Anons, why aren't you power hungry

Anons, why aren't you power hungry.
Why don't you learn how to manipulate others and bend them to your will without their knowledge.

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how do you learn to do that? would like to but pic related is me

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Read the book "48 laws of power", you should get the feeling on how to do it better

Can you become powerful as a CS major?

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It doesn't matter what job or school you have. Its about playing your cards correctly at the right time.

Because not everyone is a turd. Manipulating your "friends" and loved ones doesn't make you powerful, it just makes you a piece of shit. If you want real power you need to learn about leadership.

Because such a thing is unethical. Unironically

I've done it though. And always felt guilty.

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oh god, good one user. Wait, you're serious?

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You must not find yourself burdened by empathy then. It is a terrible burden, to be sure.

The fact you need to "manipulate and bend people to your will" just shows how weak you are. I can get my friends to do what I want without manipulating them simply because they like me and will do something for me if I ask. You're just fake as fuck dude, and shit this like almost always comes around to bite people in the ass.

Have fun though, I'm sure you'll realize how retarded you are eventually.

I'll manipulate anyone to get what i want in the long run. People are tools, it's up to you how you use them for your advantage

No one said anything about manipulating your friends / loved ones. You can manipulate your co-worker to help you with your work, you will finish the job faster and better and you'll be taking the credit

Oh look, it's baby's first time reading Machiavelli.

Have fun with that. Ill be over here enjoying the company of others and having real friends who will help me when I really need it

Whatever dude, you're clearly a retard. Instead of manipulating, which I sincerely doubt you are capable of, why not just improve your own life so that you don't need to manipulate. It isn't fucking difficult. You only wanna hurt people because someone hurt you.

Friends will betray you in the long run. They will become greedy and envy of you

That's not manipulating. That's just being a lazy piece of shit, and if that behavior continues your coworkers can and will get you fired. Just do shit the right way.

because i don;t want to go on a long journey and have my best friend die then look for immortality and find a shitty plant and lose it anyways

No dumbass they don't. People who make real friends don't have this problem. If your friends don't actively help try to improve life with advice and assistance then they probably aren't your friends.

Why try to live the normal slave life when i could be better than that?

because you are lowering yourself to the level of the vagina jew. women literally evolved to do that.

You'll see in the long run

So you prefer to be manipulated and powerless rather than turning the tables around?

I like to think that I am not power hungry. After all there isn't much in this life you can ultimately control no matter what. Plus, lusting after power seems childish and unfulfilling.

Only mentally feeble men lust for that sort of thing. Many people here regard women as being mentally inferior. Well, look at women. They can't respect their fellow women, only feel jealousy because of their desire to compete. Women take joy in manipulating men's emotions to take advantage of what he can provide them. It's all about power and competition, and women do it even more than men. It's animalistic, below human, to display this sort of primal behavior.

However, my sexual fantasies and fetishes revolve very heavily around power, restraints, and dominance. We can't always escape instinct.

Because twisting people leaves you surrounded by people who arent your friends and only people who you've made to be that way

>Why try to live the normal slave life when i could be better than that?

You can't be better than that you fucking idiot. You could learn useful skills like money managment and financing that would you let acquire things on your own. You're just a leech trying to masquerade as intelligent.

I've been friends with my best friend for 11 years. Sorry that you don't how to make reliable friends.

Reminds me of someone...

I do it all the time OP, a faggot such as yourself should learn how to do it. I have asbergers and ive been told i lack empathy, so no need to care about anyone but me. Pic related is an empathy test.

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also agree man i envy those who lack the ability to empathise

I'm too autistic for something like that user I just want a simple honest life with a gf

Crabs in a bucket. that's you

>Implying you need to manipulate people in order to have power
You could, you know, just play by the capitalist rules, make smart choices, and gain power in a way that keeps some level of integrity.

>t. law student graduating with six figure salary job offer, no manipulation required for financial and legal power. Or should I say power of attorney.

Why? What is there in it for me other than the need to maintain and expand any power i gained? Powermongerers are just wagecucks grinding out a metaphorical currency. The endgame's not gonna be happiness, ever.

I'd like to inspire them or get them to respect me. I'd hate to control people especially if I exploit their insecurities because it sucks.