God I want a qt 3.14 math nerd gf so badly bros
New Tibees video
She's already fucking Chad, stop orbiting.
stop lying you asshole
Every girl ever is fucking chad, even if they aren't in a relationship with chad they are still actively fucking or trying to fuck chad. Grow up retard this is modern life
Look good looking girls like this only want ugly guys to give them validation. Only Chad gets to have sex with them without a condom. She most likely went to college and got a trains of Chad dick ram down her like a dumb bimbo slut. Just stop wasting your time women, they see you like trash anyway.
>Only Chad gets to have sex with them without a condom
so she fucks the ugly ones with condoms?
guess the cat is finally coming out of the bag.
well that is beginning to clear some things up.
You replied to the wrong person retard, she's going to fuck Chad and only Chad.
>t. recently rejected
An orbiting retard that doesn't understand he's a loser with women like the rest of us.
>waa I took a blackpill cause my life is horrible! I wish everybody was a loser like me so I feel better about myself!
why are you in r9k, again? You should know by now that orbiting faggots never actually get laid.
>the only thing that matters is getting laid
>Saying "why are you in r9k", as if r9k is your special club of depressed people
im too fucking broken to the point that i never think that i deserve cuties like this
>people call you a loser if you never do, however
>somebody is new
i used to feel like that, then i just realized how basic most people are and suddenly i feel superior for not interacting with them.
>coping by deluding yourself into feeling superior
Are you 15?
Nope, I just accept that vapid = stupid no matter what anyone else says. Cope with that.
>Why are orbiting fags even allowed here?
Oh because orbiting is a sign of depression and lack of self esteem. Call me Sherlock Homes because I cracked the virgin case.
>Actually looks don't matter bro, you could totally get any girl if you treat them nicely.
you make no sense
I'm not even same user I'm , fix your fucking english.
Fix your arguments, faggot. Not my fault that you can't make a case for your stupid ideas of women.
You're without a doubt American, don't let nobody tell you otherwise user.
That's true. But you just said that "people call you a loser if you never get laid", as if their opinion mattered. If you truly felt superior you wouldn't think their opinion matters. Sounds like immature coping mechanisms to me.
Here you're putting words in my mouth and setting up a strawman that has nothing to do with what you replied to.