tall boys and short boys edition
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tall boys and short boys edition
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>tfw 182 cm so cant be a short or tall bf because im stuck in the middle
6'4 tall boy reporting in
Hey faggots. My friend had a yaoi artist in his browser bookmarks (yes I was snooping), does that mean he's gay?
>yes I was snooping
>does that mean he's gay?
I think the only faggot here is you, pal
>Tfw 5'8
fuck I wish I was either a 6'0+ tallboi or a
that's tall enough to be tall though, dummy
Ehh maybe but most guys in my country are atleast 178 cm so cant really be impressively tall to a short bf
I wish I had some real friends. Why can't anyone actually like me? I don't know what to do.
do you have an original personality?
>tfw tall bottom
am I going to die alone? all tops seem to prefer short boys
>be you
>be homosexual
>get AIDS
>not taking poz loads to up your immune system
>no FF bf
>ITT: a bunch of normalfag fags LARP as robots
Why are men with scars so much hotter than men without?
>all tops seem to prefer short boys
Lot of tops like dominating people bigger / taller than them; just gotta look hard
I can't wait to cook the pinto beans I'm soaking rn tomorrow
>I wish I had some real friends
Same but online.
boo hoo so what lmao
>implying anyone but the people who complain about the lack of "robots" care about associating with an undefined meme term
but go ahead, keep it up
no friends
no crush
Is something wrong with me? Feels like it
only thing wrong with you is that that you sit around and ask yourself that instead of doing something about it
All you need is one guy to be your friend and your crush and you'll have it made.
eh, it's no big deal
I've been like that for a long time, avoidant personality sucks.
>tfw no short bf to lightly tease for being short
>tfw no short bf to lightly tease me for being tall
>tfw no short bf to be my bf
hey I know that midget
I can't get attached to people due to my shitty childhood and I dont know what to do about it
But I want a bf.. I think having one would make me happy
Damn that sucks user, hope things work out for you
go see a therapist, simple as
I've met with psychologists and psychiatrists since I was like 11.. I'm soon turning 21
then you have to actively TRY to get close to someone and break down your walls for yourself, you're clearly lonely and want someone so just stop letting yourself stop yourself from getting what you want
>tfw no psychiatrist
I've never been close to anyone and the people I've tried to make my friends or potential partners just shut me down every single one of them
You must understand for you to tell me just to do it is so confusing since I've never been there before and dont know how
fucking normalfaggots GET THE FUCK OFF MY BOARD
>Oh no, I'm gay and despite the fact that gay men will have sex with anything that has a dick and a pulse I can't get a bf
keep seething user that'll really make me want to leave
>be me
>stick things in my asshole
>why don't my parents approve of this?
imagine being an adult and giving a shit about your parent's approval.
dude youre a giant
if we stand right next to each other id be at your chest level
Imagine being gay lul
>browsing twitter sluts with tens of thousands of followers
>most have 4-6/10 faces with skinny to skinnyfat bodies
is it really that easy to make money off your body? unironically considering becoming an ewhore
Woah how freaking short are you? I've never felt tall in my life
Do fags post animes characters to cover up the dark nature of their desire to violently sodomize other men?
im 166cm
although im not completely a top i really find this hot too desu
add me gayboys
please give me a tall boy friend
t. very short boy
>very short
but how short is very short?
t. 6'2 boy
Tfw top with small peepee
same desu
tfw average height fag
bf is a 6'4 bottom
im 6ft top
>he isn't vers
you deserve everything that's coming to you
5 foot, originally
any good ultra fem and smooth twink/femboy porn or insta people you can recomend?
i only have interracial, sorry.
>5 foot
wow that's pretty short
>tfw no snowbunny bf
Fucking fag. The only thing your friend appreciates is the love one man can have for another. Ain't nothing gay about that user, meanwhile your snooping is sending up my fagflags all over the place.
anything above a foot height difference gets me feisty
I both want to let you fuck my boypussy and call me a good girl and dress you in pretty clothes and have tea parties before you suck me off. I wish to clutch your ass double handed and lift you up to eye-level with me so we can kiss'n stuff. ....fag.
>Any extremely attractive female that participates in winter sports and or activities.
interracial what exacltly. post it.
How many times do you have to get fucked before you're not a 'virgin'? I've been fucked by 3 guys but still feel like one.
don't any of you dare respond to it
enjoyed reading these akshually.
