I wonder why this kinda stuff is always top trending in america.
I wonder why this kinda stuff is always top trending in america
There are a lot of cucks out there
The numbers are inflated, also, only niggers use Pornhub.
Because niggers watch it and the Jews who run PH push it up in the algos.
America is a cesspool hahahaha
because its fucking hot.
If I could watch an elf getting fucked by an orc I would and I couldn't blame others who would either.
In (((America))) you say?
Im white and i love it. Its a unique orgasm that combines pleasure with the intense emotions of anger but once you admit defeat, its sort of freeing to roleplay as this weakling (because we all feel weak at something deep down) and its a very good experience over all. Many cucks would agree if they actually took the time to analyze and describe why its so popular
Did you see the grammys? Or last years Oscar? Or american music/movies? America is a nigger worship society, its disgusting.
Beautifully said user, thank you.
Woah, where's all that hate coming from?
I'd appreciate it if you hadn't posted such libidinal imagery of my wife. It's almost slanderous.
But that's great. Just enjoy stop bitching.
Because the internationalist capitalist elites want that to be popular
True, thats why I stopped consuming western media a long time ago
Probably fom being forced to live in a society where degeneracy, beastiality and dysgenic behavior is celebrated
The most feminine women with the most masculine men, why wouldnt it be popular? I fap to hella interracial gangbangs
too many darkies
>dysgenic behavior
I'm going to assume in your anger you've jumbled these words with almost no relation to each other. Degeneracy is too broad, and the next two are very precise, bestiality and dysgenic behavior. And while it's commonly agreed upon that America has gone to shit, I'm certain that bestiality isn't part of why it has. Bestiality is illegal as it should be.
But "dysgenic behavior"? Really? When you think of a pair bonding relationship, why does your mind immediately go into the act of sex? Your mind is in the gutter. Must the 99% really ruin it for the 1% of us normal people who see race for what it is?
People are sick of seeing generic white on white porn its fuckin boring.
nah. too many minorities.
Lmao imagine raising a girl for 18 years only for her to end up on pornhub's front page
>65% likes
Niggers are beasts
Meanwhile the top shit in Canada always seems to be blowjobs and semi-incest. Not that I'm complaining, mind.
So you're just a racist then.
What race is this?
Thats why i gave up the dream of children. You cant control their future choices and if my daughter was riding bbc i think i would suicide.
white girls are for niggers and asian girls are for whites. this is what our masters want for us.
i forgot to post the imaghe.
niggers aren't masculine they are just dumb as fuck which makes them seem fearless. you think white people aren't masculine because white people actually think about dying or going to jail.
So your a cuck then?
and what kind of cuck made this deal? Whites can have any race, and eat their cake too.
the Illuminati made it, they must be stopped.
they realized they can control us through sex.
they are controlling us through sex,drugs and war.
nope, most white guys look weak nowadays compared to non-whites.
oh yeah? where did they make this "deal", after the UN meeting? fuck that
literally how could u not love this shit?
ITT: Weak white boys seething
thats your opinion. if you like non whites so much go live in africa
keep reposting from obamduck era photos, dumbass. that shit failed
How come niggers fuck women together. I would never fuck someone with another white guy in the room.
Why are you guys so obsessed with race and sex it's like you're as dumb as the Talmud says you are
Upset because that is your potential future daughter?
It really speaks I'll of us and reflects negatively on us that we cant even get a girl to hold our hands in an era where shit like this is happening even rarely
because everything was fine until they trapped us and mixed us all together. now everything is ruined because these faggots think its good for us.
abolish the UN, that is THE source of race mixing agenda
That wasn't even close to an answer to my question goy
israel wont even let in black jews dont talk
Porn companies intentionally promote interracial porn because it's the fast way from turning someone who is a casual porn watcher into an addict who will pay for subscriptions to porn websites
tube websites like pornhub are partially owned and have partial ownership of multiple porn production websites. These websites that actually produce professional porn make money from people who buy subscriptions to their site. they make their content for these subscription buyers.
A person who is a cuck porn addict is more much more likely to be a subscriber than a casual porn watcher because the former has gone much further on the road of mentally distancing himself from the man he is watching (by virtue of watching a man of a totally different race from him) having sex, such that he no longer inserts himself into the porn and imagines how good it would feel if he were the one fucking her, no he has conditioned his brain to derive sexual gratification primarily from watching other people fuck rather than the lure of having sex himself.
Obviously a person who thinks like that is going to be more willing to buy porn subscriptions because it will muhc more likely be the only thing they can get off to. They'll have become true cuck porn addicts whose sexual response is in response primarily to watching others fuck and no longer inserts or associates himself with having sex.
This is why pornhub and other tubeporn sites have a big incentive to push and promote interracial bmwf porn, because they're trying to grow their subscriber base and create more cuck porn addicts who will buy subscriptions for paid porn sites after becoming unable to get off to anything other than watching other people fuck.
You're naive to think they'd have no reason to lie and would be truthful about how popular interracial porn actually is.
Vanilla porn is so disgusting, people get off on this shit?
instead of back when each nation was its own homogeneous nation and went out and raged war with other homogeneous nations. now the new war is we are all trapped together in one country. i dont understand the purpose of this. but i guess its better right ?
oh stuff it, only darkies pay for this shit. the UN needs to dissolve.