ITT: boards we want

If you could add a new board to Jow Forums, what would you want? Personally, i'd want a /uni/ board. Talks about university life, studying, stories, parties, etc.

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I petitioned m00t for a drug board for years, it only makes sense to have a designated space so users and non-users don't bother each other. And for as retarded as the average Jow Forums user is, 420chan is stuffed to the brim with twice as many retards and underage faggots, its no good home for the average robot user.

Obviously never happened then and will never ever happen now

That would be such a good idea, would give the /alc/ threads a place to go too since the /ck/ mods are such uptight retards about them

But /uni/ threads always die

Indeed. The only reason I could think that moot didnt entertain the notion is for the same reason he deleted the loli/furry/guro etc boards; obviously Jow Forums will always have the reputation it has but he prefered not to have questionable content openly advertised but instead hidden in threads across other boards.

Given japans attitude toward drugs and hiro's lack of connection with the userbase here, its more likely the site will die before a board like that is added.

And on that note, if things really get out of hand under hiro like some are speculating it will, it might be time to just squash the beef and move over to 8ch. With user created boards it just might become a new renaissance in chan culture

i would love a drug board. LISTEN UP MODS

all threads die user

>You have been muted for 4 seconds, because your comment was not original.

A contaminate board for frogposters. Maybe maybe named /fg/

>a board that only has a use to young people for 3 to 5 years at the most, thus being a perpetual cesspool of newfaggotry

>most successful gaming franchise
>biggest franchise in anime
>biggest franchise in porn

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Mods don't really have much power over it. Our best shot would be an organised protest via email and irc to hiro and any other admins, but given that we couldn't even arrange that to stop the porn ads I'm not exactly optimistic

I really really do want a worksafe equivalent for Jow Forums

Pretty much Jow Forums's wizardchan. No women, no faggots, no normies allowed. What this board should be.

/waifu/ just so you guys would stop shitting up my boards

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As an avid trap enthusiast, it goes without saying that /lbgt/ needs to be a red board. Retard think that we have trap threads here out of some kind of conspiratol mischief, but really its because you can't post lewd stuff like we want on /lgbt/ since its blue

Trash. Weebs need the rope.

a blue Jow Forums originally

That would just be Jow Forums.

Isnt there a porn board?

Please this. Does 8chhave a board like this? Is it active?

Something that will give me back my will to live?

That'd be pretty comfy, I like the idea user

/drug/ board for all discussions about psychoactive substances


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>haha! We're a majority! That means we don't need the rope!

No, this is literally a site made for anime fans. It's absurd to complain about anime on an anime site.

uni board would be awesome, board for black people would be awesome, drugs board, pick up board for talking about girls, seduction, etc., a /pc/ board where you get banned for racism...yeah all these would be cool

I'd want a story board. Or am I too new to Jow Forums to know that it already exists?

>a /pc/ board where you get banned for racism
sounds lame as fuck. But I would like to see an experimental board like that. Just to see how boring it would be

/vg/is the official Fate board though.

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a board for activism. i think it would be cool to be organized

Does that not mean you need the rope less or something?

/jpl/ - Japanese Language

All other characters besides kanji, hiragana, and katakana are banned. No rules besides the bare minimum.

loli as there was when moot first made it. Also others.

usa is spooked by (((rules)))

A dedicated philosophy board would be nice. It might become infested with dudeweeds and n0rms, but if it took off and became a place where serious philosophical discussions could happen it would be excellent.
I've never found a good place, online or otherwise, to academically discuss philosophy. It always goes straight to "Fuck the other side of the false dichotomy the corporate entertainment media has fed me since birth, I'm much smarter than them since I purchase my entire worldview from a different branch of the same corporation," when it's not outright "dude who cares about what's right and wrong just [smoke this weed/pray to what Wal-Mart tells me Jesus is]."

>board for black people would be awesome
Yes because niggers need their chimp-spaces more than they already have. Fuck off, jiggaboo.

>Personally, i'd want a /uni/ board.
Fucking most normie suggestion ever. Get out