If you are browsing Jow Forums, you MUST post in this thread. Even you lurkers.
If you are browsing Jow Forums, you MUST post in this thread. Even you lurkers
Oh yeah? Try and make me.
I am bad at making sentences.
Talk to me about magical girls
my english is very bad. i only write in the int thread of my laguage.
I want my voice to be heard anyways
I'm just waiting for new posts on /vp/
i have a gf. ask me absolutely anything. i shouldnt be here lmao
Ok, you win, I post, now, goodbye
what if I dont?....oh wait
Well, you did it. You made me post. You happy now?
b-b-but I can't.. I'm a girl...
>Even you lurkers.
okey dokey
>Every day in life is suffering, but the true suffering is the inability to end it.
fuck you and your gay ass faggotry op
wow i wish i knew my father
Go away evil dogger.
I am dreaming about pic
I just got home from wageslaving and gotta go tomorrow, kill me
Here's what you want, fag.
this is an original post, no other post like this post has ever been made until now.
Go away evil dogger
Not taking chance
Go away evil dogger
Fuck, I want to kill myself
Hello Op if you wanted to talk to someone you could have just asked
gosh durn it
i have been tricked
Eat my hairy ass OP
Thanks for wasting my time cunt, now Im late for my daily reddit r9gay greentext post
Go away evil dogger
reporting in, whaddya want
I hope you're happy, now I'll be on my way.
honk honk hjghjghjghjgh
i am here
now i am gone
fiiiiine originality and all that heccin cra[
I'll take this opportunity to tell you faggots to play .flow
just make me, paddle boy
I prefer to lurk desu
go away evil dogger
go away evil dogger
Here is my post to this thread.
You can't tell me what to do,old man! I'm lurking some more later sucker
Oki dokix
i hope someone take a poo poo in your food next time you eat food
Jow Forumsommando tourist reporting in
lurkfag here
WAIT this aint /wg/
chingu chongu chingu
thank you drive thru
Shiro is best girl
no idea what to post desu
How the fucking hell was this not already taken?
Go away evil dogger
fuck you i'm not even legally allowed to be a robot
Textless posts are not allowed.
I have been muted for 8 seconds, because this comment was not original.
Only if you tell me what gets out wine stains.
I really dont want to user, but ill do it anyways.
what about us avatarfags?
popping in to say hi
now back to lurking
Lol op had big eggs
no, fuck you mom & dad!
hope you cancer & die of aids
Tas not very nice
Your tupperware container is currently gathering dust in a forgotten cupboard.
It was washed a bit before being put away, but not really cleaned, so the remnants of the food once contained within, have permeated the very essence of its plastic walls; distorting the colour, and weakening the structure. If, by some miracle, your friends decide to return it, they will try to clean it with the rough side of a sponge, scratching and scraping its once pristine finish.
It will never be the same again.
They will then forget it once more, and banish it even further down the dark depths of their cupboard.
The next time your friends move houses, a stray lid will appear while they are packing "their" tupperware. They will spend, maybe, a couple of seconds looking for its matching container, promptly give up, and throw it away, never to be seen again. It might as well have never existed.
You will feel that moment. A feeling of angst. A stray thought regarding tupperware of all things. You will discard it as the musings of a busy mind, looking for a distraction from the monotony of daily life. But deep down, beneath the dread of everyday life, beyond the ever-present feelings of unhappiness, of unfulfillment. You will know.
It's gone.
Well ok than
Obligatory post
Now it's original
I'm extremely horny and just browsing for the femdom content at the moment.
Any tall girls browsing?
fuck you and fuck this stupid gay blacked transgender jewish board
Go away evil dogger.
chances I'm not taking
reporting for duty this shit is kicking my ass
Hola, I am here
go away evil dogger
but what does he do
i really dont feel like posting but here i am posting just for you user
Ok faggot
>and fuck all of you, with love.
You guys fucking suck, but I love you all.
I got muted for not being original enough. Fuck me, right?
go away evil dogger.
Slowly becoming autistic here
Pls no paddlin
Kys then kill me too
Nah bruh I'll post where the fuck I want
Fuck off, I won't post a reply to your dumb thread.
i lost interest in vidya
Now i got a lot of spare time that i dont know what to do with
big chungo
Ich will schlafen
go away evil nigger
let me lurk in peace dickhead
You're a poop, why would you say such a thing?
Something that I'm sure all of you can take to heart.
Alright I'm posting but it's not gonna be of good quality or anything
How do I post I'm a bit confused... oh wait never mind
come hither evil doger
I'm gonna make myself a can of Chef Boyardee here in a second.
Spank me you old fuck.
Only because I have to
>even you lurkers
fuck you caught me
i lurk therfore i proast
Hi and bye
They make me cry out of my eyes and peepee