Fembot feels

>TFW no gamer bf with progressive political opinions
>TFW every potential gamer bf i meet online screams nigger into his headset

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Humanity will never be able to progress while inferior races hold us back. A true progressive is someone who stands for the genocide of all niggers.

I'll be your bf, but im perverted as fuck

What games do you even play where that's a thing?
I've been playing video games my whole life and I've never heard anybody do that.
But I don't play on consoles.

m, gamer, conservative

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>liberal unironically after seeing all the facts about race?
ether newfag pretending or fucking retard
ether way do to yourself what you are implying with this pic faggot.

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I'm your guy probably. Lol, idk if I'd want to date a fembot tho. Nice b8

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Depends on what you play, and what you play on

>TFW every potential Gamer BF is a porn addict who sees me as a crude sex object

dont be sad.. you'll die alone but oh well

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But progressives are just as racist, they see blacks as kids, that's why their policies fail

I like first person shooters and I have PS4. Dont wanna get any more specific than that and get harassed by moids

If your boyfriend sees you as nothing but a sex object then you're just bland and boring

I'm not racist but you'd also have to be into femdom

I'm a gamer with progressive beliefs. But I'm probably gonna rope myself tonight so fuck...

I don't have a ps4, but I enjoy fps'. Disc?

>first person shooters
i am as progressive as can be but it's clear this retardation is never going to work out

t.larping neckbeard cuck #36278

go to crystalcafe if you aren't a neckbearded cuck and get off of OUR imageboard.

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Lol how? Progressive anti-racist policies include voter protection laws and police retraining (so they stop shooting black 12-year-olds).
How is that treating black people like kids?

I don't even watch porn. who needs porn when i can get off to your voice

Because they don't want to acknowledge that social policies can't do a shit without self improvement from black community, they treat them as kids saying that they 're not responsible for their actions, you said that police killed black boys but the reality is that black criminal groups kill a lot more of black men and kids so what I'm saying is that progressist don't want to see all the problem.
>Being an adult means to take responsabilities

What games
And where are you based

i want a bf who is screaming nigger into his headset

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Nobody is going to take you seriously when its this obvious that youre 13 years old

Another moid objectifying me without even knowing me. Excellent.

I hate my vagina for liking men and I wish I could be gay.

>Tfw just want a sponge for all my problems that I never actually have to be intimate with
Thot, not "fem"bot
The only real fembots are unfuckable traps

This is a reply to this thread.

>mfw no /mu/ bf to listen to shoegaze with

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different fembot but be my bf RIGHT NOW

Different user, but be my girlfriend right now.

U wanna chat user? My only friend hanged himself 6 months ago....

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no i want him

>tfw fake thread.

So this is what rejection feels like.

Why not both? Get DPed on the regular

do you have a shady, questionable past? I ask b/c every girl I've met irl who I met through talking about shoegaze ended up having drug dealer bfs or was into sketchy behavior. I need to know if this is a "thing"

>tfw can't stop fantasizing about losing my virginity to the guy I love who is also a virgin
>can't stop fantasizing about exploring and experimenting together
>can't stop fantasizing about getting married
>can't stop fantasizing about the baby-making sex
>can't stop fantasizing about having a happy, loving family

I've got both but am trying to stay away from them, good luck OP.

he's probably younger
fucking degeneracy

is being depressed and suicidal sketchy behaviour?

no, that's normal for here. i mean like do you do and or sell heroin and or coke and or methamphetamines OR have a secret boyfriend on the run from the law who you keep hidden like a stray dog in your apartment and hide from your guy friends who you have over

That's probabIy true. How could you tell?

>progressive political opinions
what you want is a normie gamer you idiot.
women are enough hassle without dating one who's a fucking retard crying about the word nigger or current politics
half the people with reasonable thought out progressive opinions are vilified as nazis right now for refusing to follow their overlords

He's screaming nigger because of the ass whooping I'm giving him.

if you wanna...but idk, kinda made up my mind already Shango223#4413

no i don't leave my house
but i wish i had a boyfriend like that

okay this is me, but i only say nigger when i have to erase my drawings

not like the example prob, he had scabies and other stuff i guess and also had a history of assaulting underage girls.

what's your favorite shoegaze album(s) user

i used to want to start a shoegaze band back before i realized that required social networking with people who arent total degenerates

>assaulting underage girls

>what's your favorite shoegaze album(s) user
my favourite is loveless. yes, yes, i know, the most entry level shoegaze album but still the best.
other favs, smile by ride, just for a day by slowdive, isn't anything & you made me realise by mbv, delaware by drop nineteens, the buried life by medicine. what about yours?
desu i haven't listened to many shoegaze albums yet. im always listening to the same ones kek

sign me the fuck up m8. guess i don't scream it though.

femdom is good, but femdom is not worth putting up with far left crying about racism nonsense just to get it. compromise, femdom but slight racism, ez.

noice, those are all good. unlisted follows;

Everything's Alright Forever by The Boo Radleys, classic

Pipe Dreams by Whirr brings up good and also bad memories

those im listening to right now also found this which i like recently


outstanding move
no, no you don't

It's great to date someone who shares the same interest hoobies as you!

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it's the punctuation user
how old are you?


>tfw the fantasies about having a gf come to head
>fantasies about just listening to music together in bed
>Early morning walk to the hills to see view over the city
>going to the drivethru at 2 am and talking about stupid shit
>evening boat trip under the red summer sky
>Playing vidya and watching under the sheets
>Most likely none of this will ever happen
Gonna shoot myself just about right now

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I dont have god damn discord i dunno what i was thinking. Can someone pls talk this fine young man out of suicide or let me make a burner email address hold on

I'll bite...

