Can we get a nostalgia thread going? I know most of you are zoomers but there seems to be a healthy crossover between boomer and zoomer nostalgia
Can we get a nostalgia thread going...
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conker gang
>ywn live in the alternate universe where Twelve Tales: Conker 64 was released
Thought it was a joke when I first read that they were going to turn it into a sweary South Park type game
But Conker's Bad Fur Day is a great game user
Conker was the worst in DKR tho
Pipsy was objectively the best one
This my boys
please yappan
if you beat the whole game with her grats but also she isn't the best
heavy weight motherfuckers up here
Favorite original Xbox Game?
How do I make the pain stop?
The nostalgia has been getting to me recently. But its not a
>I remember that, that was cool
nostalgia, its a
>wow, that was x years ago, where did time go, what have I done with my life
I really just want to go home
Happier youth, happier times.
We age, become less naive, and become more sad and miserable.
Then we look back and remember the self that once was and is no longer, experiencing an appetence for a vestige of that naive joy.
Its so painful. As a kid, I wanted to grow up. It felt like the world was filled with possibilities and the only thing holding me back was my age. Now I view the world as a dark place with nothing but dead ends and I long for childhood.
The happiness and free spirit of a child, the realism and wisdom of adulthood, it sucks, so much
Halo CE. Fusion Frenzy also a good game.
For some reason, the snow biome in early minecraft made me so comfy and at peace as a kid, and still now.
are classic memes nostalgic? because... wait. my pic just makes me sad.
>2012 was 7 years ago
Not original
>Welcome to Horrorland
>Where nightmares come to life
Certainly apt for my existence
I remember my parents bought me a bunch of goosebump books from a garage sale because I was a poorfag. Brought em all to class and proudly displayed them on my desk. The books had the original owners name written on them and a girl from my class told my teacher I stole them all. I got pulled aside and questioned how I got the books. I was maybe 10.
That day I understood that all females were trash.
This game was such bullshit.
were the 80s the best decade?
i always preferred turtle man tiptup
wow thats shitty man i'm sorry that happened to you
>2004 was 14 years ago
i want to die now
actually no that was 15 years ago user it's 2019
>15 years ago since 2004
All wrong. Banjo Brigade coming through