olympics was the highlight of this site.

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>implying you can flim-flam the zim-zam

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it's only like Jow Forums now because all the boards are turning into the same thing. Jow Forums didn't use to be full of different threads about certain female body types and now it is pretty much a porn board, but on top of having your thick/thin/asian/trans categories you're supposed to write something mean with each porn pic you post.

why are there no more fedora threads?

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OP here, for the past 2 months every thread has just been braphogs, NoFap or Ketosis, both of which are all infested with Jamie Lewis’s Shit Blog Spam.
I agree, it seems now every 3 days there is a “what’s the point of lifting?” thread on the fucking fitness board, and the m odš have no problem leaving those up

salty redditors

Yup, this is pretty much Jow Forums‘s equivalent of “is ‘X’ effay?” Threads

So funny, much original, very valuable comment.

Post body.

No need to. This website is not for improvment but just disgracing others. Think more like a public toilet. People come to relase the inner stress in order to relax. Not for constructive actions.

Nah bruh /sp/s golden age was 2010-2011. FIFA World Cup in South Africa and Lebron assembling a mega team only to lose to Dirk Nowitski and a bunch of nobodies

I agree with your point. What is the point of lifting threads and any various flavors of it should be an immediate 30 day ban with repeat offenders getting perma'd. Literally nothing constructive comes out of those threads and most of the time they are thinly vieled Jow Forumsshit or Jow Forumsshit

Sometimes good threads get deleted and sometimes offtopic threads stays up until it ends on last page. So all in all, its hit or miss.
Atleast it's not /tv/ where cuck/interracial threads stay up forever.

t. kekistani faggot.

actually the answer to pretty much every problem. redditors ruined their own shithole and now they flock here.

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This place is reddit 2.0 now
No fun allowed anymore.


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Lmao shut up blog posting redditor faggot

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Fph has gone from shitting on fat people to shitting on each other with no contribution towards shitting on fat people

Idk I've been on fit for almost 10 years, I like fit more today.

I don't want to see people lift or yell about their atg squatz. I just want to talk to some fit bros about shit.

Yeah some shit has changed, but I don't think it's necessarily for the worst. Old fit had all sorts of stupid shit, like cancerous

>Something something
ISHYGDDT I shiggity diggity constanza jpg

Or the constant
>Does something

And then some tfw, a zyzz thread, something about Scooby, some dumb Skelly thread. Old fit was full of shit too, you're just being nostalgic

>He can't lift to christmas music


Have snacks

>fat acceptance now aka /fat/
Shows how much you know

Jesus Christ get a load of this faggot

That manga was heavy shit

haha mudkipz longcat is long over 9000!!

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did people forget 'get laid' was already a thing?

I can't believe I keep coming back here

As new posters come in, as it will always be this way, the perceived quality of any board will seem to drop to those that are currently the old posters.
Tide goes in, tide goes out.
The group of new posters eventually become the old posters. The previous old posters either move on or stay, accepting the new posters or becoming bitter.
This is the way it has always been.

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cringe and have sex

ur absolutely right and everyone else responding is a fag

Jow Forums is one of the best boards on 4channel, with the most freedom to express culture without oppressive janitors.

Yeah I mean, I wish there were less lookism immigrants too, but it's not that bad.

In all seriousness Jow Forums died when zyzz died.

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>a thing
>a thing
>a thing
>a thing


>tfw no gf
Sad and lonely, looking for advice and people to relate with
Dunno but doesn't look like it's been this shit before

have sex is the phrase that sounds more smug and feminine, much less dirty and polite.

more like hysteriacucks calling out all people who shit on women in any way
incels are the fags who claim theyre hopeless and will never make it, etc etc, "me being fat is just my genes bro", those are incels, giving up before even trying. talking shit about women is fine in every way


I kinda agree, but if this board was mainly fitness any health it'd be an incredibly slow board