I'm American but I live in Germany(Hamburg) now with my German wife and kid. Back home I always used Gold Standard whey with good results but don't really wanna spend 50 euros for the large tub.
What do my German bros on here use for whey? Was benuzt ihr? Wir koennen natuerlich auf Deutsch sprechen.
>Any German bros on here? Yeah im african and black, waht do you want?
Jayden Martinez
Check out Myprotein, their stuff is cheap af. They also have pretty good discounts on a regular basis.
Angel Scott
Du musst wieder nach Hause gehen, Burgerjunge
Liam Thompson
try gymbeam
Brandon Watson
Zec+ natürlich du Lauch
Luke Rivera
>Hamburg >Run you fools
Josiah Wilson
Ich bin einer Amerikaner. Ich spreche Deutsche ein bitte. Wie gehts meine Deutsche Freunden!
Carson Barnes
myprotein is the best, they always have different promotions, currently you get everything for 30% off
Evan Hill
I’m a rapist Muslim. So I’m German right? Merkel is so cool, every time I enrich a fraulein with my culture and semen against her will Merkel sends me 2000 euro from her personal account. I love diversity