Is 3pl8 bench possible natty if you are below 15% bf

is 3pl8 bench possible natty if you are below 15% bf

Attached: 1559642928385.jpg (815x645, 269K)

Height is important here.


T-This is fake right?...

This pic got shopped so many times it would be hard to find the original.

>ideal 16 inches (40cm)
of course its real

>tfw 15 inch dicklet
Am i gonna make it lads?

Lol brother is approaching 3pl8 after 6years of lifting. I'm only mid 2s after 4 years. I think of you ran a Bench program religiously you could do it quicker.

Depends much on genetics. I am 3 months into serious lifting and bench 2.5pl8s for reps atm. Started at 1pl8 and pretty much linear progression so far.
But I had an athletic background and have good bench genetics. It is absolutely doable

The original was found to be posted on some cuckold website initially over a decade ago. It's a self-humiliation fabrication like the entire multi-page article going on about how women like monster penii.

Brah you telling me you gained 60+ kgs on your bench in 3 months?

I bench 4pl8 natty at ~15%bf so yes

by 'serious lifting' he meant roiding lmao

Ah, didn't know that. The first I saw was -apart from the 'not enjoyable' part- somewhat believable.

Not even mandingo has a 40cm cock yet women say they prefer this size when its like a 1/1000000 chance of finding it. Its b8

Attached: 1558564528434.jpg (207x243, 8K)

post body, NOW!

below 15% bf

I think so. Can bench 265 at ~12% after a bit more than two years.

Height has nothing to do with shlong size

Of course it's fake, no woman would ever really want a dick that small lmao wh*teoids

They just put a 1 before every number, instead of 15 or 16 read 5 or 6 inches.

It's cm not inches

that makes no sense, you think a 9cm girth would be "ideal"??
9cm girth is literally nothing

pencil dick ftw, this image is garbage though