
everything counts in large amounts edition

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playing minecraft and listening to bones all night

Going to have a wank then sleep

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Having some booze and listening to tunes lads, trying to decide if I should go play some Warframe or send a risky text

watched this vice video on the ukrainian militias


lots of comfy STALKER vibes desu seems like a nice simple existence when you're not being shot at.

What are you doing, fellow MineChad?

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reminder that being anti israel makes you an anti Semite

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I think I'm in love.

It's... ok.

Drinking beer and going down the youtube rabbit hole for me tbqh.

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Did they know niggers were so loud when they built terraced housing? Most streets in Britain are terraced, and we're building more flats despite having a growing population that is unable to keep their music down or go a night without getting drunk and screaming at each other.

You can have niggers or you can have close-knit communities but trying to have both is destroying the nation's moral.

These Doritos are hot better get rid of them

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not really sure atm lad. i need to get diamonds still. haven't played mc properly in a few year, played a server with some friends about 4 months back but playing single player now with some mods.

>youtube rabbit hole
wht you watching titlid? some lad posted a guys freight-hopping series here a few day back which was very interesting to watch. youtube.com/watch?v=hUg0jFO7NTo

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Terreria is better tha Minecraft, but it's a shit genre anyway.

Watching some gifs with sound video but I have heard of that guys videos, he's now banned from Canada because of it.

yeah, got a 10 year ban from Canada and by extension North America

>tfw no /britfeel/ minecraft server

Helper lad had one

When's the last time we had a proper new OP image?

Love a bit of 'raria I do.

Guys a fucking legend though, he's got balls bigger than Buckingham Palace.

Well idk we had one on Valentines, I'd like to throw my hat in the ring and try but I work a lot so probably wouldn't and couldn't handle the criticism

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there are February night and day images but not everyone saved it

>Ukranian nationalists voluntarily defend their country
>numale reporter asking if some of them were fascists, comparing them with criminals and asking if the leader regrets allowing them to defend their country for free

The fucking state of leftist weaklings, why are you even watching Vice?

Vice truly went to shit when they got the TV show and went full lefty and dude weed lmao.

Give it a shot if you get the time lad
I haven't seen much OC get criticised here apart from the Apu nonce stuff

Don't think I've seen that one

I missed dat shit.

I hate this fucking situation.
>Met a cool kind guy with beautiful voice
>Playing together, having fun.
>After a few days, already getting that we are falling in kinda love.
>He is older than me, like 10 years between us.
>OK, we stayed between friends and lovers, sometimes I heard from him "I like you" and cute kisses sounds.
>But he always left for playing with friends, kinda competitive stuff.
>That's hurt me a lot.
>Told him.
>"All that I can give you is my friendship. I can't give you significance and security"
>"I care for you, I really do"
>"Whatever happens please stay my friend. I will miss you"
>When asked why and "Do you still like me?" I got this answer "I like you, but I can't let that feels go to this way, that's not about you, that's about me"

Fucking retard. I fucking hate him for that. I hate myself, I can't be so stupid to find person like this (and I am not gay) Sorry, /r9k, I really had to say that loud. And I don't know that to do, emptiness will eat me, if I leave this daily happiness.

I know what you mean

This happened to me

>Met a greek guy when I was 21
>Boy he sure took his time to tell me he was only leading me on!

>why are you even watching Vice?

because they're the only place that covers these sorts of things

wow what a brilliant larp.

go back to the kitchen you stupid fuck

>been away since friday
>got home tonight
>flush the toilet and it pushes water back up out of the shower
>it then drains as normal?

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I'm not very good at photoshop, can just about gif/paint the apus I want, but OP images do get criticised :/

Should I play a game of civ5 or watch some chink cartoons, can't decide lads.

Not him but I might do a britfeel street canvas painting then take a picture of it.

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Go for it lad, what kind of paint do you like? oil?

Why don't you try asking for criticism instead of fearing it? just post what you make and ask for advice on what to improve on and work off that, you'll likely get a less harsh response and it'll be easier to handle the negative shit people say

do it user

>why don't you try
I'd rather not kek

Oil is too costly it will be acrylic me thinks, going to do a little shop for the art supplies now.

honestly, the fact that everyone in britain (at least where i live) is kind to each other, muslims, black people, immigrants, asians etc. brings me comfort. except for black women, no one gets along with them, and they dont get along with anyone

Heeeeeeeeeeeeelp lods
Me uncle is dead
I'm dead

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As a young boy, I was obsessed with the many uses of coconut. Now I use coconut products every single day.

>tfw too anxious to be depressed about tfw no gf

What do you mean? Are you ok?

Ziggy has died lads.


Goodnight sweet prince.


Their are not defending anything. It's not their rightful clay.


na night ziggy. see you in heaven pal

Can't say I am surprised, that dog has looked dead for years.

It's just very sad. Makes me feel shit to think about. He was a proper nice dog.


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I wonder if the lad who posts na night ziggeh will continue in his memory.

I hope so.

would be a touching sentiment.


This honestly breaks my heart about Ziggeh.

I had a bad incident with a dog last year and unfortunately the dog died accidentally, so I know exactly how sad it is when a beloved dog died.

why is /britfeel/ so bad compared to the other /brit/ generals?

