Several years ago

>several years ago
>Dad dies, leaves me $100k in a trust fund
>mother steals it all (using some legal loophole) and spends it on plastic surgery and animals
>ask accountant to calculate the amount of money I would have made from interest
>realize this money would have helped me take care of various dental and medical problems
>also remember that an 8/10 girl who moved away 3 years ago used to text me constantly >made flirty comments and said we should "hang out" if I was ever in her state
>couldn't meet up with her because no money
>missed opportunities combined with constant physical pain result in seething hatred for my mom
>told by other relatives that I shouldn't hate anyone, especially not family
>"Some things are more important than money"

So what do you think? Would you be filled with hate if you were in this position? Or would you just forgive the theft and move on?

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Fuck it up how?

Stop talking to your thieving mom

>$30,000 in interest from $100k
This doesn't add up.

Hahahaha Btfo'd by roastie ahahahahahahaha RGTOW

Trust fund would have been $300 a month. It was supposed to be set up in 2009 or 2010.
I haven't talked to her in months.

is your mother a brunette who keeps a few expensive dog breeds? i fucked a plastic milf like this a few weeks back and i would love for it to be your mom. if so, i will contact her again and degrade her as much as i can. ill ask her to call me your name if you tell me what it is

Bleached blonde with a bunch of shelter mutts.

ah shame, i was getting pretty horny thinking about the possibilities

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I cant even imagine the fucking rage I would feel

why havent you killed her yet?Im curious I would have crushed her head beneath my foot if I were you

Beat her with a shoe for allah

poison her dogs famalam

I don't like the idea of hurting animals simply because their owners are scum.

Oh well you're even with everyone else now. That's an impressive inheritance for this day and age. Well anything but debt is.

You are right to hate her. She is loathesome.

>leave you 100k
>mom spends it
you realize that's not legal right? you can sue her and you would surely win?

Your relatives are full of shit and are on her side. I'd sue your mom if she has any money. If she doesn't have that kind of money, no point in suing.

>you realize that's not legal right? you can sue her and you would surely win?

>mother steals it all (using some legal loophole)

Let me clarify: Dad didn't know much about legal documents, and he neglected to name me as a beneficiary. The will itself does mention that the money is supposed to go to me, but his lawyer said that's irrelevant. Money instead goes to his widow, and her rationale for taking it all is "The lawyer didn't say I had to set up anything." Could I sue her? Maybe. But with what money?

Kill her, if you are like the others here and see no future for yourself just murder/suicide

If you're still here I have some experience in family betrayal, your mom is a dumb cunt though, just like mine. My family has literally killed me, through selfish and ignorant actions that mean I will die in

>tfw your mom cares more about dogs than you

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Have you spoken about it with her at all? How'd that conversation go?
"Sorry sweetie, your medical issues will have to be put on hold because I don't like the way my nose looks."

>But with what money?
if you did have any grounds that might not matter. like if you were expected to make a bunch of money they would just take a cut of it and do the case pro bono

>I don't hate my mom, but the question is, do you hate yours?

Basically. Though I realize she'll probably die in a home surrounded by nobody except for dogs and cats who are constantly shitting/pissing on everything. So that's rather comforting.

Find a lawyer to take it on contingency--he only gets paid if you win/settle the case. Not an hourly fee.

If you really want to get back at your mom, have kids and tell her she will never be in their lives. That will fuck her up worse than anything else you could do to her.

>my dad was a cunt and I ended up in care
>had been awaiting his death for years
>few months ago I Google him to see if he's dead yet
>died 3 years ago
>was not informed as he said no next of kin
>had premium bonds I wonder how much he had
>the time to claim anything is a year


>Have you spoken about it with her at all? How'd that conversation go?

So flies into a rage if I ever bring it up.

There are literally no lawyers around here willing to work pro bono or on a contingency fee. Early on, I asked a few friends who had attorneys in their families. A case like this will cost anywhere from $3000-$5000, and even if I win it's highly unlikely I'll get anything back. It's gone entirely and she already has debt up the ass. Her financial support comes from some sucker she married less than a year after Dad died.

>>Dad dies, leaves me $100k in a trust fund
>>mother steals it all (using some legal loophole) and spends it on plastic surgery and animals

That cunt deserves all the hate that can be put upon her.

This is actually solid advice user. Only problem is I can barely afford to take care of myself let alone a child.

I suggest serious introspection into your relationship with your mother. As a man (male) you are able to often logically figure things out, even of your emotions are high. It often comes in the form of feeling thoughts faintly in the back talking to you suggesting there are other viewpoints to bring to the front. Help yourself and your mother by this thought exercise; think of all the good your mother has done beforehand, scrutinize her philosophy and ideologies, personal morals, and her chaRacter, and ask yourself if she's worse or better than other moms. It could help, hope you'll be okay.

>ask yourself if she's worse or better than other moms.

other moms in general? I'd say worse.

Well good luck with that lol.

>plastic surgery and animals

What do you mean animals, OP? Also your mother is a cunt and even though you might be a worthless NEET she could have at least left you the money needed for those dental and medical problems (+ a little extra for pocket money).

You should just try to steal some money from her or sell her shit to let her know that you are not to be fucked with.

>What do you mean animals, OP?

Bought a shitload of dogs from a shelter. Also has cats, reptiles, and exotic birds. Her home is repulsive, as you can probably imagine.

>spending so much cash on animals and shit for animals

Holy shit the absolute state of boomer women. OP I am sorry for you. That must be hard having such a mother. I can imagine the horrible smell of that house or flat where she lives....Godspeed OP.

Kill your mother, sell her organs.

Kill her. She is a thieving whore.

Get a lawyer nigga

Kill ur mom user

Make her eat her dogs

This is actually doable, Tenorman style
>steal one of her dogs
>kill it
>grind up its meat
>cook into chili
>mom grows more vulnerable, sad about her missing dog
>visit her and apologize for being distant
>whip out dog chili for dinner
>"Mom, I love and forgive you, the past is over, oh and before I head out, YOU'RE EATING ROVER."

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I would be filled with hate, because I have that problem. I know the right thing to do, but I don't do it.

Based and cartman-pilled

>never speak to her before you leave or after you've left
>get a great job, grind the fuck out of the ladder, get to the top and get rich as fuck
>come back
>give her none