The world doesn't even feel real anymore. Every year I try to challenge myself and overcome obstacles, and yet every year it all feels a little more meaningless. I don't even know what I'm doing anymore really.
25+ Thread
Other urls found in this thread:
>Will be thirty years old soon
>Also gonna be a lawyer soon
>Gonna enjoy the bank, status, etc. while being single and sleeping with diff women
>Experience hath shown me that it's not worth trusting one person, in this culture of disloyalty, always got burned when I did
Congrats on the career path, law is a great field. I feel like I have a lot of deep seeded trust issues with people as well, no matter how hard I try I can never really expose myself to another person. I don't know what it is. Even when I know that I should be able to trust a person I can feel myself guarding what I really think or feel, like I can never be genuine.
Life sucks. I quit drinking and started going to AA. All i ever looked forward to was drinking but it was fucking me up so bad so gonna wait a few months and hope my brain clears up and get my shit together. 28 btw
>had a phone interview today
>took hours to work up to talking on the phone
>"so user, be straight why do you want to work for us"
>blank out completely, realize I have no desire at all to work for them but still can't think of a bullshit answer they'll buy
>"user you still there?"
>hang up on them
maybe someone will just run me over tomorrow and I won't have to worry about these thoughts anymore
I gotta go somewhere tomorrow morning and I really hate that, no relaxing for me till I settle that business. I wish it was May, and I wish I
I feel like I need to do that with weed. When I have it it's like all I want to do. I started working out and it's definitely helped but it's already starting to feel empty
Unless you're strapped for cash it sounds like you did the right thing. Don't wage slave your life away at a company you don't even like. If you're gonna work somewhere you should at least kind of like it you know?
I feel that, I hate having things looming over my head it makes me so anxious
Today was a real bad one, lads
I feel you should read a book called "Why Is God Laughing?" it helped me when i needed something.
I'm in the same boat.
I had a few months were I was happy for the first time in my life. The only reason I don't glock myself, is because I'm trying to work back to where I was.
Tell me your woes originally in an original way
I'll give it a look, thanks user. Whats the gist of it?
I was at the glock point one time or another, but I feel like that's a waste. I know that there are people who have lives with meaning I just never seem to be able to get there.
Sorry bros, gotta get this shit off my chest. Not really worth reading but it is what it is.
>going back to uni at 26 because fuck warehouse jobs
>mechanical engineering
>doing well so far, 3.7 gpa cumulative
>no friends
>applied for RA position to make friends, application was rejected because I'm too old and "wouldn't serve as a good student leader"
>all attempts at socializing fail and only serve to highlight my loneliness
>used to go to bars solo and hit on women every weekend to lose my virginity, no luck and only ended up fucking up my self esteem
At this point I think the only reason I'm going through with this degree program is to give my mum at least one thing to be proud of in me.
As a college grad, you're doing fine. I only made my good friends my last year of college through my classes. Bars are not an easy arena, if you want to meet people join some clubs or a study group. Also remember that you're only there temporarily, it gets better once you graduate.
Why are these threads always so depressing?
Because it's a bunch of people realizing how much of their life that they've wasted
>you wasted your life
>the other alternative was just spend the greater fraction of your life working for Jew instead
How do I actually stop procrastinating?
You ever watch that movie 'dogma' there's a scene where the main protag is explaining how she's lost her faith as she has gotten older , and she brings up that as she gets older the more faith she needs. Your problem op is you gave up on your " faith " . Life gets more and more complicated as you get older so you need more complex thoughts and actions . You're allowing yourself to become stagnent
Yeah it's a lose lose for sure. The only winning answer is be born rich with good genes.
When you start valuing your goal more than immediate gratification. Source: habitual procrastnator
Quit my job recently, moved back home, living on savings for now. I don't know what I'm doing anymore anons.
look at Japan. the men there don't even date anymore, they just work 24/7.
is that improving the livelihood of that country? are they going to go extinct soon? no and yes.
Fuck that hit me hard. You're probably right. I think that I just need to set goals for myself again like I used to have. It's hard when you grow up, as a kid all those goals are set for you, go to prom, graduate whatever. Now it's all on me. But that was really insightful, thank you user.
Why did you quit your job?
I have to be up at 5 and I can't fucking sleep
>mfw I'm 24
This shit helped me a lot
>Not working biglaw, so not making bank
>Still living with parents
>Still a Wizard
At least I'll be moving out soon.
