Recently I started starving myself to loose weight, should I stop?

Recently I started starving myself to loose weight, should I stop?

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Depends how fat you are. Do it until you are the weight you want to be.

Oi, if you want attention beceause "you're starving yourself" go on /soc/ and gtfo Jow Forums it's not a board for fucking stacies like you.

if you're fat and trying to lose weight, you should eat at least 1200 calories a day otherwise you'll just waste away a lot of essential muscle
if you're not fat (i.e. BMI

its thing.
you can look it up Jow Forumsfasting too
just make sure you are doing this healthly and not like Eugenia Cooney

Careful with gunjy/mouse, he is into fasting, but i heard he is a meanie that scams people.

good thread. I starved myself when i was a kid but stopped after being 67kg, since then (i was 15 when i did it) i gained it back to 81kg (im 19), im also 175cm. Anons should i go back to starving myself so i can be 67kg or less again? i need motivation to stop being a borderline fatfuck ^~~^


Yeah, it's generally not a good idea. If you have trouble controlling already then that is goimg to completely spiral out of control with frequent, crippling ups and downs. I've been there and it completely takes over your life, you're better off getting a productive hobby.
If you don't have trouble with your appetite now don't you even dare fuck with it. You might think it's fine for the first half a year to a year or so but you're bound to crash and no matter how immune you think you are to it you're gonna get fucked. There's literally no way out of it at that point.
Just go for a steady 500-1000cal daily deficit and the weight should start rolling off steadily.

Its a genuine strategy for obese people. Gym wont help them all that much if they cant get their bodies to carry their own weight without damaging the joints.

I starved myself and stopped after i reached the desired weight. Just because you have no brakes doesnt mean everyone is as weak-willed as you.

Starting weight, how much weight did you lose over what period of time and what do you consider to be starvation?

I just have huge gut and I hate it
Thanks user ill try to eat some more
Thanks, no idea what weight i am, I just stopped fitting into my clothes, im probably like 75 kg and im 5'5"

Keep going. /fast/ing is god tier for weight loss. Visit /fast/ on Jow Forums.

I ate 500 kcal per day, it took a few weeks i lost about 8 kilos from my a bit over 90kg starting weight. Felt better afterwards. Only downside is that it requires neet-like conditions of life for the duration. Literally no energy to do anything.

Oh that's fair enough, if this is OPs plan and they know when to stop then it should be fine. BIG emphasis on knowing when to stop.
I got to bmi 15 from 23 over the course of a year and just couldn't take it anymore after a while.

Im just doing it untill my gut goes away or at least untill it doesn't look visible when im wearing a shirt

instead of starving yourself, why don't you start to eat better food instead of mcdonalds all day?

It's a good way to lose weight but it can be dangerous if you have a job or study. You'll be more irritable and tired. But if you're NEET then yeah go for it.

The thing is if you go by what you look like instead of what you feel like physically you can start seeing fat that isn't there. I thought I had a gut at bmi 15. You should probably choose the lowest weight that you don't wanna go under at which you need to stop losing weight before you get into it if you think you are capable of stopping.

Huh I never knew that

Jerk off until you lose 30 lbs worth of cum.

Also feel I should add don't do it if you get easily addicted or have a tendency to go all out on things that don't require you to. If you have ever had any drinking problems please don't endanger yourself and just go with a slower method.
Starving yourself is ridiculously addicting and so is binging out after starving yourself for a year and losing all semblance of a 'normal' relationship with food.

Ok user thats probably good advice, ill weight myself tmr and take it from there

>starving myself to loose weight

Already inhaled 2400 kcal and it's just noon

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Shouldn't this be on Jow Forums

Losing weight is the easy part. Maintaining it is the real deal and if you dont have healthy eating habits, you'll end up regaining the weight.

Shouldn't you be licking my balls.

No, I've been hospitalised for ligma enough. I'm going clean.

You should force yourself to go jogging and lifting. Exercise and just eating a little less goes a long way. Make sure you decrease food intake over time though, or you'll back out the same way you became fat in the first place

Starving yourself works but not as well as eating very small quantities. Like 300-500cal a day? You could get yourself some cereals bars or whatever else that manages to make you feel full after a couple bites

>make you feel full after a couple bites
no such thing

>I'm gonna give myself other health problems to get rid of the health problems I currently have.
that doesn't work, dumbass.

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Dont starve yourself just eat healthier. Dont eat fried foods, dont eat things drenched in oil, drink more water, skip on junk food, sleep early, and don't eat right before sleeping.

Dont ear till you are full, eat till you arent hungry anymore.

Also try getting sometime in the gym. If by any chance you arent confident getting into the gym and feel somewhat embarrassed due to your body, remember that everyone starts of somewhere. Also most people in the gym wont judge you. They are usually very kind. If u still dont feel comfortable, then try going to the gym when its less busy.

Dont starve yourself, it hurts your body and ruins ur metablosim. It also eats away at your muscle.

If you guys truly want to know why you're fat, depressed and addicted to shitty food, watch this guy's content.

He used to be a well-known Runescape player. Now he's devoted to nutrition. He also makes a lot of videos on conspiracy theories and the NWO, if you're interested. Keep in mind that this is an older video and he looks ever better nowadays than he does here.

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just eat clean and workout

you have to eat all meals but within the calorie limit. skipping meals will just make you crave shit until you inevitably break down and develop an eating disorder.