Being black is true suffering. I just want to fucking hang myself in my garage and be done with it. Oh my god man.
Being black is true suffering. I just want to fucking hang myself in my garage and be done with it. Oh my god man
What if it were technologically possible to become white?
sounds like a personal problem OP. im black and i have never felt any regrets about my race, in fact i wouldnt want to be anything else.
It would be too late for me. I'm 24.
where do u live OP?
So if someone handed you a magical smartphone that let you choose to be an extremely handsome white man you'd say: "nope, i like being a niggity nog."
East coast, US
>I'm 24.
I made a thread yesterday, yes.
what is your problem with your skin color?
Notice how you specified "extremely handsome white man". Race is not the only thing that matters about a person. A rich black guy will have a far easier life than an ugly, poor white guy. None of my problems come from being black, I'm comfortable with being black.
WHITE PEOPLE! You literally can't be depressed. There's nowhere on the internet where I can shit on a group with less power in order to make myself feel superior. There's no non-shithole country on Earth where I can go without being hated. Keep feeling sorry for yourselves while throwing rocks from your ivory tower white ""people"". The people with actual reasons to feel inferior and depressed are us, the "niggers", the ones who are objectively at the bottom of society in all aspects. GROW SOME NUTS AND ENJOY BEING WHITE YOU PATHETIC WORMS.
yeah, i would. i am too used to being black, i wouldnt feel right being anything else. if i could be an extremely handsome black guy tho id definitely go for that.
Mainly, it's strongly associated with phenotypical traits that I possess and find nearly unendurable to have. In addition to virtue signalling shitheads that claim to be our champions yet wouldn't give me a second thought on the street. And the weirded, bizarre portrayal of us in the media as being dominant retards or submissive bookworms with no in between. It's just an all around shitfest, big time and I fucking want out.
is that a copypasta, ive seen it 3 times in the past 2 days
can I hang you from an oak tree instead?
>t. Jow Forums
Full suspension isn't appealing to me. So no, you may not.
well, you never know unless you ask.
have a good one man. go steal a bike or something, it'll cheer you up.
No worries, man. Have a good one.
OP if you want to kys could you struggle with a cop so he shoots you? if a riot happens it'll give me an excuse to loot shit.
t. fellow black
Dude i promise you if you were white youd still be suicidal
That's dumb, considering I'm familiar with the technique behind partial suspension.
>i can be an emo white teen and find a white qt gf
>i could learn jap and visit nip land and woo some jap cuties (jap girls and east asian women in general are least attracted to nigs)
>i could be a trap and dress up in cute anime outfits and post pictures of myself (no one likes nig traps they aren't delicate or cute)
>i can learn guitar and actually woo some white cuties who like country music by sitting next to a tree on a nice summer day pretending to be deep wearing a cowboy hat as my long brown or blonde hair flows through the wind (no one's gonna walk up to a nig sitting near a tree that just looks offputting)
so many options to cure your down as a whitey with delicious cream skin.
Dude you are honestly such a faggot and I genuinely hope you kill yourself
Not because you said things I dont like or anything, you just have the shittiest and faggiest mindset.
Stop making these threads you damn attention whore. Nobody cares.
I didn't even make the thread i just replied to it.
I'm black and I feel like killing myself everyday, although it has less to do with being black and more to do with the fact that I'm a socially maladjusted, mentally-ill loser with no friends. If I was any other race, I'd still be miserable and want to kill myself. I feel for you though OP.
Make me stop making them you nasty catamite faggot. I hope medics find you dead at your computer but not before you've rotted into ligaments, shards of bone, and fetid red jelly. Go fuck yourself.