Monstergirl Matchmaking Service

Welcome, welcome, thank you for your attendance potential candidates,
As you know, the governments of the Human world have collectively agreed to the integration of our population from our dying world to this one. In the interest of future peace and prosperity the Monstergirl Matchmaking Service (MMS) has been created to facilitate the integration of our various monstergirl species to an acceptable partner to care for them as the come to understand the culture and customs of this new world.
It has been decided that all single males of whom we deem acceptable are to house 1 (one) monstergirl for the duration of the contract. Living expenses will be partly compensated by the government.

You (the candidate) are to write down 3 (three) qualities you want in your monstergirl partner and we will present the file of a monstergirl whom may matches these qualities.

Once you have been deemed a acceptable paring and the magical contract fulfilled you may return home. In a weeks time your chosen monstergirl will be will be dropped off out at your residence.

So, let's start.
>What 3 qualities do you want in a girl?

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We have a large selection of potential monstergirl partners on file

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Understand that you are not permitted to leave until a contract is fulfilled

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>>What 3 qualities do you want in a girl?

>older gf not loli

Loyalty, honesty and good at cooking.

Sexually submissive but independent at all other times

>has humor

>smarter than me
>romantic af

Straight to the point

Also, interesting thread for once OP thanks

>Trust in me
>Has a well paying job so I can be a household neetslave full time

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that sounds like my pet cat but okay.. good luck user


We have a potential match
She is an Anubis girl from the desert regions of our world. Cut off from other nations, over millennias the empire she hails from has developed customs dedicated to the pantheon Gods. Ritual sacrifice to appease them in times of strife is common, and her being the daughter of a Royal means that the duty often falls on her to sacrifice peasants of the Kingdom. She is vindictive and cruel but shows a loyalty to her family at all times. In her culture the man in a relation ship is always the superior one and it is expected that the females will serve there every need without disobedience.

She is currently interested in the integration to the human world so she has signed up. We expect the candidate (you) if you choose her as your housemate/partner to present yourself in a respectable manner around her.

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That's all I want

Its the homely description isnt it.
Your cat sounds like a nice cat, pet it.

We have a potential match
She is a Kitsune girl (foxgirl) from the far eastern regions of the monster world
From a small fishing village that has been around for hundreds of years, she longs for a change in her unexciting life which lead her to sign up for the MMS. She was employed in her family's sushi shop as a assistant chef and has many homely skills, though truthfully, she doesn't enjoy cooking as it is a bore to her.

We hope that the candidate (you) will be able to show her the various cultures and foods of the human world. Perhaps she might then have a reignited interest in culinary work again?

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>down to earth

thank you based mms

Good teacher
Likes Cuddling

We have a potential match.
She is a foxgirl who has recently applied for the MMS.
She is an older girl (age redacted) with much much experiences in her life. However, she longs for companionship as she often feels very lonely in her world. She is a loving and affectionate girl who hopes that a young human will ignite the spark in her life and make her feel young again. She also find the concept of a foreign world to be fascinating and hopes she can now have new experiences in the human world.

Note: certain information has been redacted in this file.

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Very protective, virtuous and perverted

I know I'm giving you a hard one here.

Apologies, but we can find no matches with these 2 contradictory qualities

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Imagine the scp website but instead of creepy shit, its MMR


We gave a potential match
She is a dragon girl from the mountainous regions of the monstergirl world.
Being a dragon girl, she is very protective of her belongings and treasures which her kind hoards in mass to their secluded mountaintop castles.
Her race, having no (information redacted) considers the male human to be the most precious thing their kind and will do their upmost to server and protect them. They are the highest from of "treasure" to the dragon race being so rare and vital.

We hope that the candidate can accommodate for the dragon girls clingy tendencies should they choose her as a partner

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That's a shame. They don't seem contradictory to me, since you don't need to be able to express emotions to be someone that knows what they want and not be afraid to pursue it.

We have a potential match
She is a young dog girl looking for a caring older figure to be her companion in the MMS.
Being a dog girl, she can be very loyal to her master amusing the bonding between them is successful.

She is a growing girl and we expect the candidate (you) to provide for her as she grows.

Note: Due to her age additional funds will be supplied as stated in the contract

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>likes snuggling
>likes being tied up


Could you please define "handsy" for us, candidate?

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>loves to snuggle
>good sense of humour

it generally means something like "touches others a lot or in socially inappropriate ways to the point that it can be offputting"


>She is a dragon girl from the mountainous regions of the monstergirl world.
She sounds great but how do I get there?


Humans are not permitted to enter their world. The MMS will operate in the human world and intends to house girls in the candidates domicile.

fuck off back there


>likes anime
>hates gays
>decently attractive
Do your worst, OP.

Musically adept
Good hygiene

My bad, I guess I should clean my house up before she arrives.
Does she have any special requirements that would need to be fullfilled in terms of housing?



>really hot, enough to turn my dick into artificial high density diamond
>really cute, as in everything she does has to make me want to cuddle her forever
>has be an interesting monstergirl with an actual personality
Please, based OP, find me someone.

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We have a potential match
While "likes being tied up" is a rare thing in the monstergirl society we may have founds a suitable match
She is a shy dog girl of whom we hope will gain confidence through being part of MMS
She enjoys going out on walks (as many of her race do) however she is quite helpless on her own. Often, she will wear a collar around her neck or wrist. She says it's a reassuring feeling to know that someone she trusts is holding onto the other end when the paring goes out.

We hope that overtime she will come to trust and bond with the candidate (you).

