What do you robots think of Shaun? I find his counterarguments rather compelling.
Is there something you hate about him that I should watch for? Redpill me.
What do you robots think of Shaun? I find his counterarguments rather compelling.
Is there something you hate about him that I should watch for? Redpill me.
Other urls found in this thread:
The only think I know him for is being some e-celeb popular in SJW circles, so I can't really say I like him
So how does that make him any different from any conservative e-celebs?
He's alright. I'm glad I grew out of my "le anti-sjw" phase. Destiny is better for content like that imo
It means I agree with him less. I know nothing about his actual character, so I can't really judge him as a person.
Meh, I think Ben Shapiros arguments are way more convincing and places that use the type of politics that Shaun is advocating for usually turn into shit holes
Shapiro skews data to fit his narrative by leaving out specific bits of information/data that would make him incorrect in his arguments. Whenever anyone points it out, he will begin to attack their character. That's why I don't find his to be convincing.
It's common to advocate for liberal policies during an election, but turn your back on who voted for you in the first place.
>see any major city in the rust belt
I definitely don't argue that liberals are perfect, because the majority of politicians are corrupt. Once a city turns to shit, it's expensive and very difficult to put consistent policy into place to reverse the trend. Especially when there is no production occurring.
>Shapiro skews data to fit his narrative by leaving out specific bits of information/data that would make him incorrect in his arguments.
Not really, also everyone into politics misuses data a bit.
>Whenever anyone points it out, he will begin to attack their character. That's why I don't find his to be convincing.
Example of this happening?
>It's common to advocate for liberal policies during an election, but turn your back on who voted for you in the first place.
I'm not talking about amerifat here user, i'm talking about other countries that have adopted leftist policies and failed. But if you want to look at leftist policies failing in NA, just look at what happened to NYC, leftist politicians scared them out and NYC lost 25k jobs because of it and 27 billion dollars in taxes
>leftist politicians scared them out
They scared Amazon out can't believe I forgot to post the name of the company
Faggot SJW cuck
Wow, very insightful user. You sure redpilled him
I've seen his videos and he's exactly that. All leftists are faggot scum who need to burned alive.
>still spewing memes
Yeesh, put on your chastity cage and calm down user
spamming wAGeS hAVe StAGnaTed, while totally ignoring that total compensation has followed productivity... He looks at shit on the surface level and then starts fear mongering and saying that we should change the whole system, when things have actually improved and aren't nearly as bad as he makes it out to be
This is all leftists. They all think we should just destroy the current system, rather than improve it or let it continue improving
I despise all these contrapoints copycat SJW e-celebs just as much as I hate people like Sargon and PJW
He is an average intelligence, heavily indoctrinated intellectual. The reason why he shines so bright compared to youtube anti-sjw circlejerk is simply because he is average, while they are ignorant and mostly uneducated retards. As the saying goes "in the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king". If you want to actaually get redpilled, start reading proper philosophers instead of watching stupid ideologues.
Amazon wasnt bringing 25k jobs with them they just ship in their own people
>This is all leftists. They all think we should just destroy the current system, rather than improve it or let it continue improving
I tHinK oUr cuRRenT sYstem iS goOd, BuT, I ThiNK it cOuLd Be bEttER. Would be their response if you said that. They want to fuck up our current system that basically brings a guarantee of prosperity and replace it with a system that has failed every time it has been tried and they think somehow this time will be different
>heritage foundation
Not that it's automatically wrong, but that's not a good sign
Good post user, keep being based and free from ideologists.
>Amazon wasnt bringing 25k jobs with them they just ship in their own people
Lol what? They weren't gonna downsize their other offices. Anyways 25k high paying workers is a bad thing for NYC now? Since when is 25k ppl that pay a ton of taxes a bad thing for a city, they take little in welfare and provide a shit load of taxes. Instead you listen to poor people who leech of society and lives of welfare all their life while not contributing a dime to the system
I lot of leftists nowadays wouldn't even say they think the current system is good. A lot of leftists believe that capitalism is the source of all the world's problems, despite it being the system that has allowed the masses to be free (or at least, freer than they were)
>Using data provided by government burea...
Honestly user, in 1 world countries you don't get better data source than governmental statistics agencies, they hire statistical autists there. Trust me, I am working with that shit a lot and it's usually way more reliable than outsourcing reaserch to some bullshit company.
>Not that it's automatically wrong, but that's not a good sign
Here's the source behind the graph if you don't trust the heritage foundation dash.harvard.edu
>A lot of leftists believe that capitalism is the source of all the world's problems
Wait really? Extreme poverty is at an all time low and leftists say that capitalism doesn't work and is the source of all the world's problems? We are living in the best time ever right now and some people want to destroy that which makes me very angry
It makes me pissed too.
I'll be the first one to admit that capitalism has plenty of problems, but it's the best system we have, and will ever have.
