Is hiring an escort worth it?

Is hiring an escort worth it?

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Are you ugly? If not, then suck it up. You can find a girl to fuck for free. If you're legitimately repulsive naked, then get an escort

>You can find a girl to fuck for free.
How do you get over the fear? It seems easier to see an escort.

sure if you have no pride as a man and want to blow your money on a really expensive form of jerking off

Yes, totally. You give your money and get the sex you want.

Sure it is, the best sex is the one you won't be bothered after it. Just use protection and have fun! Everything in life has a price, and hiring a good escort is surely one of the best paid fun you can have.

>get the sex you want.
Condoms suck though.


Of what? Some people will reject you, laugh at you, hate you. That's just the way things are. Don't give a fuck if people don't like you

Ignore these faggots. I lost my virginity to a normal girl when I was 16 and it was overall miserable aside from it being a valuable learning experience. I've had some fantastic experiences with working girls but it is diving into a seedy underworld no matter how legal and 'high class' it may be but that is part of the fun. I'd recommend it. Its essentially tinder on steroids but where you get to be selective. Its a really powerful experience to be handed that as a man after years of going the more socially acceptable dating route. Imagine walking into a room of women and being guaranteed sex with whatever woman you choose.

most based and objective answer here. cumfags btfo

Yeah, it is. Some girls are really fun to fuck and have a nice time with. But just make sure to research the girl before. Usually go for older women around their 30s because the bitch in them is gone, or at least they're better at hiding it. You wouldn't believe how annoying the women around our my age can be that are escorting. Guess when they're that young, they can afford having a pole up their ass.
Fun times, although it can be a money sink if you're not too careful.
btw, it won't change anything. When I first had sex with an escort, things stayed the same and I was still a fag with $350 less in his pocket.

>Condoms suck though.
They do but the thrill of fucking a new woman overrides the loss of sensation. Don't bareback hookers. Seriously. If they offer it thats a good sign to not sleep with her.

It made me stop caring about sex. So, yeah kinda.

We don't pay escorts for the sex you fools. We pay them to fuck off after sex.

Loose sex is degenerate, so no

Yeah but women are whores nowadays. I wouldn't hold my breath for a good girl.

I have a physiological reaction to social stimuli. What you would experience if I dropped you out of a cage and into an arena with a tiger is what I experience every time I go outside.

Sure thing.
You need to find a good escort though. Some of them can be bitchy and rude, some will act if their your gf for years.

if you pay a prostitute enough she will let you fuck her raw

and get std. fucking brilliant you retard

>being this virgin
>not being aware of prophylactic medication

Enjoy your safe boring sex

most std's are easily cured

I got genital warts and that shit won't go away.