Are femanons even bigger fuckups than we are? imagine what it takes for a person with a vagina to end up in this place

are femanons even bigger fuckups than we are? imagine what it takes for a person with a vagina to end up in this place

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i'm more of a robot than most of you

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They're here because they want to be here. It's a choice for women.
Because women in this society can't fuck up. They don't have to be and never are held accountable for their actions.

>femanon makes being isolated a dick measuring contest
Never change women, never change

haha youre more of a loser than me haha i really want to rub this in your face haha also pls be my gf

I have a decent job and a "Chad" boyfriend. I mainly come here out of boredom.

Lets PRETEND here for a second, that a person with a vagina ended up here and could relate to our stuggles. If a person like that exists I pity them a very large amount, more then I'd pity most men here. They'd either have to be an irredeemably vile, heinous person. It'd have to be entirely personality since literally everything is one weirdos fetish. The unspeakable things they'd have to do to drive away any potential male attention would be on an entirely different level.

Again this is all in theory, I doubt a woman like that exists. The only reason one would end up here is to use orbiters for their money or the very select few fembots that also crave a robotic partner.

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they're here because we let them
half are thirsty and the other half are normalfags
go on to lolcow or crystalcafe and you'll get fucked right off with a ban

i'm just stating facts, bitch

no i'm already talking to this sweet robot i met a few weeks ago

Do women not realize nobody is afraid of them?

>no i'm already talking to this sweet robot i met a few weeks ago

>stating facts about being more lonely
>is a female who is able to meet someone sweet
Get out,get out, get out. God women really can't have any long term struggles in life, if they're lonely they just get a boyfriend. I'm only able to make friends with lesbian girls at least they're cute and sweet

why would you be afraid of me or vice versa this is just an anonymous IB faggot

nah he already kissed a girl before

just because i'm talking to ONE (1) guy online doesn't mean i'm not lonely. besides, who says we're even involved romantically? we're just talking. i don't have any friends irl.
>women really can't have any long term struggles in life
DUMB incel

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>nah he already kissed a girl before
i dont know this man but i already hate him

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Im going to take a stab in the dark and call samefaggery

I knew a girl that used to come here who was a 500lbs furry and she still got laid regularly. Mostly by niggers be she also got gangbanged by the university hockey team who had a bet amongst them with money involved about who would bang the fattest girl that season. Those hockey guys are fucked.

The amount of people taking this bait seriously is astounding, you are a genius my dude.

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>palpable narcissism
>trying this hard to be noticed by men
how much does it suck knowing that you'll never be as happy as your least favorite sister or female cousin

I'm not an incel, I have plenty of girls that are my friends and I care about them dearly. Straight women are almost all awful people who try to belittle men at every chance they get because they know they can always do better.

>He's not gay he's kissed a girl

Every faggot I know irl pretended to be straight at least for a little bit.

I'm in bed with a FEMBOT atm, laughing at you ffucking whore lmao

based and straightpilled

>Be fat with a vagina.
>Think I am a 10/10 Stacey when I am infact a 4/10 hog.
>Refuse 2nd tier Chads and beta Chads because I am a princess and deserves no better then the best!
>Years of this goes by and the only attention they can get is from here.
>Still waiting for the 10/10 Chad to take me to his mansion like I deserve.

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yeah Jow Forums is one of the easiest boards to bait

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shut up. i could be happy if i tried. i don't care about that now

I'm a huge fuckup with zero social skills, no education, mental illness, NEET, the whole package. But none of that matters for us women. Literally just don't be fat and do your makeup, and you can find some guy to scoop you up and take care of you. Even if you're a 2/10 you can find an old man who'll happily let you stay with him rent free while you sort your shit out.


i know that english spelling is retarded but you have to try really hard to make that bad of an error