Why can't Jow Forums take the Lookism pill?

Why can't Jow Forums take the Lookism pill?

Attached: 1515585690222.jpg (1000x670, 95K)

Looks don't magically make you start taking showers. Guy on right could easily look like guy on left with shitty lifestyle

I've heard that this is actually a before and after photo, I could be wrong.

Because even the most """"redpill""" people on this site still can't shake off the blue pilled programming
Maximum cope.
Pffffhahahhahahahahaha showering will change his genetics and facial structure?

Are you sure you aren't partially blind?

everyone can hit the floor but can everyone touch the ceiling

Girls aren't creeped out by millimeters of facial structure homie, they're creeped out by greasy hair and awful skin, let alone the smell.

Try this experiment: Spend 3 months sitting in a room with no sunlight and eat only fried food with lots of meat. Then spend 3 months being active, social, and eating primarily fruits and nuts. There will be some things you learn.

Pic related proves that looks are the only thing that matter in life

Attached: 220px-Jeremy_Meeks_Mug_Shot.jpg (220x270, 14K)

you are mentally disabled

u have an unwashed penis

both these guys are in shape though

>They got their faces by working out! Not their genetics!

I would rather be the guy on the left than the trans faggot on the right. he looks like he had his good share of cocks in his mouth

Someone's been doing their face exercises!

Genetics don't make you lift weights.

>You can lift a good looking face!
Jesus Christ imagine being this retarded

How gay does a guy have to be to obsess over face? Yes if you've ever seen a fatass or a skeleton you know his face looks worse than the guy who lifts.

Coping again.
Anyone can lift not everyone can be GL.
Girls still cream themselves over skinny pretty boys not some roid freak.

Attached: entertainment-2015-03-zayn-malik-one-direction-main.jpg (1500x2205, 428K)

Because I'm handsome and I'm a kissless virgin all I reached was that one girl invited me to lunch at the college 2 times

Also to be sincere I've never asked a girl out and I laughed at every girl who wanted to flirt in the high school because they seemed kiddish to me

>gay guy coping who keeps saying cope
you saved that guys pic on your comp, huh.

trust me bro you wouldn't know the half of it. taking care of your face is a good idea but your "skinny pretty boys" are athletic. if the guy you want to fuck in the ass lived like a nerd loser, he'd become gross in less than a year to literally all girls.

>Taking care of your face
Kek there it is again. Cope.
GL people are born attractive. Also search up this guy if you think he's """"athletic"""' lmao.
He's low BF at best.

>dude you aren't good looking and high status, everything you do is meaningless and cope!
>who cares about having interests, or hobbies, or a passion, or being happy, you're not a Chad who was handed everything on easy mode so your life is worthless!
Imagine being this vapid and empty of a person. You're a literal god damn monkey who can't process anything beyond the most basic animal behavior. End your life already.

yea bro just change your bone structure bro

you're gay and a pedophile? what a surprise
>search up
he has an extensive workout routine including boxing....
let me guess your skincare routine: nothing.

If I can't be as attractive as the top 1% of males then my life is meaningless