What is the best pussy shape?

What is the best pussy shape?
also i wanna eat a fembot's pussy just saying

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>one black one
What is up with that?

Guess they couldn't find a white model for that one

They all look fine for the most part, would take whoever can piss the farthest
Don't quite care for the 4 over, 3 up style, but would still put wiener in if girl's attractive
Don't care for piercings
Chart needs more pubes

how is it possible that even through ten of thousands of years of human evolution vaginas haven't evolved into something even remotely good looking?

>inb4 a whiteknight questions my sexuality

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I wish I had #3 but I have something more like #6. Or like the bottom second.
Am a virgin and don't fap. Still a roastie.

Pls no buly.

can i snort your vagina lips please

all of those pussies are gross.


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So are the flaps like loose hanging skin? Are they thin? Can you feel things on either side? Can you stretch them? If you had a bf, would you want him to lick them or play with them?

Always wondered how it feels to have flaps.

I-i-is that how people do the sex?

What part of the body is the flaps supposed to be on a man? The balls? Foreskin?

i dont know im a virgin, but that seems accurate

I completely agree, shemales and traps are the way to go.

>inb4 a white knight questioning my sexuality

The balls (where pee is stored)

I used to be grossed out by pussy, but I've grown to like its appearance. Too bad I'll never see one irl

>he doesn't know it's not possible
not saying you're a pole chomping faggot, but appreciation of vagina transcends plebeian aesthetic values.
but you're probably a pole chomping faggot

No, they are kinda like ear lobes? That's the best way to describe. Except wrinkley. Not thin.
Kinda, but Im used to feeling it so i dont really pay attention.
I guess they are stretchy but not too far.
Maybe if he really liked it and was really into it, but idk.
I'm insecure about it, to be honest. Who wouldn't be? As everyone in this thread has said, even the prettiest vulvas are gross looking.

It looks fine user, there will be no bullying here

26 and the very last one are the only except able vaginas. Anything besides this would just be settling for a disgusting vag no matter what a man says.

My ex had a 25 and I would make fun of her every single day for it. I refuse to lie to her and say it's attractive when it looks like a tilted hamburger, clam or home Simpsons face.

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Not that guy, but if you're serious then that sucks. You might as well just start masturbating too because it's not like you're preserving a perfectly-made pussy or anything. Seriously though, most men won't care that much, you basically have the equivalent of an ugly foreskin. If you have money, you could even get surgery if it helps.

Do you femanons shave your vaginas? I like a bit of trimmed hair desu.

>I'm insecure about it, to be honest. Who wouldn't be? As everyone in this thread has said, even the prettiest vulvas are gross looking.
It's fine. No one (or at least no one who worth it) would actually care about what it looks like.
Plus the two you mentioned don't even look bad.

>I like a bit of trimmed hair desu.
trimmed hair is pretty kino

Don't worry, some men have good looking dicks while most don't. Odds are, you'll have a bf with a less than ideal dick. All that maters is that you both like each other, sex will always be enjoyable no matter what.

why are girls so pretty and yet their vagina's are so fucking gross..

can't put makeup on your pussy

Am I turning gay? Or all of these fucking repulsive?

Pussy is an acquired taste

So, when you put your penis in an innie, does it just go right into the vagina hole but if you put your penis in an outie, it has to go through the flaps to get to the hole? Does that mean there's like a layer of cushion between her and you? If so, wouldn't that feel better for the both of you when you start humping her, like her body has a natural cushion designed to lesson the impact of the flesh slapping together? That's pretty cute, like her body was born with and designed to help you fuck her.

>i now have a fetish for pussy lips rubbing against the male while he's fucking her
Thanks user

#27 looks delicious desu

Innies still have a set of inner lips, they're just small so they don't show because the outer lips are so fat.

the puffy semi innies of actual femanons

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3rd column 5th row I would eat for hours and hours and hours

The only ones that don't look good to me are 6, 13, 15, 16, 27 and 32. My favourites are 28 and 35.

3rd column 5th row I would eat for hours and hours and hours
looks very yummie too, could use some pubes

That's a pretty aesthetic pussy
too bad it belongs to a whore

Which whore does it belong to and where can I find more?

I can't even being to be bothered by girls who share nudes if im being honest Especially with this pathetic lot

This one

I'm serious

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That's hot honestly, I could guarantee that that's a clit I can work to perfection.

That's a clit even I might be able to find.

My fellow paclitians

Sadly this is all I got

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Pubes here

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i want to wife up scotty and cuddle her all day

>wants to wife a whore

>single girl who posts nudes online is a whore

You're entitled to your own opinion and all but..

>lets hundreds of strangers see her naked
>not a whore
ok bud

the actual definition of whore would imply she did it for money. I don't care what a girl does online for kicks as long as she's not fucking around or doing it while she's with me. Imagine being this personally offended by a stranger

that pussy was unrecognizable without its stash

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Ok, my bad
>wants to wife a slut

dont ever call scotty a whore again you whale shit fuck turd

I wasnt even the guy you responded to anyway. I'm just saying I don't particularly think some pictures reflect how someone is in the real world

Scotty is a thot who posted nudes of herself online for male attention

It shows that she doesn't believe that sexuality is a very private thing, which is literally the basis of how someone becomes a slut

vags are disgusting

i dont care i want to bury my face in her ass

I think it just shows she has very low self esteem The impression I get from her is that she would like nothing more than to be with someone. She could easily fuck around purely for being female and yet she doesn't. But maybe that's just me.

