I declare war

on trannies and faggots.

Well really, traps are fine if they're homosexual men that'd rather be in a heterosexual relationship with a man. That's okay.

However, if you are an incel, BECOMING A TRAP IS NOT THE WAY TO GO. Remember; most trannies kill themselves. Would you rather kill yourself a man, or kill yourself after wasting your fucking time trying to become a girl and (obviously) failing fucking miserably, and then kill yourself?

Remember that all these retarded trap posts are made by the same lot of Discord LARPers. 9/10 times, it's an incel, just like you whose posting this trash.

But the worst thing is that they're purplepilled.

They use our memetics that we - as the collective known to others as r9k - have worked upon for years and developed under our own roofs in our own spare time for their own nefarious purposes.

Again, a reminder that you will NEVER be a QT3.14 trap. That's not how it works.
If you're a gay, you have a 50/50 chance of becoming a trap.

The reason why they never show any actual traps and just the anime pictures is evidence to my point.
Actual traps coming from incels are usually really ugly.

If you can't get a girlfriend because you're not a Chad, become the fucking Chad.
Become the fucking man. Lift, start doing your best to become charming.
Use the Chad's way to become the Chad.

We need to expel these fucks back to Discord where they came from and where they fucking belong. (But even then they're ruining Discord; Discord is fine to an extent, but these wankstains make it look like shit.)

Don't give them attention, unless in an unrelated thread. (Like this one.)
Post against the Traps, don't let them win.
The future of r9k depends on you.

Attached: ignore reikofag posts.png (449x306, 28K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Based and redpilled, keep spreading the word user

Gas the trannyniggers

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I have some screenshots from their server im going to post them here

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This board needs to be cleansed once and for all. Too many innocent robots are being indoctrinated into this tranny cult

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>I declare war
How? What are you going to do?
Spam gore in their threads?
Bang posting?
The war is already lost. Jow Forums has fallen.
You can only hide / filter these threads like everyone else does.

Attached: 458979.png (1031x617, 398K)

If we lose hope, only then have the trannies won. As long as we still have a breath of fight left in us, they cannot win. Hold strong user

Never lose hope.

If we have to, we'll take the fight to Discord.


^Music to increase T and prepare for hell to break loose^

Here is another one screenshot

Attached: b9 1543468449085.png (1400x1750, 1.55M)

I've had it.
They abuse us,
They view us as sexual objects.
Let the bodies hit the floor.

Attached: death to reikofags.jpg (1280x720, 110K)

I want to kill myself anyways, I might as well try something that has even a slight chance of changing my life even if the most likely outcome is still killing myself (and it's not because the majority of trannies don't kill themselves)

So judgment day is coming earlier i then expected count me in the day of the lord as arrived

Attached: long from now.jpg (3200x2150, 1.2M)

Lift. That's how you change your life.

We shall rise above.

reminds me of this pic, which is our actual future

Attached: mcnaughton-fine-art-one-nation-under-god-parody-jesus-cthulhu-blood-monsters.jpg (700x472, 116K)

But Reiko gives me a ton of discord traps which I bully and dom. It's the decent jerk off material at the least. Thanks Reiko

the pic i posted comes after yours
Christ will return and cast evil from this earth for the rest of time see you there

Attached: the end.jpg (960x600, 105K)

You will regret those relationships. They're empty inside; and have no satisfaction. If it was a loving relationship you'd be fine, but your sexual deprivation births nothing but regrettable choices.

Jerking off is better, it's pretty a pretty good substitute too have a few cum thirsty sluts(even if they are online) until I get a gf again

yeah i jerk off as well mostly because the lack of a gf in my life it helps make me forget the pain of existence

Attached: 239595_156463.jpg (282x138, 15K)

Why don't you try getting a GF you fucktards.

Attached: what are you doing.png (80x89, 19K)

Now imagine jerking off to a little trap slut who obeys your every command.

>Why don't you try getting a GF you fucktards

why waste my time most girls are only out for the sex and other earthly pleasures my right hand can and has done me well for the last 21 years they dont want to get to know you its bullshit

Attached: stasn dosnt lire for once.jpg (235x312, 24K)

Talking to a few girls on tinder, have a date coming up, obviously, that is the ideal. But e-thots are good in the meantime.

hell no fuck traps rather jerk off to my own blood

Attached: mnemme.jpg (423x403, 58K)

>Most girls are only out for the sex and other earthly pleasures

So are you.
Hell, maybe she'll suck your dick, make you food, and let your genes continue (Which is the point of life btw) in return for you being caring and giving her housing.

If she stops washing the dishes, the back of your hand is a thing.

Attached: eddy does not like you.jpg (143x255, 9K)

>So are you.

No im not honestly at this point i just want to be alone with my self

Attached: yeha no.jpg (225x225, 6K)

So why do you just jerk off and not want any romantic relationships?