Post your discord.

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Check out Alex G, dude is amazing

Ok, post contact info, but we'd have to have other stuff in common probably

post yours
actually tell me how old you are first
also i wasnt entirely serious about that but itd be nice to talk

Any guy who gets mad at videogames to the point of screaming anything is an underdeveloped manchild and should be avoided at all costs. I'm a fucking beast so I rarely ever lose in general, but when I do I just laugh it off or am happy to see the impressive tactics required to beat me.

>everyone else is an underdeveloped manchild
>but I'm a fucking beast
>I rarely ever lose
>impressive tactics are required to beat me
>i genuinely believe this and am proud of it
>but i'm not underdeveloped or a manchild i promise

ALSO if you want to talk about music or whatever lmk and i'll provide disc or s/t

none of my friends left like music with guitars in it anymore and when i talk about kevin shields they throw shoes at me

you dont want this when you're off the internet, gtfo

>dox yourself in front of all these angry moids

Thanks but im scared user

i'm listening to the album you linked rn. it's pretty nice so far but also awkward because i don't listen to new music. i mostly listen to 70s/80s/90s bands

what other music are you into?

>when i talk about kevin shields they throw shoes at me

I'm a gamer but I'm short and also not white


Join this server guys everyone is welcome no matter who you are


l'm Christmas cake.
But racism is dumb. Why would I want it?

user that wants to rope are you still here? We could talk if you want

24, and just email me your discord or something [email protected]

>wanting to date a cuck

Screaming when you lose means you're a manchild, no way around that

>progressive gamer
>far too asocial and abrasive to ever consider a romantic relationship
heh gotcha op

that's ok user. i am trying to force myself to broaden my horizons instead of listening to high school forever recently also because of depression calcifying my brainfeels

i'm into alot

primarily i like when the instruments go skrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrreeeeee

i like this too

I'll be your boyfriend but I'm not white or circumcised

Hi you are my fetish

oh i've listened to swirlies before but i don't remember much of it. i really should listen to it again and see if it clicks. i didn't get loveless at my first listen

do you go on /mu/ often? do you use last fm?
oh and i don't know much about instruments. do you play any?

>But racism is dumb. Why would I want it?
It's only as dumb as crying overly hard about everything being racist or pretending race is totally irrelevant to all things user.
Everyone in the world is racist to some degree or other on a group scale, stereotypes exist for a reason in the first place, it's best to just accept it unless people are enacting violence on others really.
It's mindblowing how people can't understand racism anyway. It doesn't apply to individuals unless they exhibit the stereotypical characteristics of the group, plenty of people can dislike indians or arabs in general for their attitudes and culture, but still be friends with and not dislike in any way individual indians or arabs or whatever.

Politics don't matter, you'll find yourself usually agreeing with whatever politics your partner has unless he's a beta. Just find a gamer guy who you think is attractive even if he says nigger a lot basically.

yeah i got all their albums in a .zip back years and years ago and it was like finding buried treasure

i occasionally go on /mu/ but not often b/c it's not usually funny

don't use last.fm b/c it makes me feel self conscious about my autistic habits of playing certain songs on repeat when i'm depressed which is often

no i never got on with any instruments for a variety of reasons. if i did i would definitely be super famous and wealthy, p. sure

Racism is dumb because it's never really necessary. Yeah black people are statistically more likely to rob you, but any smart person doesn't gain any benefit from that statistic because they know the real issue is socioeconomic status. If they're traveling through a poor area they'll know to keep their guard up around any poor person regardless of race.

i use last fm and i don't care about my autistic habits at all desu it's something nice to look back at and see what you listened to a few years ago
i've listened to what you want 664 times :^)
>i occasionally go on /mu/ but not often b/c it's not usually funny
it's def better than this toxic mess though

that's true, but this place is really gross and cathartic which is appealing sometimes lol

>because they know the real issue is socioeconomic status
What an absurd claim with no statistics to back it up. People of different races and cultures are not all equally likely to rob you if they are all the same socioeconomic status. It is not a societal issue, it is not a financial issue, it is an individual groups and their cultures issue.
The issues will literally never improve until the heat death of the universe until people accept that and instead keep convincing themselves that's totally not the issue like you're doing user

Exactly, niggers are violent, doesn't mean we need to kill em all or anything, it's just important info to know

Fuck off whiny nigger cunt

I think I might have a kink for guys making me feel stupid...

>TFW gamer girl doesn't realize that the only reason men keep women is to have a sex object and every laugh smile and conversation is only there so he keeps getting sex
It's a hard truth femnon but any man who says otherwise is a liar or in denial

Are you a female though? I can make you feel that lol, are u also into degrading stuff?

How do I get a giantess gf could any femanon explain what to do

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Judging by the way you type, I think this is something you'd struggle with.

Making you feel stupid and worthless you mean? Or how? Don't get exactly what you mean by "making me feel stupid", sounds like degrading you to me

shit i do this accidently
you don't want that user, it drives people away

fembots dont exist, no woman has ever been lonely in the history of mankind. go cheat on your boyfriend somewhere else

>Another moid objectifying me without even knowing me.
What's a moid? Is pic related a moid?

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What if I can only make you feel stupid with topics that you wouldn't be interested in?

avoid (objectifying) the moid

kill me