Tfw no cutesy gf to cuddle and watch the Karl Marx anime with

>tfw no cutesy gf to cuddle and watch the Karl Marx anime with

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They seriously made this a thing??? What the fuck, marx was a drooling retard who pushed for hate and violence against those who he didn't like which happened to be just about everyone who wasnt him. The fucker was homeless for a reason.

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Is it good? I'm pretty bored, maybe being politically indoctrinated is the cure. But it oughtta be convincing.

I can't be the only one who wants this

I watch it. I would even say it's the best thing out this season.

fuck you, communism is retarded but an anime about Karl Marx would be so lit.

>a robot is a drooling retard who pushed for hate and violence against those who he didn't like which happened to be just about everyone who wasnt him.

>What the fuck, marx was a drooling retard who pushed for hate and violence against those who he didn't like which happened to be just about everyone who wasnt him.

Holy fuck. Actually read what he wrote instead of watching Sargon of Akkad or whatever. He was trying to create an economic science of how he thought history would go based on what he noticed of previous nations and empires. He didn't just randomly call to kill everyone.
It's okay. Wayyyy too much CGI. Is on YouTube with English subtitles.

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It's political content isn't wrong granted they have skipped out some things such as the rebuttal to the ego and his own in the German ideology but it's not too bad. The cg is videogamey but I mean so is the other good show this season.

Yeah, cause communism TOTALLY works guys. It's not like its failed literally every single time or anything. Communism is the equivalent of sticking a fork in a wall socket and expecting it to go well because "everyone else before me was just doing it wrong". Go back to whatever normie cesspit you came from you commie shill.

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It's not an anime it is literally a chinese cartoon

How do I just know that you are an American? Stop sperging out about stupid shit like this. No one in is thread is trying to force communism on you.

I didn't say anything about whether it worked or not, you illiterate simpleton. I said that Marx wasn't some serial killer like you make him out to be. How he thought the 20th century would go was incorrect but that doesn't mean he didn't try to create an actual science (even if it is a failed science in the long run).

Why do psueds do this? I certainly don't agree with Marx on everything, but 90% of his critics like you are complete retards

>inb4 muh commie boogeyman

I lost $10,000 on the stock market because I invested on the company that made that anime.

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The person you are replying to has never claimed communism in a positive light as you are saying. He simply asserted that Marx created a system of scientific socialism. In fact the idea of a proletariat revolution was completely separate from scientific socialism until the (in his point of view) failure of the liberal revolutions of 1848.

It was made by the Chinese government.

Woops I mean the revolutions of 1830s, since the communist manifesto came out before the whole springtime of nations happened.

it was produce by Bilibili so the Chinese government would stop fucking with them. I lost money because the Chinese government when after them for promoting incest.

>chinese anime

I couldn't find a proper english sub on YouTube, do you mind providing one?

Hit the cc button.

Kinda shitty that Karl Marx gets the blame for the atrocities in the 20th century. He was kinda based actually. Just wanted a better world and he hated niggers/kikes aswell.

I'm disappointed with myself I don't know how I missed it the first time, sorry.

No problem my dude I hope you have a fun time watching this pretty alright Chinese cartoon.

>MFW somebody unironicaly says lit

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I hope someone makes a Nietzsche anime someday. That would be cool.