*cures your mental illness*
*cures your mental illness*
Other urls found in this thread:
If christianity could actually cure my anxiety, maybe I'd believe in god again. For now, I'll just sit alone by myself since I'm too scared to even leave the house and god hasn't helped me at all my whole life.
Pretty much user, but I still want a woman.
more like
>makes you lose your faith and then you gain several mental illnesses
god doesn't exist, the bible is good literature tho
*replaces it with a different mental illness*
Dr. William L. Pierce - A Message To White Christians
The Bible: A Jewish Conspiracy Hoax
The Christian Mass and How it Ties into Jewish Ritual Murder
Jesus: The Jewish Archetype
Communism's Christian Roots
YHVH: Taking the mask off Christianity
On Christianity: The Censored Section of the National Alliance Membership Handbook | National Vanguard
On Christianity | National Vanguard
>implying that the mentally ill have the patience to read, comprehend and apply that to their lives in industrialized society
Here's your attention, here's your argument. Hope this reply gives you that very brief serotonin dopamine release to give you a very short distraction and break from this cruel, painful reality of absurdity and loneliness. Hey here, hold this spaghetti. I don't care how you hold the spaghetti, but if you don't hold it and make something better of it, then things will surely become worse and you will suffer more.
begone, viper
Another vote for this one
Okay Jew repent to Jesus or leave this place demon.
Literal ancient shitposting gobblygook, just like the bullshit you read online.
>Child molesting catholics priests are totally sane
>Self-Styled martyrs and prophets citing the bible before/after committing atrocities or just plain stupid shit aren't unhinged lunatics in the slightest
Try harder, user
There's an old Orthodox proverb. "One Christian is no Christian."
Christ says, "wherever two or three of you are gathered, there is the church." Meaning, one man being alone in believing, is still not a Christian until someone joins him.
This is why church doesn't help me.
Takes away your mental illness and replaces it with false bliss. Just like the matrix, a lie that you embrace to help you sleep at night. That's not solving your problems, it's just running from them.
>*Is a mental illness*
Fixed that one for you.
shit thread
if the church doesn't believe in the bible, why should i?
>Dr. William L. Pierce
the same reason men should always believe the truth, even if it is unpopular
why should i believe that it's "the truth" if it's coming from the mouth of a liar
the bible is the word of god, it can't lie
>he hasn't taken the Vargpill
god should have appointed some better people to spread his word
>Word of god
Says who?
How's a ancient book of kike fairytales gonna cure my mental illness?
>Schizophrenia is just satan possessing you bro.
>Read Bible multiple times daily
>Pray for depression to be taken away
>It's not
>pray for anxiety to be taken away
>It's not
>Pray for homosexuality to be taken away (because while homosexuality isn't a sin acting on it in any way from masturbation to a relationship to sex is)
>It's not
Now what I am commanding you today is not too difficult for you or beyond your reach.
It is not up in heaven, so that you have to ask, "Who will ascend into heaven to get it and proclaim it to us so we may obey it?"
Nor is it beyond the sea, so that you have to ask, "Who will cross the sea to get it and proclaim it to us so we may obey it?"
No, the word is very near you; it is in your mouth and in your heart so you may obey it.
Deuteronomy 30:11-14
"Make every effort to enter through the narrow door, because many, I tell you, will try to enter and will not be able to.
Once the owner of the house gets up and closes the door, you will stand outside knocking and pleading, 'Sir, open the door for us.' But he will answer, 'I don't know you or where you come from.'
Then you will say, 'We ate and drank with you, and you taught in our streets.'
But he will reply, 'I don't know you or where you come from. Away from me, all you evildoers!'"
Luke 13:24-7
This is what the Lord says to Israel: Seek me and live
Amos 5:4a
You have to fight fire with fire.
