>just found out the VA for meowth is trans
>tranfags ruin another thing I enjoy
Guess this is a trans hate thread
Just found out the VA for meowth is trans
It's a shitty fad. It's in nobody's interest that it's perpetuated and we must wind it down by blocking "gender ideology" from schools.
I wish the best of luck to TERFs everywhere, I think real, biological feminists are the only ones capable of cleansing this plague from our society.
Is pic related true? And if yes do you guys have more information?
>tfw no eu4 tranner friend to pretend to be swayed by only to have a gsg buddy to play with
actual tranny here
come get your questions answered
It's know that most trans off themselves by the time they hit 30
When are you killing yourself
its gonna take a while. im feeling better than ever since transitioning. no longer constantly suicidal
>I really liked someone until I found out they were trans incidentally
That's really low user
It "happened", but it's all a hoax.
beyond savage. how will trannies ever recover?
t. Butthurt trannyfag
I'm not trans but my daughter is. Can't someone disagree with you?
Disagree with what senpai
How's it feel to have failed as a parent?
tranny here. bless you for being a great parent.
best wishes to you and her
Either of you used arguments
Also forgot to ask how does it feel to know your """'''"daughter"""""" will off """""""her"""""""self at 30 and be filled to brim with STDs
this isnt facebook idiots
people like that don't actually post here
you're delusional if anyone cant see through your lame attempts at discord shilling
kbc made it all up
reiko is just some weeb that plays fortnite
Considering she was trans when we adopted her? And how she's happier than she's been in years? Pretty good
Thanks hun~ I promise to raise her to the best person she can be
Hey my retirement plan is a shotgun so I don't blame her
Fuck that I'm too lazy to samefag on this lame thread.
I thought she was intersex
youre an idiot. we are the same person
and im not okay with the discord bs
im sure, and if shes anything like me, she'll try to get the most out of the potential she has
>trannies think they have potential
we have a tranny thread going on at /tv/ if you want to join
Wow, reiko and his goons are working overtime
Havent had a good wank in awhile, eh buddy?
im doing pretty well, got a few lesbians interested so thats pretty good id say
well i offered to answer your questions, im not here to shill
What the fuck is a Reiko, I dwell on v and x most of the time. I only pop in to see if people need maternal advice in mommy threads.
I identify as trans-ku kluz klan I love hanging niggers and burning crosses and my pronouns are grand wizard, grand cyclops and nighthawk
if you didn't know the VA was trans from watching the show how would it ruin it for you? you're just a dick and I don't even like the lgbtqwerty stupidity that's happening today. this was 20 years ago.
t. got a pokemon manga signed by them by my brother. was very cool thanks bro
I've looked into it too and it's all dead ends. Go ahead and waste your time if you want to.
You mean your gay fuck buddies?
It's a weeb that have a fetish for trannies, so he tries to make everyone on Jow Forums cut their dicks
so we can talk about
>trans people in tv and movies
>not enough trans people in tv and movies
>not enough child porn in tv and movies
>maybe the wachowski bros at the very height of the conversation
>terfs, roasties and hons ruining your image
>what kind of diapers to buy
no thx
no actual girls with a womb and overies
we hate trannies bro
ok but I still don't wanna talk about how heterosexual you are, either
tranny hate threads are based and comfy.
you know what's more comfy? not talking about your sexual preferences
Seriously doubt that, why would biological women want to fuck a mentally ill man like you
I agree. We just talk about how we hate trannies
im a decent person who look enough like a woman for them to be intrested. and no, i dont tell them right off the bat only after talking for a bit, so they get to know me as the woman i am
Classic misdirection
Taken str8 from Shillarys playbook
that's insisting upon a sexual preference or exclusion. both boring fucking conversations to have since I don't need you to convince me you're straight, since I don't want you as a friend or partner. that's why we are discussing this here.
Oh that's not what we discuss. We discuss how we hate trannies and that they're mentally ill. You're the only one who's brought up sexual preference here. If you don't hate trannies you don't have to join.
>actually thinks he looks like a women
Mentally ill and delusion we hit a new record fellas
I'm explaining why i'm not joining, because I'd have to be equally mentally ill to do so
All I've seen is that you are obsessed with proving to me that you're straight. If you hate trannies join. If you don't then don't.
