what was your father like, Jow Forums? how did he influence you?
What was your father like, Jow Forums? how did he influence you?
overbearing self absorbed narcissist that never gave a shit, and a BPD alcoholic for a mother. wow i wonder why i turned out like i did?
my mom is ann coulter
a good honest hard working man that cared about his children and maybe held his morals too high, could be both loving and scary af at times.
useless. made me useless too. he doesn't care. it feels bad, man.
He was a chill hardworking guy who just wanted a family of his own and had one until my mom divorced him. Didn't get to see him a lot growing up, then he died when I was 20.
Some kind of church worker,that helps people in need and preaches sometimes but he clearly only lives like that to feel superior to others,you'd get it if you met him it's like you can feel the narcissism in his voice and smirk. I was disillusioned with religion from and early age and became kind of a hedonist when it comes to sloth and lust specifically.
Me and my dad were never close. He was always working and didn't really spend much time with me. It just got worse after my parents divorced. He passed away back in 2005.
Hard working dad who loved his family and would often put too much on himself because he was raised to believe its the man's job to handle most things.
Some of this has rubbed off on me, as have his morals. I don't drink, I view the promiscuity of today as wrong. He's even influenced the music I listen to
I couldn't have asked the Lord for a better dad. Mine really is the best
My father made me want not to kill people.
didn't want kids. has always worked constantly. goes on frequent business trips for a week at a time. has probably been cheating on my mom for years but is too pathetic to get a divorce. not a good father.
standard american masculine man. a high ranking army guy who brews his own beer, goes to dadrock concerts, etc. i never thought about it much until i was canoeing on a boy scout trip. dad had just chewed me out over something very minor, i don't remember it anymore. the guy i was canoeing with asked me if "[my] dad was the reason i am the way that i am." i didn't know what to say at the time but it stands out strongly in my memory
A walking ATM machine who is really fun and happy with his friends and customers but then come homes and doesn't talk to his own kids for some reason. I wish he actually tried to raise me... I literally don't know a thing about him, how he was raised, what he's learned through life, etc. When he does, I'm going to have a hard time missing him. I wish it wasn't like this...
Was? How old do you think I am lad?
He got cucked by mom, with her uncle. Spend some years depressed but then he started dating and got alot of pussy. He likes video games and he always helps me and my sister when we need him. He had a redemption arc and I love him. Plus he provides me food unconditionally so that's a big plus. He proved me that a man and his will can return from hell.
glad to hear this, user. I see a lot of stories of shitty dads on this board, but this made me a smile. Reminds me of how my dad could've been, if it wasn't for some of his flaws.
Kind but stern man in his 40's who married my mom in his 20's , (im almost half his age)
truly is a traditional man who uses took a blue collar job as an electrician. true man of the family . although sometimes i wonder if its too much for him
one thing he taught me was that society now looks down on blue collars but is quick to forget that when they cant fix their own shit.
not to mention although he didn't get to finish high school he still has a very open mind to learning what he can. quit his job for me to see my graduate from hs and go to college b/c they were pissed he didn't show up that day. (it was a day they needed someone with his licence to be present and the company got a 20k fine.) my dad has taught me many morals and a great way of thinking. although some call our ideas outdated, no one has ever told me there wrong. the only fear i really have as an upcoming member of society is that ill get cucked and robbed of the chance of being a father just like my dad is.
I don't have a father, i think that's why my life is so shitty, well, that and anxiety
t. Khv
He looks a lot like Hawk from Twin Peaks. An okay man but I just wish he had beaten my mom some more. She really deserved it and it would have really taught her a lesson.
>be two
>dad has a child born from an affair
>parents divorce
>ff two years
>dad marries a very ugly, stupid and mean woman
>don't love each other, never even seen them kiss or say I love you to each other
>(heard them fuck a few times tho)
>grow up to look down on him very strongly because of this
>dont ever recall admiring him
>live a chaotic life switching homes every sunday until I'm teenager enough to stop it
>move in with him cause mom didnt have a penny
>lead a terrible home life in which his wife is a massive cunt and he doesnt do anything about it
>cause of this relationship, the first word that comes to mind when thinking of dad is one:
She just left him tho. Hopefully she doesnt return.
a shitty white trash subhuman meth head hedonistic degenerate boomer that is the type to instead of teaching us and be involved with us would just yell at us and get shitty when we did something wrong. Always was working to support his habits and poor choices, or partying with his friends, drinking and drugging, never was around. Sold drugs and ran around with other degenerates, including a cartel member at one point. Never taught me anything or got involved in our lives in any way. Parents got divorced when I was 4-5, we went to live with our mom. Abusive and neglective, always negative and gave us a hard time, passive aggressive as fuck and just a shitty person, a bully, and degenerate. Stupid, selfish, stubborn. Any chance to be negative and tear us down, we don't matter we'll never amount to anything. Always did the bare minimum and acted like it was our fault we existed. Because of all this we grew up in poverty in the bumfuck rural nowhere (except when with mom we lived in the cities for a brief period) despite being in the so called greatest country in the world. We're sick, injured and dying at a young age. But of course I get no neetbux, no! Living in this isolation for so long turned me into a robot unable to function in society. I could go on but it just makes me really angry and I already have a hard time thinking straight. Being his son influenced me both positively and negatively. I want to be a better person then he was, and a better father, but being turned into a robot I'll never get the chance to do either. Really I'm cynical and jaded, depressed, traumatized, no will to live.
Died when i was 4
My dad is was a heroin addict who didn't care about me or my siblings. If I had a good dad then I wouldn't be here now would I?
He's the fucking giga chad. He's only like a 6 or 7, but his charisma is off the charts. A couple months ago, we were grabbing breakfast. He tells me that talking to people is all about confidence, and tells me to watch him talk to this lady(a cashier at a breakfast joint). Here's basically what was said.
>dad: How's it going?
>her: Pretty good, how about you?
>dad: I am doing great! You look tired, are you ok?
>her:"giggles" Oh, I'm fine, just didn't get much sleep last night, I was watching (insert name of show I can't remember here)
>dad: Oh, I love that show! I can't believe what happened at...
>(insert 2 minutes of inane chatter here)
>her: So, what would would you to like?
>dad: I'll have the (can't remember)
>her: And you?
>me: I'll have the (also can't remember)
>dad: Hmmm, a donut would be amazing right now, but they're a little pricey, I dunno.
At this point the lady turns around, grabs two donuts, gives them to us, and whispers "don't tell my boss :)". After we leave, my dad goes, " See user. All you need is confidence, and people will love you. He does this kind of shit regularly with random fucking strangers. I'm pretty sure that he's actually built some kind of mind control machine, because it never makes sense how people just bend over backwards for him. I'm pretty much the opposite of my dad.
Didn't want me when he found out I was concieved and wanted me aborted, but now is trying to come back into my life. Called him today (he texted me yesterday after finding my number, which shows some real dedication on his part as I never gave it to him; couldn't call him then because I was at work). He seems real apologetic and wants to hang out. He said "I love you" and I couldn't answer back. I live with my mom, and I don't even say those words to her. What's fucking odd about this is that I'm only 19 and black. I have no idea if there is any ulterior motive (I doubt this). Gonna reconnect bros, make up for lost time. He lives surprisingly close by as well, not that he knew where I lived. Wish me luck.
Good luck, be careful, and make sure that he doesn't need a kidney or some shit.
Cared enough to give her child support, but not enough to raise the fucker
Dead and in a urn outside my room, been there since 5th grade