There is no sin. There is only weakness. People imposing their concept of 'sin' onto you merely desire to keep you subdued, instead of you imposing your superior will onto them. Giving in to their whims is weakness, brother.
the bible is the words of moses, john, luke, matthew, and mark you trog
Therefore, I am content with weaknesses, insults, hardships, persecutions, and constraints, for the sake of Christ; for when I am weak, then I am strong.
2 Corinthians 12:10
relativist scum
I'm christian but "curing" mental illness is a long and hard road you may never finish even with God and the Bible, not saying it isn't possible, Nebuchadnezzar had mental illness inflicted and lifted in a moment by God. Unless your "mental illness" is social anxiety or being shy which then yes going outside or to church more will eventually make you less anxious and shy but there is usually more underlying reasons than that.
Homosexual attraction itself is a sin according to the Bible and you aren't born with it, God lets you become gay when he gives up on you, Romans 1.
Where my Orthofriends at? Are guys getting ready for Lent?
no, Abrahamic religions cause mental illness, as they were invented by the race with the highest rates of mental illness. only a psychotic asshole would mutilate their child's genitals because some shitty fiction novel told them to, or do any of the other horrific things these books advocate. the fact that you're here preying on the weak and desperate is just more proof of how truly evil kike faiths are
Clearly you have never met a mentally ill zealot of the Bible.
Where my fellow Andersonite New Independent Fundamental Baptist brothers at? We're anti-jew and pro-race mixing.
>This is your brain on anti-semitism
>Going to hell because of conspiracies
Thanks, bible! Now my schizophrenia is gone! God told me that reading the bible would help me with all my problems, and it did! Now God is telling me that I need to bury the neighbor's dog to make sure the devil doesn't make a libtard win the next election!
*bans fun and causes wars*
how is your diet user? cutting refined sugar has lowered my anxiety attacks tremendously, now I feel like it's all mental(not taking over my body) and can work with it more.
looking at screens all day and consuming processed sugar foods is like leaving the door wide open to all sorts of mental problems
I don't really buy into the "processed sugar is evil" mentality, but also baking is one of the few things keeping me from eating a bullet instead of some bread right now. I'm not in great shape, but I haven't gained too much weight in the past year either.
meeting god made my mental illness worse actually.
So how do I undo it and get Him to return to me and relieve me of my homosexuality?
christianity, and presumably other religions, are extremely attractive to the mentally ill. i suppose it gives them an anchor.
i'm not harshing on religion or mentally ill people
Not quite, issues are still ultimantly there and you'll still get anxious, depressed, paranoid and/or whatever but it really does help you cope and especially how to be a better person in spite any shitty traits you've developed. It's still a struggle. That said in my experience over the past year and a half religion and getting involved with my church in the past year and a half has still been a more effective treatment than any amout or combination of medication and therapy over the preceding ten years. I imagine it might not be the best fit for someone who experiences serious delusions qnd hallucinations and could actually hurt more than help there but short of that I think it's worth trying. It's just a matter of finding a good chruch.
>goes to the extremes to prove a point
*cure your mental illness*
>gives you the illusion that it cured you by infecting you with another one
This song describes my relationship with God for the last few years.
>"I hate the fact it takes a bottle to get my on my knees"
feels man
daily reminder that catholicism is not christianity but is actually devil worship pretending to be
the vatican is evil and Jesus warned us repeatedly about them and their protestant offshoots
everything that people tell you is a lie, only Jesus is the truth because He is God, and He left proof of it for everyone who humbly seeks Him
Delusion and hiding from reality by avoiding responsibility in your life by denying that you have but one existence.
*cures your cuckoldry*
calling it polyamory isn't a cure, faggot
Empty hedonism masquerading behind a thin metaphysical veneer with no redeeming value. OPs self betterment masquerading behind a thin metaphysical veneer is much preferable, far more fullfilling, and therefore effective in the pursuit of happiness.
if christianity cures mental illness why is every christcuck a far left lunatic? or a pedophile
*cures your society*
>not o9a