Literally every groomed black dude has this haircut or some variation of it (if they don't plait/dread their hair)

Literally every groomed black dude has this haircut or some variation of it (if they don't plait/dread their hair).

Are there any creative, short afro styles that's different? I need a haircut.

Attached: taper.jpg (682x1024, 79K)

You could comb some lines in, or try growing it out and doing twists (looks nice if you have the right head shape/aren't fat). Also met a guy a last year with really nice dreads, could tell he took great care of them, but depends on your lifestyle & you can't have them in some industries

Attached: 3ce236ffa0b7b3f6bcb0a46058ba83b6.jpg (469x700, 48K)

Any advice, black bros?

this is completeely original


Hey I am not a blackbot but maybe ask your barb.

>tfw have to shave head because my hair is shitty and nappy
man I just want straight hair. Fucking sick to death of my shit being fucked up so bad.

Im black but my curls don't look like that
You might want to try /fa/ btw

You can grow a fro tho

Go to /fa/
There's a reason we're robots

Not looking to get dreads. OP pic is like a shorter, less developed version of twists. It's always twists and fades. All my old barber knew how to do was a fade even when told not to, because that's what everyone else gets.

This guy did make it more unique, though, with the punk-ish mowhawk

If I left my hair alone, it would tangle up real bad and look like I live in a jungle. Nice, passing the robot with 1 word.

Are you Obama black? or actually black? I've tried /fa/ and I got no replies.

do waves get you laid or is that just a meme?

Actually black. Just lurk /fa/.
To tell you the truth there's not much you can do other than a nice fade. Maybe try doing a sponge too?

Just get a normal picked afro or waves, nfisher. There's also the option of going completely bald, although it's not always a good one.

Search "types of fades" or "black haircuts", and click on a few articles, there are like infinite variations, you have to like at least one
If you're cute already, like anything else

Attached: da14e85b908d56559b196f480e760931.jpg (564x1003, 66K)

I'm somali so I'm not black according to some. Even though African Americans are all like 20% white kek. Just start a black hair general on /fa/ and some people will migrate to it.

I have this, but I straightened the middle part. Now I have something kinda like Shadow the hedgehog, will never go back.

Get a short buzz cut, put on a suit and walk into an office like a respectable young man, do not be a delinquent.

What about black bots with shitty hairlines? What the hell can we do?! anything other than a mini fro will reveal my curse

Attached: 1550435787593.jpg (640x640, 69K)

Is a buzzcut with a fade considered delinquent?

Grow out dreads and make them cover your forehead. Or go bald. Hell, just go to the barber and get your hairline straightened.

I should also mention I work an office job, so I'm not looking to go too crazy with it.

>there's not much you can do other than a nice fade
shit sucks man

I've looked at a few, but I'll keep looking. All these infinite variables involve twists or a fade, like you can't get away from it

I ask because your hair probably isn't as thick/hard as mine. No homo. Tried a thread before. 0 responses put me off making one there for some time.

pics, or pic of something similar

see the beginning of this post. I know there's people out there that would look at me that way

nah. but guaranteed you'd be seen as a delinquent with the dyed dreads