If youre working poor and in a situation where you know you will stay that way, the last thing you want is a bunch of yuppies rolling into town, replacing your neighborhood with upscale apartments and gay little cafes youll never be able to afford. Fuck society
Is Jow Forums a neoliberal board now?
The paper states that wages and productivity have increased from 1970 to 2006, so you're not wrong. However, the prices of goods have also increased a lot, which people can't afford anymore because the wages don't compensate for the increase of prices. It's a cyclical argument, but it's what's happened.
Besides, it is just one paper and they conclude that the topic needs to be looked into deeper.
"Although nominal wage increases in recent years lagged slightly behind
productivity gains , this may be a natural result of the rapid rise in capacity
utilization (from about 75 percent in 2001-02 to nearly 82 percent in 2006-07) or
of the capital deepening that occurred during these years. Those explanations
deserve further analysis"
^this one was actually for
aparently it is, and it's fucking glorius
Capitalism itself isn't the source of the world's problems. I believe capitalism is a great thing and promotes innovation, but the wealthiest individuals are becoming increasingly wealthy at a rate much higher than your average joe is. There needs to be regulations in place because what the hell is daddy bezos going to do with his billions of dollars. Nobody spends that much, so they can cough up more.
Sgaun, like the main leftist youtubers are bereft of humour, that's their biggest crime.
origugguiggk typo
Based. Communist and nazi larpers need not come here
I'd take better arguments over comedy. I do concede that the left has shit sense of humor since the point is to be inclusive.
it's not a matter of facts and counterarguments, you either love your people or you're a liberal.
I find the chapo guys to be funny, even if I don't agree with them on a lot
>The paper states that wages and productivity have increased from 1970 to 2006, so you're not wrong. However, the prices of goods have also increased a lot, which people can't afford anymore because the wages don't compensate for the increase of prices. It's a cyclical argument, but it's what's happened.
It's adjusted for inflation user.
"The level of productivity doubled in the U.S. nonfarm business sector between 1970 and 2006. Wages, or more accurately total compensation per hour, increased at approximately the same annual rate during that period if nominal compensation is adjusted for inflation in the same way as the nominal output measure that is used to calculate productivity."
My main point about the graph is to show the insane dishonesty of leftists who spam the wages vs productivity graph without looking deeper into the issue. If they did however their whole political agenda would become fractured, so either they chose to ignore it or they're too lazy to research the subject. This becomes very problematic when you have a large audience who has trust in you and now believes that the system isn't working because said youtuber either chose to ignore total compensation or was too lazy to research the subject
>OP BTFO in his own thread
Socialism fails once again
>Capitalism itself isn't the source of the world's problems. I believe capitalism is a great thing and promotes innovation, but the wealthiest individuals are becoming increasingly wealthy at a rate much higher than your average joe is. There needs to be regulations in place because what the hell is daddy bezos going to do with his billions of dollars. Nobody spends that much, so they can cough up more.
Agreed, I think that we should look into limiting stock buybacks which probably wouldn't limit growth and it would limit the rise of wealth inequality. It might even cause larger growth due to companies spending more money into r/d instead of stock buybacks, however like with everything we should tread carefully and not do any drastic changes that could hurt our growth
Also I want to add that spending isn't everything in an economy, investments is a huge part too. So rich people play a very important role in society because money that isn't used for investments will be eaten by inflation. That being said we should look into some things to limit the rise of inequality without hurting growth
See If you look at him for comedy that's fine. However one of the biggest talking points of lefty youtubers is the so called wage stagnation which when you look deeper into the subject isn't true at all and total compensation has risen with productivity and not stagnated like the lefties claim
No, we can't all be equal, because we aren't.
Ok, I've been out for several months now, when the fuck did this board became so based?
>What do you robots think of Shaun?
He's a feminine shitlib who's arguments revolve around telling people that they aren't shitlibs like him.
>I find his counterarguments rather compelling.
Which ones?
>Is there something you hate about him that I should watch for? Redpill me.
Being an anti white faggot.
>What do you robots think of Shaun?
1st of all
Faggot SJW shill
Watch these videos:
If you think his arguments are compelling you are blue pilled
He loves Star Wars TLJ.
>Let me debunk leftist ecelebs with alt-right ecelebs
This is why politics is fucked, it's always a popularity contest. It's never productive
yeah, it's very pointless. one side will bring their cherrypicked stats and the other side will bring theirs and it's all just a facade of rationality to conceal their ideological drive. in the end both sides go home thinking they won.
I've become politicly neutral after watching youtube all across the political spectrum all debunking each other, making me realize how easy the stats are easy to manipulate
Checked, maybe big brained centrism is where it's at
The most pathetic part about this Shaun guy is the 'and jen' isn't his girlfriend at all it's some roommate. And they're not even fucking she's a lesbian. Never trust anyone with a skull icon.
