Tfw I go out with my friend

>tfw I go out with my friend
>he's an unrelenting racist
>keeps saying how whites are different and Hitler did nothing wrong out loud
>racist rants
>people keep looking at us and whispering about how racist we are
Anybody have friends with a weirdo too?

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Fuck muslims, niggers and normies like you op

Damn your friend appears based. Redpilled on the JQ, too.
He should be more careful about revealing his power level though. It just isn't safe to do so in public.

he is right, but it is too late

He says Heil Hitler in public too.

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your friend is still cooler than you even if he is actual real Hitler risen among us like a manlet phoenix, since you talk shit about your friends online behind their back

He most likely breaths Jow Forums

>hitler white knight

So you're friends with a, by your own claim, unrelenting racist. And associate yourself with them? What, is he really good at sucking your dick when he's not being a racist CHUD or something?

Where do you live OP?
In my country nobody really care if you're a nazi or racist or smth.

Is this a thinly veiled Jow Forums thread?

He's fun to talk to lmao

Latin America. This place is overrun with spics and nigs but there are a few whites of upper middle class and my friend is part of it. The trouble is that he says things which are not acceptable and people stare and whisper at us, but he's so fun to be around with that it's worth it lmao.

Fuck you degenerate.

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tell him to finish his fucking thought and send it in one text rather than sending 10 one word messages

OP is it true there are lots of big booty white girls in latin america?
quiero viajar a la tierra de los culos bonitos
also, friends that say shit like that in public are hilarious. glad you have fun together.

Fuck normies, muslims and niggers like you OP

Just tell him to keep his power level down when you're just trying to go do things in public. Last thing he needs is to be shanked by a nigger. But he's clearly more based than you.

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yup, I hate what an idiot he's turned into

>>keeps saying how whites are different and Hitler did nothing wrong
it's self-contradictory because hitler mostly killed whites - slavs and germans

>OP is it true there are lots of big booty white girls in latin america?
Yeah, kinda. If you're an assman you're gonna have fun here but not if you have the patrician taste of big titties lmao. Tits > butts

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This OP. Your friend is a fucking brainlet.

Hitler would have killed his beta ass.

>Tits > butts
but you can say that because you are constant surrounded by amazing butts. but here in the land of canafats, big teddies are dime a dozen (and big asses too, but not aesthetic ones)
>wittgenstein playing banjo
i love u op