She's an ugly mentally ill shut in Neet. I don't think she qualifies as a thot

Eh, I guess that's ok then. As long as you aren't misguided into thinking she's "pure"
If that's the case, it's messed up that people coaxed her into posting nudes for approval.

They're ALL gross user. They're ALL GROSS.

no one coaxes her she just shows up in threads and posts stuff

l wouldn't say that.

I do think its very sad. I've followed her online for a few years now and she basically seems incapable of forming relationships. Like roz but maybe not as crazy.
But who gives a shit anyway. The naked body of a random single girl is harming nobody

If she's letting strangers see her nude body, then she's a thot
Maybe she is a thot then
Maybe she's just crazy, which would make sense for a thot

tfw just want to move to scotland and marry scotty and make her happy

Don't think that is what thot means. I even checked and none of the stuff on urban dictionary sounds right

A thot is a ho, a girl who does slutty things. Posting nude pictures of yourself for men to jack off too is slutty.

Theres nudes of girls all over Jow Forums. Why are you directing your hate towards her in particular

thots are those skinny instagram party girl whores. scotty just posts nudes her because shes a bit crazy

Non-virgin Brad here. The only one I would be kinda grossed out by is 3rd Row, 3rd Column. It looks like a baby's. Most women have meaty vaginas and they actually feel somewhat better than innies because you feel the meat around your dick more and you feel the meat rub and hit your pubic area.

Trust me, when you have a woman laying on her back and you're holding her legs open looking at her vag, you aren't going to think "eww, her vag is gross" you're going to think, can't wait to see how this feels.

its a bit slutty, its not even close to the same as fucking around in the real world. Everyone needs a sexual outlet. And like I said, none of these thot definitions specifically mentions posting nudes on Jow Forums out of loneliness. Keep making your own meanings though

Because her defense squad came out of the wood works as soon as I called her a whore
Top definition literally mentions sending nudes, which she did on a much larger scale than average by posting them publicly online.
If she wanted a sexual outlet, she could have tried masturbation.

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I'm just going by the fact you decided to berate out of nowhere for no real good reason.

by that definition all those hideous girls that have nudes online are thots. thats a retarded definition

and that sending of nudes goes into further detail to imply a girl who is also generally of loose behaviour, it also implies its to specific people, likely chads.
Not a lonely shut in neet who posts for other lonely people on Jow Forums.

Its the only one that mentioned pictures for the 3 pages I checked. But gj, it must be the only correct one for sure.

I thought the "call her a whore" thing was funny, though it did slightly upset me that a pretty nice looking pussy belonged to someone who acted pretty slutty
Then people rushed in to defend her and the berating continued

It wasn't that funny to be honest. Upset you? like you have any reason to feel any sort of attachment to a strange girls pussy. How insecure

They are. If you act like a slut, you become a slut. That's how it works.
On Urban Dictionary, multiple of the other definitions mention pictures.

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>hideous girls are thots

It was more of a "piss people off" joke than a joke that was funny on it's own. The real humor comes from the reactions.
And I'm exaggerating on the "upset" part. A more accurate world would be "disappointed", which is also how her parents would feel if they found out she posted nudes of herself for nerds to jack off to.

what do you call it when the outer labia go all the way back to the girls ass?

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Hideous girls are thots if they go out of their way to act like one, yes.

another one with labia all the way back

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Or something like that

acting like a thot doesnt make them a thot, just like acting like a chad doesnt make someone a chad. thots are a specific type of slut

the fucking pimples?

I want the black one

Ok then, she's a slut. Is that better?

try joke that isn't funny at all. So you're saying you predicted this? wow master troll. Its just chat, nobody is outraged. Just wondering your retarded reasoning

why would anyone try this hard to defend a thot?

>try joke that isn't funny at all. So you're saying you predicted this?
I think it's hilarious how much of a reaction it got. And no, I expected maybe one person to reply.
Because they put the pussy on a pedestal

top row 3rd from the left
looks just like gfs pussy

>Because they put the pussy on a pedestal
and yet they get nothing in return. makes no sense.

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im talking about definitions, shes not a thot, just a slut

Dictionary result for slut

a woman who has many casual sexual partners.
synonyms: promiscuous woman;

no not really to be honest

Its probably only two people you realise. I don't give a fuck about her either way. I was just questioning your logic

so shes not a thot or a slut. ok so what is she? a pic ho?

>Slut is generally a term for a woman or girl who is considered to have loose sexual morals or who is sexually promiscuous.
From Wikipedia. If you post nudes, you fall into the first category
You're probably right, I'm just surprised how much fight people are willing to put up I guess.

Nah, she's a slut. Loose sexual morals.