They're all echo Chambers which are shite

Cause le meme

why are you so bad compared to other posters?

We r dead kids lol

cus every ones a massive cunt
t. massive cunt

I'm feeling the sadness emotion for a dog that I barely knew

Rest easy ziggah

It can be bad but I don't think it's anywhere near the level of the others, brit/pol/ has been shite for years (fucking unrecognisable last time I went there) and /brit/ has been crap since it's inception, the one somewhat redeeming feature of /britfeel/ is that it's slower so it can be decent sometimes although even that is few and far between.

What a prophetic op image

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>when the last walk really was the last walk

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>take dog with bad paw to vet
>leave him in overnight
>vet decides to put him down
>have to call up to ask how dog is to be told that he has died

/britfeel/ is just no fun. filled with genuine rage and seethe. filled with animal abusers, paedophiles and trannies. it's not comfy at all, it's just sad most of the time.

you a janny?

Yeah i thought that was kinda fucked, least the vet could do was call them. Personally I'd be pretty devastated if my dog died in some vets without having anyone who knew him there.

Want to get a dog cause I'm lonely but I worried about the sad feels I will get when they die.


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I'm shocked they don't have to ask you if that's ok with you. The dog is, after all, your property. You will also have to pay for whatever treatment they issue, even the cost of a lethal injection.

Perhaps the rules are different if you take the dog to a freebie pets trust type vet.

Where is the justice for the fallen and fractured?
Are we irrelevant, I thought that we mattered
Where is the Bat or is this circus just white trash
Please do not pass, do we fall under your flight path?
Where is the league that'll deal with these creeps
Should I be fighting like a Titan even though I'm a teen
If the Batman has my back man then why haven't I seen?
Keep robin' me in poverty no one to intervene

Now the time is here
For Iron Man to spread fear
Vengeance from the grave
Kills the people he once saved

Based fuck normans

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>watching celebrities talk about their shoe collection
oh, so this is what lil pump and the rest of them spend all their money on

ok is anyone here? can't believe the thread is dead

We're all dead lad.

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lads I think I'm experiencing the onset of schizophrenia, the following are things I would never admit to but fit criteria of schizo onset
> delusions
I will not explain the context of why I believe the following but these are some things I think or often consider
Genuinely believe I am the smartest person in my immediate surroundings
After I read the master and the margarita, in which features the devil in the form of a cat, I spent about ten minutes trying to telepathically communicate with my neighbours cat
Often do not post here in case MI5 is building a dossier on me (I am currently thinking this)
I don't believe the following but I often wonder about solipsist shit, like i am in simulation and I am unable to escape my coding or that fate is decided and I cannot escape dying on the same estate I grew up on
> disorganised speech and behaviour
I cannot speak very well, it's like I think too fast for the words to come out properly and people think I'm very erratic and eccentric
Quit my previous job 6 months ago to go travelling and volunteering through South America and changed my mind 18 hours later
> antisocial
Haven't been social in about 6 months, cut all my friends off and live alone in a one bedroom flat

There is a lot of literature linking schizophrenia with stress and I would say that I am feeling very stressed

who knows we're not psychiatrists, could be schizothypal disorder rather than pure schizophrenia though. go to a doctor and tell them, if you get help now you can recover.

still here lad dw, staying up late playing runescape

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Plan on joining the miltary mate I can't afford to be diagnosed

>Quit my previous job 6 months ago to go travelling and volunteering through South America and changed my mind 18 hours later

Isn't that an episode of the US Office?

don't know what to say tbqh. sounds like you're going off the deep end, get yourself to the doctor. also why do you think mi5 are interested in you? that makes no logical sense
the mi5 are too busy trying to arrest organized crime leaders and terrorist to be even remotely interested in a stranger.. i guess you are ill and not thinking logically

my sleeping pattern is fucked now because I accidentally fell asleep at 5pm, only have 3 beers in too so i might try to smash them quickly and sleep a bit more

Honestly don't understand the mind set behind crazy people who think the government is after them. Why the fuck would the government be interested in them? some bloody ego on them!


got a pizza in the oven lads remind me in 10 mins

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you think they'll let you in in your strange state?

been posting less for a while myself desu, got put off the thread a bit but slowly recovering

Never watched it heard it's a betrayal to the original and I think the original is a masterpiece
dunno really thought I had the capability to be a spy and If they saw my posts they would immediately discard me. Also been described as the Kaczynski type and I don't want people knocking on my door and arresting me, also see

Keep burping up sulphur gas, what's happening to me lads

i've only got some peanbutter and strawberry jam here fuuuuuuuuuuuuck

Although I am unconventional, erratic even, I am 100% functional and although I don't think anyone surprised if I was diagnosed I can definitely hide the worst of it
I don't think they are after me I just don't want them to use it against me

>thought I had the capability to be a spy
ok, so you are literally insane, no offense. Go to the doctors and get yourself some help.

I tell you what, there have been some incredible LARPs in here recently. Anyone remember GreggsDialysis lad? And now schizo lad. Brightening britfeel up.


I speak 4 languages and my IQ surpasses 150
I am not 21 yet

based I only have blackcurrant jam and it's shit with peanut butter I like to add banana too

>And now schizo lad.

Who's that?

But surely even if I was insane, then being to hide it functionally makes me even more likely to be a spy?