>be you
>see a balding 50 year old man in target clothes on the internet claiking to be woman
>freak out and make a whole thread about how they encroach on your masculine traditional lifestyle
>call yourself straight and normal
cool fuckin story
Why are you obsessed with sexual orientation? We are just having fun hating on trannies.
why are you obsessed with hating trannies?
I don't particularly have a serious problem with trannies, most of the issues are pretty shallow.
>They're annoying
>Typically act like normalfags on normalroids
>Have to watch what I say around them because snowflake
>Fear of getting trapped by a trap
>Rapey, impulsive air to them
>Exposure to kids
If they could tone it down with their sensitivity levels and wore badges or something, I wouldn't have any problem.
I join in because it's funny. The pictures and the stories people post make me burst out laughing.
I hate them, I know I hate them, I don't need to convince myself on an chinese glass blowing imageboard that what they like to do is fucked up because I know it already so I have mental energy to invest in threads that aren't reactionary echo chambers and if the threads were so good, you wouldn't have to advertise them.
I just saw this tranny hate thread and thought others would like a more active thread. The pics are funny. Calm down, totally straight man.
I know who you are and you are gonna have to repeat the 6th grade if you dont go to school
user, you're a literal tranny obsessed retard if you're bothered by the fact that the VA is a tranny. It doesnt affect the final product, the character isnt magically changed. It does not affect anything about the character at all, you're just looking for something to be angry about and it seems you especially like to bully a literal 0.3% minority with a high suicide rate for (especially with this thread) no fucking reason, you're a stupid delusional faggot and i hope one day you'll find yourself with a noose around your head because your irrational anger and stupid faggot chickeny dickskin does not deserve the right to have any sort of voice. Cut off your tounge. ^~~^
>disrespecting maddie
there's a special tenth circle of hell reserved just for you
Tldr, fell asleep when you said literal
Who the fuck is Maddie and why should I care
sociopathy is a serious illness, user. get help
Being trans is also an illness :)
epic comeback argument. We're dealing with the real deal here m.dude, cannot fucking find a counter argument so he picks an overused word that he does not like in my reply like a TOTAL GENIUS fucking argument master, holy shit dude you're so fucking smart damn this is so fucking epic i cannot believe i got FUCKING CRUSHED by a fucking master of discussion such as you, i will lay down in the middle of the street and wait as a car will ride and crush my stupid tranny bones untill im nothing but a stupid mass of flesh that in 4727354 D.year will be considered to be male due to how fucking much of a mess my stupid body and mind is ignoring stupid biological realities surely does hurt me! I will proceed to cut my flesh now deeply and softly. Love ^~~^
there's that feminine charm, lol
gender dysphoria is a mental ilness, transvestitism isn't. Try again smarty-fag
based af. fuck trannies
Trannyfag seething at the keyboard stopped reading at the word epic, if I wanted to read shitty irrelevant post like this would go to Reddit
yep! totally! because when you meet a transgender person they're expected to be a 1/1 copy of the 1955s 'Good House Wife Guide'! Another epic argument m'dude. Surely argueing on the internet is expected to be 100% class and 0% actually discussing and trying to prove a point, oh and don't forget the petty insults and bullying! With all that considered, im glad that my boyfriend loves me and i am a good happy house wife! ^~~^
I honestly just hate people with genders. if you think I am talking about you I probably am
>Being a dirty tranny isn't a mental illness
Nice bait I keked
>transgender person
stopped here. you mean tranny.
if you think i used the word 'epic' without intent of parodying the stupid cunt whose replying to me you might not have the mental capibility to actually discuss anything, at all. Frankly if you think any of my comments right now have sincerity and no sarcasm in them you're just a stupid dumbfuck ^~~^
>when you meet a transgender person they're expected to be a 1/1 copy of the 1955s 'Good House Wife Guide'!
well why else would you take surgery and titty pills so you can dress up like a stepford wife for some chaser beta or bull dyke? shit man what do you want out of life lmao
i don't mind that. I said 'tranny' few times in my comments on this thread but i like to actually try to use a varied vocabulary so reading my replies isn't just the same thing over, over and over and over and over and over and over again if you catch my drift dear robot ^~~^
That's why I said nice bait nigger
they're tranny freaks though, not "transgender"
all i want from life is being happy and feel fullfiled with my art. I don't really care about relationships but i love my boyfriend a lot.