>inb4 "muh wimminz are evel"

Grow the fuck up and be the Chad you loathe; if you can't beat 'em, join 'em.
The only exceptions being the Reikoposters.
Fuck them.
We must purge them
So stfu.

Attached: kys.gif (480x270, 1.96M)

Okay so;
How do we deal with the faggots?
Any process on how to take them out?

We can declare war by attacking their discords, spamming their home websites with Jow Forums propaganda and etc.

For now spread the word, first we need to show for the other robots who is behind those threads

>So why do you just jerk off and not want any romantic relationships?

why would i want one ? I have tried and they always have rejected me i get close to a girl but the moar i find out about her the less i want to do with her
>she turns out to be bi
>a drug addict
>?a nigger wannabe
>or a complete faggot

that is why i want to b alone

Attached: long nexcjlk tribe.png (1028x1600, 403K)

Should we send an informant to Keiko's harem?

Attached: douk.jpg (329x329, 15K)

dumb fuck blitz fuck back to discord


Then don't go for degenerate roasties you fucking brainlet.

Trap on HRT here, why are you all so mad? Try getting laid or something.

hey can you facebook kids make your epic style threads on /b/? thanks, Jow Forums is for grown ups. this isn't play time.

Fuck off to discord, Israeli shill. Cease your HRT pushing faggotry at once.

Attached: asgfa.png (720x890, 625K)

>Trap on HRT here

Attached: JKEKEDS WILL.jpg (225x225, 4K)

Well look, my problem primarily lies with the fact that a lot of you are flooding the board with just pure degeneracy.

Having sex isn't going to help either, we just don't want to have constant exposure to things we violently dislike.

A lot of us have thick skin from years of bullying at school; we can handle small amounts of exposure, some times a pretty large amount of exposure to things we despise.

However when almost every day the *same people post the same threads* with shit we collectively hate, and they're preying upon us; valuing us as sexual objects, lines get crossed and we get sick of it. Hence this thread.

I don't hate traps, well I mean I do when they get an operation and go fully sterile. But it's less of an objective thing and more of a moral thing. I mean if you're cute and have a good personality, I'd be glad to have a relationship with you. I don't have problems with traps, I have problems with Reikofags.

Regards, OP the Ultrafag.

There is no Discord boogeyman anymore, the pinkpill has already been planted inside the mind of every lonely incel here.

Absolutely pathetic bait.

Attached: tradgf2.jpg (767x740, 87K)

This is exactly why we need to remove women from any office of power completely.

Attached: female liberation.png (1382x850, 224K)

incel here what you said is complete bullshit go back to the cesspool whee you where made
traos are gay

Attached: the betarral.png (500x512, 145K)

shut up wannabe oldfag.
We're saving Jow Forums from faggotry.
Be thankful kid, now go back to your fortnites and dabs and whatever

Not baiting anyone, you guys wouldn't project your own insecurities onto others if you weren't incels. Do what OP says and work out instead of coming here, and stay away until you get laid.

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Yes, but i thunk that there is one since the screenshots were leaked

Wait is that hrt pills

I don't know because I'm not a fucking tranny

splain plz

are any of these traps/sissies actually decent-looking, or are they just skinny dudes in cringy outfits?

well whatever
wanna fug


Attached: benis.jpg (474x444, 23K)

im not her (him)

wanna fug part 2
OOOH boogaloo

Attached: OOH.jpg (400x346, 27K)

>im not her (him)


Well then, when do we begin? Where do we organize? IRC?

Sir, yes sir. Let's do this, boys.

Attached: salute.gif (400x186, 533K)

Even the ones with the best surgeons "helping" them, look ugly and can't attract guys. Try Dana International or Kim Kardashian's dad(I think Caitlyn now ?). They all look disgusting.

>ir, yes sir. Let's do this, boys.

IRC, discord or simply in Jow Forums threads doing decentralized attacks.

My only IRC client is the fucking ZDaemon launcher though.

We have waited for too long
Let's get these degenerates

Attached: 1549236274591.png (876x785, 380K)

okay made a discunt server

should i post link?

okay the discunt server is

join it with an alt

>paying any attention to these losers and their internet hovel

Attached: 1520072864304.gif (300x300, 1.49M)

becoming a girl is an old american tradition, dummy

Attached: Glen_or_Glenda.jpg (275x425, 38K)

>my fav discord is /Pmx....
lost it

The one I made is better

Attached: HalfFemaleHalfMaleMonster.jpg (318x550, 27K)

>looking for wife material amongst the worst sort of women.
>"muh all women are trash"

Attached: 1511728011750.png (586x578, 37K)

he's so retarded he's bordering on genius

take the pinkpill redditor9k shills, you aren't as edgy as you think.

What is that discord, user?

absolutely based and redpilled, fuck actual discord trannies

Attached: based.webm (1440x508, 1.75M)


We need to deport these degenerates back to

Attached: womenandqueers.jpg (2140x1366, 1.28M)