Anyone else hate seeing these fucking talk show hosts everywhere? It's not even the ice cream...

Anyone else hate seeing these fucking talk show hosts everywhere? It's not even the ice cream, Jimmy Fallon has his own fucking universal ride. It's like these companies keep trying to force their left wing propaganda down our throats, while I'm just trying to buy some fucking ice cream.

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Talk dirty to me baby.

They should have a tickle me elmo doll but instead it's Alex Jones.

I dislike all of them, but John Oliver, Colbert and Fallon have the most punchable faces. I legitimately hate them.

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Welcome to the postmodern dystopia. Want to watch a movie? Here is your racemixing propaganda. Doubting your local politician? Here is a clearly staged shot of suffering children. Want to play a video game? Better watch your language, Big brother is watching all the time to ban you with no refund. Want to enjoy a card game? Too bad, it's not for you, whitey. Only POC and LGBT can play now. Want to escape this shitty life? Not even escapism is for nerdy white guys now, you can take in all the propaganda you want though until your opinion is the same as ours.

I just want this Earth to end already.

I think you're over exaggerating a bit lol

The ice cream is made with S O Y

Just open your eyes next time you leave the house. It's everywhere. The era of "White men" is over and we're gonna suffer every minute of it. You don't have to believe me, it will become more obvious as time goes on.

spoken like a true faggot that cannot dig through media and thinks the "era of white men" matters at all

Conan is great. Everyone else can go fuck themselves.

there is nothing i love more than relaxing at the end of the day with a nice cup of Ben & Jerry's #Resist flavored ice cream! being a political activist and sticking it to drumpf has never been so easy... or delicious!

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What is the deal with Ben and Jerry's Ice Cream? When did they become lefty propaganda?

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Whatever you say, man. Just look at who controls the media. Hit pieces and slander practically everywhere. Real journalism died a long time ago. You can be doxxed and fired for a single "wrong" opinion nowadays. Vic Mignogna did something a single fan disapproved of and now he's completely out of a job, even though evidence comes out every day making his name pretty clear. And it's only gonna get worse.

I dunno, it feels like all these hosts are like "orange man bad" and nothing else. What happened to the good old days of late night television?

Then stop buying liberal ice cream. You can buy normal ice cream and mix all the same shit in as whatever BJ flavor you wanted and have five times as much ice cream for the same price. It's funny how a company with such a liberal face is using capitalism to completely screw their clientele. Not that it's a bad thing, anyone who eats BJ deserves to get screwed.

What are they resisting? What is the 'resistance'? Against Trump? That's fucking treason if I ever heard of it, it's not like the government is murdering people in the streets. Are liberals really this fucking salty?

Don't buy that shit, user. In fact, stop consuming the sugared jew.

It's all got fucking onions in it anyway, stay away from it. If you want their flavors, just mix it up yourself. It'll taste way better anyway.

Those flavors sound really good though
I'd like that.

Yeah I'm not buying from them anymore. It's more so the fact that I can't go anywhere without getting liberal propaganda shoved down my throat.

>spoken like a true faggot that cannot dig through media and thinks the "era of white men" matters at all
Nah, mang, if you had your head outside of the sand you'd see them screeching nonstop about 'muh white men.' As far as the 'era of white men' goes, that's mostly something the academic and media elitists like to shriek about.

They're resisting hunger by eating delicious Ben and Jerry's Ice Cream.

you're asking an awful lot of questions, friend. don't you know that orange man bad? just have some ice cream and relax

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Ben and Jerry are fucking kikes, they can't help themselves, they have to undermine and destroy their host country

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Those ice creams are probably sour, anyway.

whats left wing about ice cream? how about you dont buy this gay "food"?

Colbert's ice cream is actually pretty good

Ben and Jerry are hippies from Vermont. They've always been liberal; you just didn't notice.