Do femanons fiind us creepy, funny, or creepily funny?

do femanons fiind us creepy, funny, or creepily funny?

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femanons like chad

whoa that changes everything bro

Just thought I'd red pill you a bit you're welcome

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you all come across like a bunch of unmotivated narcissists who put pussy up on the worlds biggest, saltiest pedestal.

>hates us
>still comes here

I didn't say I don't like it! It's great!

Femanons ride the worlds greasiest dong carousel

'Femanons' and 'us' are rather large groups. I daresay there are a number of different opinions.

i hate you but your right.

That's exactly what a femanon would say

the hivemind must not be compromised, brother. stay vigilant.

i find a number of you to be bland like a wall
a lot of you like to argue not converse, and you arent willing to learn from or listen to another point of view

ive yet to find a robot who is genuinely funny, someone who can create their own sense of humour that isnt copy pasted from r9k

I feel sad when I come here. So many lonely people. So many sad people. You are funny a lot of the time though.

Probably all three. Like said, those are some broad terms. Personally, I find the people who browse r9k to be interesting and funny but a little off, not necessarily creepy. People who aggressively self-identify as robots and hide behind abrasive language are the ones who raise red flags.

Neither. I find you guys intriguing; I lurk here almost everyday but never post. I like to watch you guys peacefully.

hey i'm totally not like the other robots
lmao are you serious

bitch we arent your entertainment how fucking dare you

i've been on Jow Forums since 2009. i am you.

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will you one day post a compilation of your findings and observations?

Notice how all the femanons reply with the same comments
>you are intriguing but weird
>you're boring
>it's not me it's YOU
remains just say those 3 words
You're not chad

Here's my findings; I've painstakingly spent the last 5 minutes agonizing over Jow Forums lore and I think I've disco-

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Whenever I sit near a woman in public, I catch her glimpsing up occasionally with fear and disgust in her eyes.

yeah no one could really argue with that
yeah more so than other places online but I still think narcissists are the minority on Jow Forums. Most of the people I see here seem genuine and emotionally troubled.
>who put pussy up on the worlds biggest, saltiest pedestal.
Now I resent that remark. Are you a virgin? Are you even a (male)? I just feel like you don't understand how natural, common and overpowering such an urge is. Wanting pussy but not being able to get it is very frustrating. The big and salty pedestal is earned, not given.

but women love narcissistic chads

please don't false flag my replies my friend

If this is true , i am nothing near narcissistic

Literally was taking a nap with a "fembot" some minutes ago, was comfy

how about you share your fembot for naptimes

>>He didn't get offended til she brought up pussy

You know it's not all that great right? It's a hot greasy tunnel you slide your prick into. What you guys should be yearning for is fulfilling emotional bonds. Had me one of those for 10 years come May and I've gotta tell ya it'spretty great. It's not peaches and pussy all day every day, of course. But I cannot fathom how I could ever cope being alone again.

Share how? I'm not a cuck user are you? You can watch us sleeping together, only 10$/per hour, think about it, maybe you can touch your wheenie

makes no sense narcissistic are very good at getting women because they love themselves too much.

what the fuck bitch you stole my anonymous identity. this fucker isn't I AM.