>oh come on user, live a little!
>*hands you thing that severely decreases your lifespan*
Why do normies do this shit to us?
Oh come on user, live a little!
Because you not being a degenerate makes them uncomfortable
>not wanting to kill yourself in a fun way
because you not doing it makes them feel bad about doing it
Most people don’t know how to handle severe autists like yourself
Seeing that you posted a wojak, I can tell that you're a socially inept loser. When normies do that, it's because they're trying to integrate you into their group
you mean somebody with discipline and principles, that doesn't get pushed over by peer pressure?
They aren't able to cope with the fact that others can do without unhealthy substance just fine
Sure, keep telling yourself that
>believing people give a shit about you and what you do
>Come on user
>How come you never to to company lunch with us
>It's free
>Do you hate us?
No, little twats that make threads on Jow Forums in order to be validated by other social outcasts that think they are super hardcore disciplined for not drinking alcohol and lifting weights.
There is nothing more cringe than these threads every day
>haha I really don’t know why they keep asking me those questions guys
>please tell me how cool and discplined I am and how normies (reeeee) can’t comprehend that (they don’t even lift xDDDD)
tldr, get fucked fat faggot
Because you are here to be tested (like everyone else) and to hopefully find "enlightenment" (eg escape this 3D realm). But you won't find it through exercising though, that's just for the physical part, the mental is left out.
Normies are ALWAYS seeking social validation for everything they do. So when they encounter someone doing something very different, especially something they can't or don't want to do, they exert substantial pressure in trying to change the person's behavior. ESPECIALLY when that thing ultimately makes the other person better than them, because then the normie has to confront the fact that their outcomes might be due to bad decisions on their part!
The easiest way to get along with normies as a fit person is to pretend you DON'T do anything differently. That way they'll just think "haha, Bob's just really lucky! Oh well I can't change that about me!"
yes user yes, you have to give in to normalfags and fulfill all their demands, engage in weekly binge drinking, sucking cock with friends and eventually kill yourself when you're a "socially adjusted" stepdad. you didn't buy the steroids in the grocery store, protein is evil user and you avoiding gains and standing up for what you believe deserves social shame. Guess why I am successful? I never stood up for anything.
>that think they are super hardcore disciplined for not drinking alcohol and lifting weights
Except it's true that they are more disciplined for this. Doesn't make you a god but does make you better than normies.
Don't try to get along with normies this way. Just bully them into improvement, and make friends with only people who are better than you. It's okay to be hated by degenerates.