I found shaun and jen a couple of years ago and decided to give them a go. Forgot the video I watched but I checked everything he said and came to the conclusion that he was leaving info out that he really shouldn't be leaving out. There was no way he could know and say one thing without knowing about the other thing which proves it wrong, for example.
I don't give a shit about e-eceleb youtubers anymore. After checking out the others I realised they're all insane liars just trying to push their shit into your head because they are fucking losers in other aspects of life I guess. I wasted dozens of hours watching political vids, if you want to learn about the world, read a book and come to your own conclusions.
Not saying that I'm right to be a centrist only that I choose not to express my opinion since I recognize that I lack the knowledge
not necessarily. you just have to understand that you can't change somebody's stance on abortion through stats, it's something you have to believe one way or the other.
Honestly I don't even want to get back into politics because it seems like such a chore. Most ecelebs usually latch on to whatever ideology they discover on their college years and become overconfident in it
it's this guy and he's not a good
destiny is the dumbest one out of the anti-anti-sjambok group he doesnt really research or make argument he just makes faggy appeals to emotion and authority three arrows is best
shaun is a good framer Im afraid if he gets out of a situation he doesnt totally control he will fall apart
>Shapiro skews data to fit his narrativ
anyone on the leftube is just as bad if not worse
naaa hes right they ship foreigners like indians and somalis to work in america you should see seattle
I tend to agree but if you go into controversy they will shy away and never trust CIA niggers
no just liberal I honestly dont know where the neo came from we dont have that big of a ideological difference from the original liberals like locke
The funny thing is people who use the npc meme are actually just psychologically projectioning, read pic related.
what makes you think that? Any time anyone says something negative about someone else do you assume it to be projection?
we are all NPCs to a varying degrees. our perceptions and opinions are formulated through an AI system in our brain that records information we are given through television and books etc without properly thinking it through.
Isn't he for socialism?
Capitalism has brought nothing but misery and poverty to my country, big foreign corporations here destroyed the local competition, increased the value of basic services and lowered the wages of the middle class since they are so powerful the goverment panders to them and since they are allowed to do everything here they had violated the labor treatment laws.
That's not how the NPC meme works, user.
Okay, let me explain a bit about he NPC meme here.
The whole thing started after a trend emerged of videos of liberals being asked WHY they didn't like certain policies on Trump or other "conservative" sources and them being unable to answer, or those who did answer all saying the exact same vague things. You know, like preprogrammed NPCs that can only answer questions in a certain range.
The difference is if you ask someone on "the right" why they don't like something, they can go into a certain level of detail on why they don't like it, whereas some (not all) liberals either come up with some vague CHEETO MAN BAD garbage or nothing. We are not all NPCs. That's not to say that it never happens on the right, there's just so much video evidence of it happening on the left it drowns out. If you want an example, just look at all he people who protest or argue with Nigel Farage who say he's a banker/banker affiliated.
I'm not denying that at all, but I'm sure I can find right wing NPCs.
Destiny is a good example, I don't care or like him, but when he started giving basic questions when debating a few right-wingers they started to crumble immediately, because it had not even occurred to them to check their information or understand the opposite viewpoint.
>Wow this guy is smart and I like how he says things, but I don't agree with them so I must go online and ask other people what they dislike about that guy so I can dislike them too
you're speaking absolute nonsense.
first of all, there's no way a corporation can destroy local competition without lowering their prices. second of all, how is it free market capitalism if the government actively intervenes into the market?
Fart huffing retard selling "edutainment" just like every other Youtube micro-celebrity: Hbomb, Contra, and everyone else who panders.
He tells people what they want to hear (read: political entertainment) for money.
I couldn't give two shits if he truly believes a word he says. The majority of them don't and do it for the money. They'd never reveal this flat out because it would collapse their little house of cards and paypigs.
Shit's been happening ever since media was invented. The internet, youtube, and patreon is just the next frontier for demagogues who operate out of their bedroom with a mic and a webcam.
I'd need a link to that one because every debate I'd seen from Destiny was him getting his ass kicked by guys who didn't know what the fuck they were talking about.
Destinyfags think Destiny wins the debate because he says the last word when in reality he lost from the first counterpoint but doesn't even understand why he's wrong, so continues anyway. The examples I can think of off the top of my head are when Sargoy of Mossad told him it's better to not need wealth redistribution in the first place and have less growth than ahvs more growth and need more redistribution, and he kept going on about making Iphones cheaper, and that time some random Jow Forumslack told him transgemderism is still a mental disorder in the DSM5 and he kept saying its a lifestyle choice to transition.
Destiny is a no talent hack who Gish gallops his opponents then switches the topics as he pleases to seem as though he's smart. I would like to see what you're talking about though. As I said, havent watched a lot of his stuff.