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Loyal, curious, good with kids

>Down to earth attitude
>Doesn't care what people are thinking

Hurry the fuck up stupid ass faggot OP

>goo girl
>goo girl
>goo girl

She most certainly requires a room of her own in the candidates house. Dragon girls tend to be of high standards so it may be that in the future she will pressure you about purchasing furniture for her room. In the event that this happens please submit an appeal to the MMS for additional funding as to make her stay and enjoyable one.

While it may not present a problem. Dragon girls tails (and in some cases wings) may not be compatible with the furniture and appliances of the human world, a dining chair or closed shower for example.

He has to go through the folders give OP time

what is your post?

how gooey?

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I wont say because then you will skip me

moderately gooey.

>whom we deem acceptable
Quick, hide the piss bottles!

We at MMS hope that all candidates get a compatible partner in time.

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We have a potential match

She is a doggirl aged roughly 10 in human years. She is very active and loves being taken out on walks which she calls "walkies". She will become very troublesome if she is not taken out on these walks due to her seemingly endless supply of youthful energy which needs an outlet. She will however refuse to go out alone without a companion beside her as she has gotten lost in the past.
With time we can expect her to become close to her owner/companion provided she is treated right and cared for with love friendship

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Do this one moon cricket

>tfw slipped
I'm sorry op I just want my gf

Outstanding wan! I'll have to prepare the house


>arty (or romantic)

Good taste

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we have a potential match

She is a slime girl of unknown origin.
We estimate that she has absorbed a large amount of rival slimes over her lifetime which has lead her to become a powerful ranking slime of sorts. She was found imitating the walking of bipedal creatures and often assumes their form which is consistent with a slime with moderate intelligence. She has no vocal cords and cannot communicate by voice however we at MMS deems her a non threat and have signed her up for the integration. Slimes have the potential to grow incredibly powerful and it is the hope of MMS that the candidate (you) will help facilitate her growth. Slime are a relatively misunderstood and unknown species of monstergirls thus we hope that human ingenuity can help her development further,

Note: additional funding and weekly checkups will be present to the candidates household as explained in the contract

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>extremely loyal
Gib monster gf pls.

Motherly (unconditonal love)
High libido
Ability to spend eternity together

Actually cancel that last one and replace it with S T R O N G

Oh my~ Mr candidate

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>Somewhat Shy
>Intelligent and Insightful

Really? No subby happy monster girls?

>tfw monster girls aren't real.

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Can the MMS accommodate me?

too much paperwork
please be patient

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We have a potential match

She is a Lamia girl (she insisted that she be refereed to as a lamia "women" and not a "girl") who has signed up to the MMS for integration.
Her race being that of the lamia means that she is quite a handful and may present the candidate (you) with a number of problems. First off being her massive serpent tail will provide problems in the candidates accommodation, the second being their needy personality and views of courtship among their race which are different from that of the human world, and this particular monstergirl applicant's signup which gave indications of ulterior motives.
We have accepted her signup but we warn the candidate (you) to be cautious should you choose her has your partner.

Note: MMS hotline in the case of interspecies emergencies 0800 199 198

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>flustered paperwork OP

>cute feet
>likes short men

>small 4'11-5'3 prefer but anything under 5'6
got anything for me?

>Not a zombie

w-was this trait too hard to find?

please be an orc waifu please be an orc waifu


Yes candidate, we have a potential match for you.
She is in fact a cousin of mine who recently became a vampir- ... I mean is a vampire. She is new to the whole "sucking blood for sustenance" business we as a race have to do so she finds the whole ordeal to be perverted and grotesque. If the candidate (you) are to accept her as a partner we hope that you maintain your health and fitness as you will be eating for 2 and also have the patience to guide her into vampirehood. If the bonding between you is successful it can be expected that your blood will be the only blood compatible with her and the one she will be able to harvest. In vampire customs this can lead to a matching of your requested quality of "extremely loyal"

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>cute feet
>large feminine penis

>has similar interests art,Jow Forums,technology etc....
>not a loli, but someone young like 21 or 18

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>personality: demure with large groups but loud, bouncing, happy and lewd in small ones
>qt loli gf

If you can also make sure she will love me back, i would appreciate it

user if that's what you look for in a girlfriend then that is GAY

>blue/green eyes blonde hair
>wants to secure the existance of our people and a future for white children
>no loli

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Are you interested in Satyrs?

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we have a match

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How much blood does she need? How often? Does she derive any pleasure from feeding?

as her human side is slowly overcome by her va- *cough* excuse me. It's expected that overtime she will start to enjoy feeding more and more to the point it will becoming intoxicating for her. When this point is reached feeding can be sporadic multiple times a day whenever she has an urge to feed off your blood. The amount of blood taken from the human can be a possibly lethal amount if no restraint is employed against the vampire. It is up to the pairing to find out just how much is enough and set a limit on the amount of blood that can be harvested at times.

Amounts of blood harvested can vary from 0.2 liters to 1 full liter over 24 hours.
As for her survival, she does not need a particularly large amount. 0.2 liters is the recommended ammount

Op is my monster girlfriend not available ? ;-(

We guarantee there to be a monstergirl for you. It just may take some time.

Not Picky but I'd prefer

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I really, really really really really really really like this

Do you choose her?

Submissive, female and open for new stuff


What are the bonuses/detriments?

Candidate, you must know she can break your pelvis during intercourse right? Satyrs are not to be underestimated

Nice trips. What if we just do doggy style? I'm not picky, I just want to finger her butt and eat her out.

>eat her out
She wants that too, but I hope you don't mind some hair & sweat!

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