Hey dude can I borrow your pocket pussy?

Hey dude can I borrow your pocket pussy?

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How the fuck do you get to this point? I sometimes go for several weeks without showering (at winters, mostly, since I don't sweat unless it's hot) and I never had any visible specks of dick cheese. I'm uncut.

Cheese cultivation isn't easy

>tfw no dad so you never learnt about cleaning your junk properly
>dick is covered in cheese
>thought you had some kind of infection
>cant tell mom because she'll get mad

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Yeah bro no problem I looked it up online and the mold growing inside it is fine just a few UTI's but nothing serious.

I had to learn for myself as well. The first time I pulled back my foreskin it was by accident and I freaked out and thought I broke my dick. It wasn't until I started watching porn that i realized not everyone had foreskin.

It should never get like that even if u almost never pull it down while washing, fucking underage low iq kids on this site lately

even with a normal uncrusty dick who the fuck would share a pocket pussy

I'm circumcised so I genuinely don't know how it gets to this point, it's fucking weird

>americans unironically need someone to teach them how to direct a stream of water at their penis until it's clean
No wonder Jordan Peterson is so popular

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>what Americans think an uncircumcised penis looks like after 10 minutes

>Hey dude can I borrow your pocket pussy?
imagine asking your friend if you could borrow their sex toys how not only is that gay as fuck but thats actually disgusting

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i was at a birthdayparty from a chad friend.
some poorfag gave him a penispump, didn't even botherd to wrap it up. Best thing is, it was open and it looked used

not too smart are you friend

I watched an uncensored JAV where the girl pulled the guys foreskin down and he had half a pound of cheese, she gagged immediately and the guy forced her to blow him, good shit.

damn, pass the sauce amigo

Wank off whenever you have a nice thick load and let it ripen under the foreskin. You'll get there, user. Cheesemaking is not as hard as you think.

In like.. four minutes, I'm almost done

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What are you talking about dumbo, cum gets dry really fast

I didn't notice how quickly it dried until starting a cum diary last month

What? Your mother never taught you? Fucking American puritans think it's perverted to teach your kids hygiene. Ridiculous. Can you not clean it now? I've never had this. Is it hardened like calcium? Can you not just scrub it off?

You probably don't share.your toothbrush either you fucking hog

>tfw infant circumcised
>tfw you will never know the devilish feeling of not washing your dick and then sneakily grabbing some of your dick cheese and then rubbing it on someone you don't like

You leave it there, dumbo. It's a great substrate for bacteria, a homemade sunbstitute for agar.

I've seen that one as well. On Efukt I think

I wish I had a foreskin I dont want to live this mutilated foreverpainful hell