Vegan/Vegetarian Jow Forums

Is this possible anons?
Can I become a Vegetarian Chad?
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there are ower fif-teeehn noootriens you cannaht find in pleeants. hehe.

thanks for watching.



Fuck it I'm gonna try. I'm a skinnyfat dyel boomer, recently divorced and currently unemployed, only date I've been on since I became single was with a tranny who rejected me. Fuck my life, can't get any worse. Just gonna do the opposite of what I've been doing so far. Like literally just switch my religion, politics, diet, etc. to the polar opposite, see how it goes. Fuck it.

Cool digits and cute pic

Yes and it's actually a lot easier and cheaper than being a meat eater
Your arteries will thank you in 40 years too

just make sure you are getting an appropriate amount of calories, plants are very calorically diluted foods
things like (sweet) patatoes, oatmeal, avocados, rice n stuff, make sure you get alot of that

and also a B12 supp

I would also add peanut butter to this user's list. It's a good fat source, it's cheap (3lbs is 5.67 at my Walmart), it's been shown in studies to be good for heart health, and it's got sn okay amount of protein. Also, canola oil is an underrated cooking oil: it's cheap, it high in ALA (an omega 3 that is one of the two essential fatty acids) and it's been shown to lower rates of heart disease in people when used to replace saturated fat like butter in their diet. Also, if you are going to get a b12 supplement. Get actual b12, which means you should check your supplement's ingredients and make sure it says either cyanocobalamin or methylcobalamin. Some people claim you can use certain foods like nori or spirulina to get b12, but this is false. You have to get a supplement in order to get b12. Additionally, if you have a hard time getting enough protein in due to how much fiber is in vegan protein sources, lentils have protein that is good like beans, but with lower fiber than beans. At my walmart lentils are $1 a pound. Finally, while you can get all the calcium you need from green leafy vegatables, it is somewhat hard to, so I'd suggest getting a fortified plant milk of some type and having 1-2 servings a day or take a 200-300mg calcium supplement once or twice a day, and when looking for green vegatables look for low oxalate ones (you can find lists of these by googling, I like brocolli, collards, and kale personally). You can still eat high oxalate greens for other nutrients or taste, but the calcium in them isn't absorbed well by the body; whereas the calcium in low oxalaye greens is absorbed the same as or better than the calcium from milk.

is peanut butter good for heart health? that's new to me, could you explain why that is?

>Peanut butter

We're only talking about real peanut butter, right? No added sugar or oils or other bullshit

Vegetarian? Yeah no problem, go to town on those eggs and proper dairy?

Vegan? Absolutely not, especially in the long run.


This concise four -part serious can tell you all you need to know......

>healthy diet
>have to supplement with synthetic b12


Im with you on the sugar but the oils are what keep it spreadable and stop into turning into a brick

I was wondering when you'd show up, Sv3rige-bot.

>eats animals that have been supplemented with b12
>thus indirectly supplements b12
>convinces himself this is "natural" and therefore superior because he can't into logic
I'd laugh but it's too sad.

Don't cry for us bro, cry for your vegan teeth...

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I'm vegetarian. At 32 and working out a total of 90 minutes a week I look pretty good.

It should be totally possible, but as always it depends mostly on your genetics.

Scientifically, there seems to be no evidence why this wouldnt be possible.
However every vegan that I see on youtube (atleast the hardcore ones) seems to have this sickening look in his eyes, I cant really put my finger on what it exactly is. There are also no top international powerlifters and strongmen that were vegan when they built their strength and certainly ate meat in their childhood.

There have been studies showing that people with higher nut intakes of any form (including peanut butter) have lower risk of heart disease. I do not know of any non-epidemiological studies about this, but given the high amount unsaturated fats as well as the good amount of potassium and vitamin E in nuts and nutproducts that lead to this effect. Anything nutbased would work just as good. I just reccomended peanut butter because it is very cheap and very easy to eat a lot of.
The observations about nut intake I just mentioned are seen in people that eat peanut butter. Since most people eat peanut butter with added sugar, it's clearly still a healthy choice. And added vegeatable oils, so long as they aren't palm oil or partially hydrogenated (even the walmart store brand doesn't use those) are not bad for your heart, and some such canola oil are good for you.

Patrick Baboumian

This guy?

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Peanut butter and vegetable oils are not healthy. Look up Dr. Esselstyns position on oil.

This channel has almost 10 videos or so about why you should limit your nut intake, featuring many different leading nutrition experts


Vegsource is one of the ultra-rare species, an honest vegan. I bet you can't name more than 3 of them in the wild??