I have the same issue. The only thing sort of working for me so far is to set up habits that I would need if I was trying to be a better person and following through with them. But it's slow progress and I still don't know who I want to be. Part of me suspects my life is a cosmic mistake and suicide is the only righteousness I'll ever have. Edgy, but still.
been applying to jobs for a few months
i guess i'm gonna make a fucking linkedin
Honestly I recommend tea or warm milk
Yeah that's pretty much where I've been at for the past 7 years. I just look at other people's lives and realize that too have gotten that I would've had to lead a totally different life and it just depresses me
LinkedIn is actually very helpful if you have people to connect with, would definitely recommend it. Even if you don't recruiters head hunt on there constantly
is it fine if i don't put a pic of my face
because i won't do that
reminds me of this masterpiece
It's not unheard of but it definitely helps to have a professional photo on your profile. Even if you just put your phone on a stand and took a picture with a white background so it looks like it was an ID photo or something is better than no photo imo
Thanks user, think I needed to hear that.
>finally have a solid job
>will be able to move out and get a car in 3-4 months
>literally have no time to do anything because of work
>literally too tired to do anything besides, shower, smoke weed, and watch Youtube or Netflix
>tfw miss playing videogames and sports but know that I'll enjoy living on my own and having a car immensely more than immediate vices like vidya and shit
I've even given up porn. I want to start eating and working out again but it's baby steps I supposed. I've given up soda again and I've gone as far as giving up juice now as well. I still have some sugar in my tea or hot chocolate/coffee but it's nowhere near as often as I was drinking juice/soda.
>making sacrifice after sacrifice while Stacy doesn't need to do any of that, finds a man, gets married and can get fat
sugar is not as bad as you think dude. that's a huge hoax and i think that scientists are finally starting to accept it
Don't lawyers only make like $40k now?
Does it ever get fucking better?
I'm 25 and I already have an unhealthy addiction to alcohol. I can't stand the thought of being bored so I drink a lot.
I have no friends.
No gf.
I still live with my parents.
And I work at a dead-end job with no salvation in sight. I'm so fucking lonely it hurts.
You are literally the only person I have seen say sugar isn't bad in many, many years. How do I know you're not just shilling for Big Sugar?
>implying I'm doing any of this for women
I'm doing this because I want to better my life. I just want my own place so I can just smoke weed and shit, I also want to save up money so I can travel for like 2-3 years before I get too old. I mean I guess the possibility of getting back with my ex is there, but I'm not really even sure that's what I want. Sure I miss the sex. And she was fun but there's more things to life, like my mental health and happiness. I'm finally starting to put MY HAPPINESS and what I WANT first now and I'm enjoying it. It's nice to not be burden with other people's problems to the point where you can't even fix your own shit. So no, I don't really give a fuck about staceys or traceys.
I put a FUCK TON of sugar in my tea, coffee, and hot chocolate though. Like I'm talking, pour directly from the sugar bag type of shit. I hate bitter coffee and tea tastes like ass without sugar. Hot Chocolate is the only one I can go easy with the sugar and not mind the taste.
I just turned 30 and am going back to college in the fall.
I just signed a lease for a 5 bedroom apartment in a meme student community.
I'm not sure how I'm going to deal with the social shame of being this much older than everyone else.
hmm, how can i get someone to pay me to shitpost about sugar on Jow Forums?
did you read the studies posted in the links?
do you understand why sugar is allegedly "bad" or is it something that has been repeated so much that you just assume it is true?
sugar consumption correlates with obesity and diabetes. so it causes it, right? wrong.
Monkeys in the wild, when their diet is mainly fruit, have low cortisol is low; It rises when their dietary sugar is low. Sucrose consumption lowers ACTH, the main pituitary stress hormone, and stress promotes increased sugar and fat consumptiom. If animals' adrenal glands are removed, so that they lack the adrenal steroids, they choose to consume more sucrose. Stress seems to be perceived as a need for sugar. In the absence of sucrose, satisfying this need with starch/fat is more likely to lead to obesity.
it's not about doing it for women. it's about you have to make sacrifice after sacrifice and women straight up don't have to do that, neither do a lot of guys.
>27years old
>been jobless for 8months
>been applying to all types of jobs factory/production/retail/fast food
>no calls
>being a neet time is increasing
What the fuck do I do so people can hire me?
It only gets worse. You feel older, you feel more hopeless, you feel like nothing you do matters. And you're right. You are older, you're more hopeless and nothing you do matters. If you have no family, no friends, not even a stupid job, the more you feel like killing yourself. There's nothing out there for you, nothing to keep you going, nothing to make the day better. It only gets worse. Whoever tells you 'it gets better' is a fucking liar, or he's had possitive life experiences to make him think that way. We're doomed user. Doomed, fucked, and beyond help.
Go to a job center and you'll find a place eventually. Those places are filled with 50 year old losers, drug addicts, kids that failed HS, and so on. If you got your head on straight, its easy pickings finding a job. Just dont to expect it to be a good job.
job centers here fucking suck. They give you temporary jobs and take some of your pay. You would literally be earning less than minimum wage
Ahh okay well yeah because life fucking sucks. It just comes down to pure fucking luck. I just happened to be some faggot that was born in NYC in a shitty low class family instead of to some posh fancy faggot family in Connecticut or New Hampshire. I also could've been born in some fucking mudhut in Africa or Baghdad or a literal shithole in India.