reminder that this is all trannies that use Jow Forums are
but also you wanna wear pretty panties for your big strong man while doing all that stuff. interesting as fuck and not contrived or fetishistic at all, let's meet up at the rest stop
epic bait fella. Fuck off. You're a stupid brainless, meaningless possible dickhole for some negro in prison so please get there as fast as possible! ^~~^
>that tranny freak cope
this is how everyone thinks of you. i thought you knew that? you're all always complaining that society doesn't accept you. it's true, we all think you're freaks.
'we all' if you think Jow Forums and some 80 yo rich conservs are the society then sure. With lucky actually have not met many people who saw me as a freak and even if they see me as that so be it. I care more about my art and creation than about what people think of me, frankly id be happy to one day gain enough attention to just piss people off for fun and make everyone hate me. If they also find me disgusting its just a bonus point! ^~~^
No I mean regular people. I work with a 35 year old woman for example. One of her friends told her he's trans. She described it as pure disgust and she cut him out of her life. This is a normal reaction to tranny freaks.
no artist has a whole folder for avatarfag pictures, fuck off you cookie cutter discord hot topic employee
why did someone put so much detail into making this picture, its not even grotesque/parodying its actually cute and comfy imho ^~~^!
>I am a faggot
OP, we all have known this for a while. Just because you want to blow Meowths girly cock doesnt mean we all have to know
The yuru yuri poster hahah
wow! what an amazing argument you gave me an amazing F U C K I N G _o n e_ example from your life! how epic! this surely is the ULTIMATE proof ! of the worldwide view on me! surely its not like i even care about the worldwide view, its not like i wanna be left in peace and live a life i wanna live comfily without anyone bothering me! its almost like i dont give half a fuck about what some random stupid 35yo stupid fathag thinks! Its almost like i dont even care what 90% of the populus thinks because i actually only care about people i like and people i wanna spend time with! what a fucking epic discovery! im literally shaking right now!
I don't get why what this person you will never meet did is important to you?
someone in this thread finally made an outbreaking observation of how hypocritical, stupid an irrational OP is! ^~~^
Your boy Ben didn't read the research paper you guys quote from.
I understand that it's unwise to separate the art from the artist, but for something innocuous like a Pokemon character I think it's pointless to care. That would be like boycotting the Simpsons because Bart's VA is a retarded Scientologist. Better reason would be to boycott becasue it's hot garbage, not because someone that voices a cartoon character is a freak IRL. It's not like they have any true influence. I've heard of one of the Steven Universe voice actors identifies as "non-binary", everybody made a big stink about it, meanwhile it has 0 bearing on fucking anything. Tell me the relevance? I get boycotting a comedian/actor after you find out fucked shit about them like Kevin Spacy but with shit like Meowth's VA that's just being ridiculous
>one of the Steven Universe voice actors identifies as "non-binary", everybody made a big stink about it
how the fuck were they even surprised? the show is made by genqerqueerkin and panders exclusively to queer children and people are worried about the actors who participate in its creation and what they do in their free time outside of being VA on a queer kids show. lmfao
whats the VA?
Wait its okay. Voice Actor I figured it out. I'm slightly less retarded than I imagined now.
maddie blaustein
Here's a little piece of wisdom for you:
Trans people are autistic.
Anti-trans people are ten times more autistic.
It's incredible that people haven't figured this shit out yet. Why would you care about something as inane as gender? It's stupid.
How do I help a repressing friend get the courage to transition? She's worried about side effects, and the possibility that the pills will only make her look halfway like a woman.
>She's worried about side effects, and the possibility that the pills will only make her look halfway like a woman.
so you want us to help you lie?
What about my post is "anti-trans"? Didn't I literally say that despite trannies being mentally ill freaks preying on vulnerable children by "treating" them with mutilation instead of therapy.... it doesn't matter if one of them is a voice actor for a Pokemon, doesn't impact shit.
Also, the whole transtrender movement has done so much damage in the way people view gender. I thought it was fluid, tomboys and metrosexuals can exist, but suddenly patriarchal gender roles = male/female to trannies. It's mental