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He seems to be a low-fat diet advocate that doesn't even want you to eat avocados and basedbeans. Most research on fat intake has shown that it's not all fats, but rather saturated fats that lead to heart disease, and intervention studies have shown that replacing saturated fats with canola oil improves heart health in people with heart disease. Low fat diets are not good for your hormones, and both Linoleic acid and ALA are essential fats your body needs that it can't produce itself. Of course, individuals do vary, and some feel better eating lower fat, but as low in fat of diet as he advocates is not supported by the literature.
I'll watch these later. I'm real skeptical of these claims given the documented correlation between heart health and nut consumption.

OP here btw I'm gay

I love how you had to photoshop Richard to make him look small. He is bigger than you or any other carnivore for that matter lmao.

He's a mentally disturbed cheerleader for an anorexia cult. What can sane people do but laugh at him and you??

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Post body

You still didn't name me 4 honest vegans. I can name 3.

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Not sure if he always was a vegan but he isnt in the top 20 of strongmen anyways.

Still an elite strongman though

99% of vegans don't have anything in common with any kind of elite athletes. These judas-goats just lead the gullible vegan followers into starvation and emaciation.

We also have absolutely no idea if boubanian etc eat a lot of meat to stay healthy when the cameras are off.

Speaking of proof and science, there is literally zero proof these fit vegans are actually vegan.

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>Can I become a Vegetarian Chad?
No. Quit being a faggot who falls for retarded memes and JUST LIFT, eat normal food.

"Animal vitamins such as A & D"

Luckily you're an animal and make said vitamins

Didn't he only go vegan after he was in strongmen already? That he had meat/milk/eggs whatever when he started and only switch to vegan after a few years?

if you can't grow it or kill it, don't eat it

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So? He is still able to compete at a high level. If a vegan diet was deficient then it would show.

I'm honestly intrigued by this line of reasoning, and keep seeing it in vegan-related thread, with one user even explicitly stating that he believed it to be impossible to make any gains whatsoever on a vegan diet BUT that maintaining gains (and slightly increasing them) if one started out eating meat was easy-peasy. I don't understand this way of thinking, surely the mechanisms in building muscle and maintaining it are at least SIMILAR?

>If they're vegan they're not fit.
>And if they're vegan and fit they are roiding.
>And if they're vegan and fit and not roiding then they used to eat meat.
>And if they're vegan and fit and not roiding and been vegan for years and built most of their gains as vegans, then they're lying and secretly eating meat.
Holy shit imagine being this paranoid. Imagine the mental process where you conclude that it's more likely - to the point that it's self-evident and needs no proof - that a person who's vegan is secretly wolfing down steaks that people smuggle to him (so nobody finds out!) and snorts whey in the bathroom, then to just admit that maybe with proper planning and supplements it's entirely possible to make it as vegan. Does it hurt the meat-cuck ego SO MUCH to admit to even the POSSIBILITY of ONE SINGLE HUMAN BEING being a strong vegan?

To be fair, Nigella is a cokehead. Every chick I know on coke have insane bods and they don't work out.

Don't you fucking DARE ruing my food-waifu (foodfu?) for me!!

make Hitler proud m8

Imagine being a vegan and trying this hard. The whole world is laughing at you, and it's for a good reason.

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How did you know becoming a nazi was part of my plan, user?

>Nigger nigs
>It's veganism!
Dude I've been a vegan for basically today, so I have no horse in the race, but I'm fairly sure the nigger is just a nigger and that sum fried chickun would not have saved his kid.

No, he was vegetarian for most of his life. He went full vegan and his lifts went up.

Also, that's sort of a moot point. Assuming he got strong on animal products and then switched to vegan and maintained his strength. That shows a vegan diet is equally as capable of maintaining strength.

I've met one (1) vegan chad in my life and it's the guy who owns PRANA. So your chances of becoming one are maybe 1 out of the total population of this planet?

Vegetarian is ez, vegan I honestly don't know.
I know a bunch of vegetarians(I'm Vietnamese) and it seems to work fine as a life-long diet. Also, a lot of societies have been on vegetarian diets with great health and longevity. As for vegan diets, I don't believe there's enough research as of yet, but some of it seems promising.

I wouldn't bother being a vegan unless you have a lot of spare time to research nutrition, supplements, and watch your food consumption. My gf is vegan and she has a few vegan friends, and they all seem alright for now. I've tried her diet a few times, and I'll have to say this

Less joint pain/quicker recovery

Shitting constantly (But you'll get ghostwipes a lot)
Farting constantly
Eating out is fucking expensive

Anyhow, you should do your own research. I've read a lot of the Carnivore guy's posts, and I've learned a few things about lectin(anti-nutrients), certain vitamins, etc. But it seems there's a lot more evidence supporting veganism rather than the contrary (Hence why a lot of rich Jews in Tel Aviv are doing it).