Work in 45 minutes

Honestly fuck you fucking NEETS. not bait Its fucking dumb that you accomplish nothing and get to be happier then I do.

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>Its fucking dumb that you accomplish nothing and get to be happier then I do.
we're not

Get a better job mccunt

why dont you just become NEET instead of being miserable?

you arent accomplishing anything, at least not anything meaningful. You and a NEET acheive the exact same amount in a day (zero), you are mad because at unlike the NEET you have to spend all day eating shit.

t. fellow wagecuck

I think you're lost, OP.

I'm not happy
I don't work because of other issues I have

>tfw work in 1hr & 45 minutes
>10 hour shift
Just fucking kill me...
The checks are nice, but I can't even enjoy the money because I'm so tired.

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>you arent accomplishing anything, at least not anything meaningful
Good luck surviving in the world with no workers around dumb fuck.

>The checks are nice, but I can't even enjoy the money because I'm so tired.

Have an exit plan dawg. Shit gets far better when there's an end in sight. Cut your living expenses to the absolute fucking minimum, invest in some training for yourself that'll put you in a skilled trade, and strive for something better.

Yeah it sucks but if you're moving towards something better it'll work out. If you're grinding without any real progression you're just as fucked if work dries up in five years as if it happened tomorrow.

Quit today before you get caught being 65 and retiring with no life left to live on that money you make :)

Trades are brutal work. I dont know why people recommend it

>44 minutes ago
gl user

I am working for something better, and I already have a degree. I've just been saving. I'm working under a contract now, but I won't be converted to a regular until after a year or so, so I'm just slaving away as a grunt in the meantime for now. Once I get converted I can apply for better in-house jobs and get better hours .
I was buying games, but I stopped because I don't even have the time to play them anymore. Honestly I really only have to pay for my gas and cell bill with the rest being health/dental/car insurance.

Thankfully my parents are still letting me stay with them while I save to get a headstart

>Trades are brutal work. I dont know why people recommend it

Some trades are, and even then it's dependent on what trade and what industry. Residential plumbing, HVAC, gas fitting, electrician? Not brutal.

Also, part of it is how weak you're gonna be starting out. You have to build up proper strength over time and know your limits. Also, the number of people that are blase about safety in trades is staggering - Half the shit you hear about is because someone didn't wear PPE, caved to peer pressure to do something stupid, or was doing heavy moving with improper posture, repeatedly, for years. You can work in skilled trades without being one of the hurr durr meatheads that wreck out age fifty.

>you accomplish nothing
being a wageslave, you're probably not accomplishing all that much either

What field are you working in? I may have some useful advice.


i accomplished more as a NEET than i ever did wageslaving, which also caused me to spiral into depression

NEET life is infinitely superior, unless you're some subhuman that can't self-motivate & has no purpose in life

I was next up to becoming a Foreman for a GC. Trust me I know all about this shit. It still sucks. The culture, working around alcoholics and criminals all day, hearing the stupid fucking stories. The back breaking work is only a part of it.

you have no idea how much I hate working. I even have a pretty decent job and everything. there's so much shit that I want to do. I want to learn how to draw, I want to learn how to code, I want to write a novel. But work sucks up all my time. I even get to "work" from home a few days a week during which I just browse Jow Forums and every once in a while tap a key on my work pc so I show up as "active" (they have activity monitoring software) but it's not enough. hopefully we will have UBI at some point in the next ten years.

this is how i felt as a wageslave

i've been NEET 8 months and it's way better. the only issue is my dad screaming at me all the time for not having a job. he actually told me to quit my last job, so it's entirely his fault =^)

Serve your boss well, wageslave :^)

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NEETs are not happy. Countless studies have determined that a person's happiness is derived from work.

this is total bullshit. i am a living testament.

>happiness is derived from work
perhaps, but not all work is something you'll get paid for

i want to write a book and give it out for free. this is really hard fucking work, but nobody's gonna pay me

i lift weights 5x a week, it's hard work! but i don't get paid for it

your "countless studies" are, almost certainly, junk science correlations in non-randomized samples

NEETs, on average, are more pathetic, lazy, unmotivated people compared to wageslaves. that's WHY they are NEET.

you'll also find that NEETs probably are fatter than the average wageslave... yet, not working doesn't make you fat, and in fact NEETs have more free time to exercise. most don't, a small minority, however, do.

your "studies" are about as useful as a study that finds
>people in hospitals are more likely to have broken bones, autoimmune disorders, and open, gaping wounds. therefore, hospitals are dangerous!

fucking stupid

show me a study where elderly NEETs (retired people) are more miserable than old people who work

Ayyyyy. Enjoying my last few days of being a NEET right now. Have been off work for about 2.5 years now and didn't do a damn thing. I hardly left the house for a whole year straight, and I played vidya until I literally wanted to die. I tried to kill myself, too! Now I'm going to be bankrupt and I think some people even want to kill me for strange reasons I can't really understand or explain, but would never have come up had I simply stayed where I was and not lost my job. Ah.. NEET life.. I will miss the NEET life.

>there are people who actually willing live their short life as a wagecuck
Thank god my parents love me and are reasonably well off.

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