I've had a testicular torsion because of squatting

I've had a testicular torsion because of squatting.
Nearly lost my ball. I won't squat ever again, how can I train my legs without risking this shit ?

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>being a cremasterlet

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Bodyweight squats?

>tfw no girl to activate your cremaster reflex

How the fuck that happened by squatting

Deadlifts and squats are pointless unless you compete, SS-tards and other fags just read the shit they read and see online..
use the stairmaster if your gym has one, if not, literally just do different machines that hit legs, press, curl, extension, etc.
Upper body is prio #1

how the fuck did this happen?

I'm not kidding user. I felt a sharp pain in my right ball after my set. I immediatly stopped and went to the emergencies.
The doctor managed to put it back in place and told me if I had waited 30 more minutes my ball would've been necrosed.
I'll be operated in a month, they'll attach my balls with steel wires.

repeat the shit they read and see online*

>Post hoc ergo propter hoc


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been lifting for 2 years now not once NOT ONCE will i squat or deadlift. i went from twink to jacked and get all kindz of compliments on my gainz. YOU DONT NEED TO DO SQUATS OR DEADLIFTS THEY ARE A MEME. you WILL visit SNAP CITY if you continue doing the meme exercise.

not posting body because im having sex rn

Post sex

Now now, don’t get your balls in a twist.

>not posting body because im having sex rn
>t. virgin dyel who is fapping rn

Squats are feminine anyway, and are a cope for lifters with weak upper bodies....but in really strong, much squat. They're also a lift that takes little effort to reach big numbers on, so new lifters like to get ok at them and talk about them like they are the best ever. Your ok without squats. In fact there's pretty much no reason to squat unless your a powerlifter sprinter or football player. Just hit up the leg press instead. And bvb yes, squats are very, very feminine, which is another reason so many here like them, they wanna have a big feminine ass without realizing it.

Deads are a must if you want to have real strength. I agree though, they dont do too much for aesthetics. However if you are a firefighter or something like that or just want to be strong, your gonna need to do your deads. Squats are literally a feminine exercise.

Have sex


how is your fat, unproportional physique coming along?
