>Seriously believing that there is no afterlife
>Millions of NDEs reported
Shiggity diggity.
>Seriously believing that there is no afterlife
>Millions of NDEs reported
Shiggity diggity.
Hey, I hope so.
There are also experiences of people seeing Bigfoot and getting abducted by aliens.
If you're gonna take NDEs as reliable evidence you might as well also include every psychedelic trip too. You better start believing in the machine elves then
>being this upset
There there little atheist
Boy you sure adressed that argument well by implying I was upset
There's nothing.
>t. heart stopped twice
As one NDEr who has tried psychedelics explicitly notes:
"At any time in your life, has anything ever reproduced any part of the experience? Yes I was able to re-experience the tunnel experience during meditation, but it wasn't quite the same and I went no further than the tunnel, there was no clear light. I also experienced a life review during meditation. I would like to mention something else that isn't talked about much and that's hallucinogens. Hoping to recreate the experience, I've tried several drugs, including LSD, mushrooms, and ecstasy. These experiences were all wonderful, interesting, intriguing, fascinating, but there is a big difference. Yes, you get to explore other levels of consciousness but there is often a feeling of loss of control and fear that does not occur during an NDE. With the drugs, there is a surreal feeling, but with the NDE it feels more real than this life. With drugs, it's more an experience is happening to you. With the NDE, you're the experience, the experience is of yourself, your consciousness. A good thing about hallucinogens though is that they give people (who haven't had an NDE) a glimpse into altered states of consciousness and an awareness that there is more to us than we've been led to believe."
>caring about the gender of a person in 2019
>As one
Sure sounds like rock solid evidence to me
I think I just became at least sympathetic to feminists. My God in heaven Jesus Christ there are some seriously strange people out there.
>what are brain chemicals
Lol right? btfo "nde" fags
What the fuck is NDE?
Needing dick everyday
>What the fuck is NDE?
Niggorillion Dollar Extreme
seething copetard
> Soul lives for eternity
If this is the cope you need. Majority of people who neatly die have no mystical experience at all. It is for more probable that NDE's are simply an illusion created by the brain under extreme conditions.
A lot of people are soulless goyim cattle and only use their human brain to try and manipulate others, happens a lot on this board. They go into the lake of fire and BURN BURN BURN BABY BURN. SACRIFICE THEM.
>Majority of people who neatly die have no mystical experience at all.
Indeed, only about 10-20% of people who nearly die have an NDE. But, and this is the important point, it is completely random who has one or not, so NDErs are representative of the population as a whole. If 10% of the population are skeptics, then 10% of the NDErs are skeptics.
And skeptics who have NDE come back from them agreeing that they are due to the existence of an afterlife, and not a random hallucination.
We would both react the same way if we were to have an NDE of our own as well.
>seriously believing that the movements of the stars and planets relative to one another have no impact on your personality
>millions of astrological events reported
is he geddit
>it is completely random who has one or not, so NDErs are representative of the population as a whole
[citation needed]
>skeptics who have NDE come back from them agreeing that they are due to the existence of an afterlife
[citation desperately needed]
Of course it is completely randomized who gets the experiences... that indicates it is merely a brain process. We have no way of knowing if they are real or not, all we can do is go with what makes the most sense. It is far more likely that NDEs are simply the product of a dying brain pumping out various chemicals than it is proof of us having an eternal soul.
Just fucking lol @ materialists
Honestly I have nothing to add, not even trying to be a dickhead or anything, nor am I trying to change anyones mind
All i have to say is, just fucking lol @ materialists. Holy shit.
I just do not get how to can be intellectually honest and come to any other conclusion than materialism.
I'll give you a few for both, if you want even more let me know..
>[citation needed]
van Lommel, P., Wees Van, R., Meyers, V., & Elfferich, I. (2001). Near death experience in survivors of cardiac arrest: a prospective study in the Netherlands. Lancet, 358, 2039-2045.
On page 133 here: Holden, J. M., Long, J., & MacLurg, B. J. (2009). Characteristics of western near-death experiencers. In J. M. Holden, B. Greyson, & D. James, (eds.), The handbook of neardeath experiences: Thirty years of investigation (pp. 109-133). Santa Barbara, CA: Praeger/ABC-CLIO.
>[citation desperately needed]
Sutherland, C. (1990). Changes in religious beliefs, attitudes, and practices following near death experiences: An Australian study. Journal of Near-Death Studies, 9, 21-31.
Schwaninger, J., Eisenberg, P. R., Schechtman, K. B., & Weiss, A. N. (2002). A prospective analysis of near-death experiences in cardiac arrest patients. Journal of Near-Death Studies, 20, 215-232.
Here are some illustrative examples:
I think you need to go beyond the mind, whether with meditation or a mind altering substance, and experience what the mystics call, "oneness", and then report back.
You just can't experience literally feeling as if you are the universe and still be a materialist.
I believe thousand year old mystics/spiritualists over modern scientists
I think there is something to machine elves since they are such a universal experience.
DMT could open your mind to a new layer of reality
It often does: youtube.com
You have no rebuttal for lmao
>taking a drug which alters brain chemistry
>this somehow leads to seeing universal truths, not merely tweaked consciousness from taking a drug
You have to understand how silly this is, right?
The machine elves are absolutely not a universal experience. You literally just made that up.
>someone posting citations on Jow Forums
Thank you.
The fact that it is random who gets an NDE or not in and of itself does not prove that NDEs are real.
However, when you count in the fact that every kind of person - intelligent, educated, or skeptical - still gets convinced by their NDE, then that means that you have no reason to think that you would not be convinced by the experience as well.
>It is far more likely that NDEs are simply the product of a dying brain pumping out various chemicals than it is proof of us having an eternal soul.
Disregarding the fact that this is merely a reflection of your ideology, if what you said was true then the experience itself would not convince the skeptics. But it does.