So this belle delphine girl, is she paying her taxes from her pornographic business? I'm seeing she's a uk girl...

so this belle delphine girl, is she paying her taxes from her pornographic business? I'm seeing she's a uk girl, so she probably wasn't part of that whole tax whistleblowing in the us about a year ago?

Attached: taxwhore.jpg (239x211, 7K)

Other urls found in this thread:"Ye"

can't believe I have to bump this shit

Patreon is taxed, so yeah most likely.

i hope they milk her for every penny
>pic related

Attached: IMG_8067.gif (256x256, 1.69M)

>There exists a person who thinks about some chick doing her taxes for porn
Kek. Tax evasion is more prevalent with the suits in angel investing and startup companies. They make the real money too.

>be internet thot
>do hentai face
>make more money than 95% of human beings
This is all your fault orbiters, remember that

She deeply deserves the money, not a shitpost. Shes a better person than most people arrand minds her own business

Living in a first world country makes you in the top 10 or 20% already so it's cool

yeah, faggots like this one I'm quilty, though, as I have spent tokens on chaturbate. Measly sums, though,spread around.

Being this upset
Most people power trip with their money and do sketchy things. Belle just shops and is open with her money.

>be khhv manlet incel
>struggle to graduate uni in comp eng fail two years
>take me 1 year to get a job making 40k a year
>have to pay off student loans and help family pay for stuff
>slut makes hentai face and gets 45x what i make
we are different species

You sicken me, unironically kill yourself faggot

Attached: 1489434070728.png (572x421, 514K)

>Being this upset
sorry,it's the virgin white male loser in me
hey buddy, you're not wanted in this world
we need moar big thinkers and geniuses like Ye
and fuck you're family, buddy

Kanye is unironically one of the greatest geniuses of our time

Shes a sweet woman and doesnt seem like a malicous person, she deserves the money. Completely serious. Shes innocent

his name is Ye

that's the name of his album

i hope she doesn't, i don't like belle delphine at all but taxation is theft

no,he goes by the name Ye now

the genius goes by the name of Ye"Ye"

God damn he is a legend.

if taking money from someone who is whoring themselves out is theft, then we need more theft
I say we impose 100% tax on all sexualized services sold by women

yeah, his music is divine, from the Gods, like that one song called...hmmm...well, there is tha-...oh, nevermind

Fuck off boomer, nobody asked you lol

TIL that having a brain aneurysm makes you some sort of prodigy.

No making genius art and being a creative genius makes you a genius

I dont really like any of his stuff so meh, think he's vastly overated and no where near as talented as people make him out to be.

He's only talked about cause he likes to say contreversial shit to pander to people, also he seems genuinely mentally unwell at times.

Your generation has lil pump and trippie redd which are also pretty good. You don't know Ye very well but it's fine.

yes, taking money from someone without their consent is theft, doesn't matter what they do for money, it's still theft

2 people i've never heard a song from, try again man. I dont base my opinions on music solely based off what the artists says to appeal to me. Making the "You just dont get it" excuse is retarded.

taxation is more a robbery/extortion than theft because it is done in the open and by the implicit threat of using armed force

I hope she gets raped so bad she has to shit into a bag the rest of her life. Fucking whore.

high fives, bra

You sound very special and unique thanks for your opinion lol

I don't even get it. Why people waste money on her? She's ugly as hell.

thats how supply and demand works, unfortunately

I want to go to the gym with Belle Delphine, we would work out and make goofy faces at each other and end up all sweaty and sticky. Then we'd go home and start licking each others face and body like we're cats made of lollipops. She'd rub her stinky, sweaty and wet elvish pussy in my face, her cum bunny Bunny running down my chin. Then she would pour milk over us for a laugh and we would go for a sensual shower, washing each other off gently. As I lather down her soft, supple skin, her dulcet minx hands gently caress my fully erect member as she drops to her knees and slides her slender, tender, slimy tongue up my shaft towards the tip, sending waves of pleasure pulsing through my body.
"Haha", she says, looking up at me and crossing her eyes. "Ligma"

Should say cum bunny hunny my bad XD

no he isn't you retard, there is plenty way more lyrical rappers that are just not main stream enough to be called "geniuses"