Red pill me on a no carb/sugar diet

Red pill me on a no carb/sugar diet

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You should have a minimum amount of carbs. No carbs at all is just bad. You don't really need sugar though.

High calories with no satiation. Can cause muscle burn before fat burn (see literally thousands of ketogenic stuides). That's it. Sugar is a shit and carbs are basically sugar. They are all shit. Stick with good natural fats and meat. Some veggies. Minimal fruits.

Enjoy low T and diabetes.

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Almost all carbs are treated like glucose in the body retard. Feel free to google what that means. Carbs are just as bad as sugar.

Keto is shit unless you have a specific set of diseases. You’re better off doing fasts because it’s easier to maintain and you will get better workouts in using carbs.

All of the general health benefits can be achieved easier and in higher quality ways using alternative methods.

Based retard

No carb diet has 1 upside and that is that you train your body to use fat reserves as a primary source of energy but for practicl purposes it's garbage.

If you want to gain muscle mass and go 100% every workout you need carbs

I've done this, and I had pretty great results. I don't trust myself with carbs; I know if I eat them that I'll binge. As long as your intake is lower than your output, and you can stick to it, I'm sure you'll have great results, too.

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Sorry you hate science flat earther.

>easier to maintain
Like literally just don't buy bread products or sweets you dumb nigger.

That's why you only go keto for cuts

I always avoid added sugars but I’ve found going low to zero carbs for a few days to a week and then eating rice and potatoes along with my eggs, fish, and meat for a day or two helps me shed fat and maintain strength better than staying full keto for prolonged periods of time.

Your body only changes while it is adapting to a new stress. Our bodies were built to be scavengers which has helped us evolve this far. A good diet would be primarily fat and protein because we die without them, but occasionally grabbing some plants or fruits to fill in the gaps between having meat to eat would make sense. Also, scavengers would have to deal with eating rotten food when fresh food was unavailable, which is why our bodies require sources of bacteria from fermented foods to keep our digestive system running smoothly.

Didn't you make this same exact thread the other day faggot?

1. Actual keto (where you remain in ketosis 24/7) requires >80% of your calories to come from fat
2. Maybe you’re a loser who never goes out but most restaurants have no keto options.
3. Like I said, not eating is more difficult than constantly eating unsatisfactory meals.

*is less difficult

>muhh anecdotal evidence is better than basically 100 years of scientific proof
You people are morons. Spoiler I don't even do keto. I had a small bag of chips with dinner. But the facts are there if you spend literally any time researching it.

Jeff cavaliere says to get a bit of all the food groups in to cover all your nutritional needs.

>restaurants have no keto options
>can I get the steak with green beans please
Wow that was hard..... Here's another example
>I'll take the double bacon cheese burger and a side of broccoli
>literally just remove the bread and eat it
DAMNNNNN THAT WAS HARD!!!!! How fat are you?
>hurrr eating lots of good fat like eggs, butter, and meat fat is HARRRDDDDDDDD

It's not unsatisfactory at all retard. Order everything without bread and replace fries with veggies. How fucking shitty are you?
Less than 50g of carbs a day will keep you in keto generally.

>Eating just the patty
Seriously disgusting, I wouldn't sit & eat with you
>Less than 50g of carbs a day will keep you in keto generally.

Wrong. I invite anyone to look up studies and realize that performance doesn't suffer at all after the adaption phase. In regards to muscle building, ketogenic diets have adaptations (decreased leucine oxidation; ketone bodies, especially beta-hydroxybutyrate; increased adrenaline; etc.) which help muscle preservation and/or growth.
Also, insulin is not the only thing that puts you in an anabolic state, a caloric surplus, for example, also achieves that.

I'm obviously not denying that some people perform and feel better when they consume carbs.

You're so misinformed. A ketogenic diet only limits carbohydrate intake. Protein isn't insulinogenic by itself.

Yes, and fiber doesn't even count.

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Nice image, bro. You tally debunked my claim.

enjoy having no energy whatsoever

Nice, someone with intelligence in this thread.

I did, you posted an image, so I did.

50g carbs is not keto
Retard, my image obviously comes from a journal.

Did it for about 3 weeks and lost 10 lbs. Feel way better eating fewer carbs