I needed about 20 different loads to fill my ass before I wasn't virgin. But then there's other "virginities", fisting, public bathrooms, parks, locker rooms, public stairways, rooftops, and more
Well, /r9gay/, i did it. I exchanged dick pics with my e-bf after nearly 2 months after we started texting. This is it: i'm not dick-pic pure anymore.
I don't even know where this is going, gosh...
WHERE is this user
i need to know
Did you like each others peepees? Did he call it cute? :3
>that viera
>is a slut
>feels like a virgin
have you seen the new XII boxart, it's pretty nice
Only after 2 months?
Holy shit you people move fast, you need to take your time with things if you want a true relationship
after only* oops
Nope, but that's pretty great. I love that game but Penelo and Vaan bothered me. They didn't seem to have a purpose aside from being place fillers, which, granted, a lot of FF characters suffer from, but those two especially. Found myself using Ashe(the actual MC as far as i'm concerned,) Fran and Balthier most of all with the occasional rotation to keep people upgraded for shits and giggles. Speaking of the PS2 version of course, dunno what they changed/did for the Switch version there. Hopefully gave Pen and Vaan more of a reason for existing.
i showed a boy my pp and he let me move in with him and now hes my hubby :v
What does it mean if I hate gays but I also want to be shrunken down and inserted into one of your sissy faggot assholes?
how fast are you /r9gay/?
>two weeks in
>showed my internet bf my ankel without a sock on it
Shut up Akko you can't even fly without a magic sentient broom's help.
>think show is going to be about akko working hard and having fun
>turns out the show is about akko getting help from magical items and other shit
>tfw friends dropped it faster than i did
>tfw Jow Forums anime night ended after the third episode
>Only after 2 months?
imagine being this disconnected from reality holy shit
it's just a port of the PS4 version which didn't add any story just gameplay adjusments
She does work hard and have fun. She unlocks Ursula's wand, swims with fish sensei, goes to balls and fucks around a lot. Meanwhile she studies hard, goes on magical adventures with her friends to learn shit, and eventually learns the secret of why Elizabeth is so fucking OP and why she sucks so hard.
Ursula and her white haired friend drained the magic from crowds of people. Elizabeth worked super hard to get her shit back and Akko didn't even know she had magical talent she lost in the first place.
Need to watch it all the way through user, it's like 80% good. More than worth a watch. And the little shorts too.
you actually just made me want to pick it back up. Thanks user
Makes me sad, but oh well, at least I don't have to replay any of those and just finish up my PS2 save at some point.
>tfw spent almost 100 hours getting 1/3 into the game, hunting monster bounties and getting materials and unlocking all my weapons and armor stuff.
Good stuff cuz I like grinding shit like that, but never finished it. Got to zeromus and kept getting my shit pushed in because I didn't realize he was in an anti-magic zone.
Mine's longer, but his was thicker. He called it cute, yes (numerous times!)
I met him long before, not a year but close. Maybe a lil' early, yeah, i admit, but we're both needy of love so idk. Time will tell
>tfw no bf to play ape x legends with
recommend me some chad anime
Sorry to spoiler that user, but it comes pretty late and you're either on board at that point or not. It deserves a second chance, specially if you're gettin' comfy for the evening. Still on Netflix as far as I know. She gets a lot of help, sure, but she deserves that help and proves herself more than worthy of it.
What does it mean if I hate gays but I also want to be shrunken down and sat on by one of you sissy faggots and smothered by your sweet smelling sweaty taint?
>numerous times!
>tfw no tall bf to just cuddle while i fall asleep on his chest
What does it mean if I hate gays but I also want to be shrunken down and stuffed into the musky foreskin of one of you sissy faggots?
Cute hug desu
Should i just give up on everyone and everything? No one likes or cares about me and finding new people is too hard. It hurts me to be lonely but maybe i should just avoid everyone, i dont even have any friends irl just online or rather i had some. I dont fit in with anyone, ive tried discord servers but its not for me. /soc/ is lmao tier. Making friends in video games doesnt work unless youre very good and even then people only like you for being good(and im shit at zoomer games so that wont work). Sorry for autism.
Yeah i've always really liked that gif
im a short boy in heart
im 185 in real life
please help, i dont wanna be tall
someone make me feel short
What does it mean if I hate gays but I also want to be shrunken down and forced to worship the erect obelisk of one of your sissy faggot cocks?