I can't really focus on what ifs. I spent 26 years doing that man. I've spent at least 4-5 years bitching and moping on Jow Forums, primarily r9k. I'm just done beating myself up or bitching about life. I have an opportunity to change my future, so I'm going to try. Once shit is stable, I plan to go back to school at the end of the year as long as things go according to plan the next few months.
Pick up a trade. There's so many jobs you can just pay and grab a certificate/license for and just find easy work. Security is a good example of that. Shit job. Shit pay. But it's guaranteed hours/pay. And if you're still living at home with no bills you can just save up enough to move out.
>4 and a half months until I'm 25
>nothing to show for it
No no no
Anytime friend, good luck with your degree
You sound like me 2 years ago. Keep up the good work and don't let vices grip you
Alcohol is only going to offer temporary relief, quit the booze and get outside you'll feel slightly more alive I promise
Honestly no one is going to really care. I had classes with many people in their 40's and 50's. College is a bunch of retarded 18 year olds so don't worry about impressing them
Don't emphasize your work history gap, that's a big red flag for employers. Look at how to structure a resume for this kinda thing
help, fucking this. Its just going to be more and more shit.
I'm to stupid for a trade user. I legit have memory problems.
You have to put dates on your resume too or else they'll ask you what years you have worked so either way they going to find out
I guess that's almost comforting? I'm glad to know that at least I'm not alone.
Not to late to start working towards something, better to do it at 25 than 40
i write holocaust denial articles with a pseudonym. it gives me purpose
i honestly wish i could retire and just spend my entire life doing this
in secrecy, of course
I dropped out of high school because of bullying and have only ever done volunteer work and I'm 24.
Sucks to hear. I spend 8 years jobless before getting my ass to a job center in LA. A week or two into it, they let us know about a job opening at the baseball stadium and I barely had to interview. They basically asked me "Are you retarded?" and I got the job
Your passion is concerning but I envy that kind of drive and vision
Fuck, sorry user. At least you got away from the bullying I assume
>work at grocery store
>starting higher edu
>have gf
>how am I adoing?
Yeah this state fucking sucks. I heard from one of my discord pals that Utah has cheap rent but also sucks since not a lot of work. If I had enough money I would probably try to move to Utah and find some fast food job but don't got any cash.
this man speaks the truth. I'm 33, and this is what life is like. The only reason I'm still alive is I fear that what's on the other side is worse that what's here. once i no longer feel that fear, my time here is done.
Honestly, no one cares about a HS diploma. You can lie about it and get a job. If you ever want to go to a school, assuming your in the US, just go to a community college.
Where do you live user? Hate to sound a broken record, but baseball season is coming up and they always hire tons of seasonal workers. Its temporary, but its from April to Sept.
why would you be concerned though? it's the truth
i'm working on a video presentation/documentary debunking the ridiculous "gas vans" -- i was doing well and then i started wageslaving again, now progress has halted almost completely. like: wageslaving sucks all joy and energy from my life
i don't even care about money, but a house and rent is just so fucking expensive. i can only save up, wait till my parents die, then move into their house and live off my savings
>hates it
>dont know what to study for higher edu
I got no fucking drive or passion except hoping that i wont wake up.
I live in NV my dude.
It is. I ain't gonna lie user, you're fucked unless you can find some sort of skill you can monetize or get on NEETbux. The latter will/might help you figure some shit out.
You are never alone, but that's no comfort when nobody helps you, aides you, or gives a fuck. Learn to make porn games. Draw. Write. Do something, even if it's not good right now. Renpy. Get it, look it up. It's free and allows you to make porn games for free. The top patreons use this free shit to make their stuff. Good luck user. I know I won't have it, but I wish it to you.
Thanks for all the replies, I have to go to bed so I can get up for Goldstein tomorrow. It figures that I can have deeper conversations with anons than most people I know irl. I hope you all have a great night, and thanks for commiserating with me
If you're looking for a job just lie about your diploma.
It's not like they check that shit.
NEW VEGAS? Goddamn Courier, chose the Bear.
25, working the same job for three years. Currently applying to multiple companies. So far I got rejected 20+ times and counting for over a year of job searching. Current goal is to find a better job so that I can move out of parent's house. Video Games are dead to me after having stopped cold turkey a year ago. I occasionally play the odd phone game. Starting to workout and self motivating myself with cheesy self help podcasts. Anime is the only thing that is keeping me going on this horrible grind. I don't know if the grass is gonna be greener on the other side but it's better than staying still and wallowing in my own self pity.
This place fucking sucks. Nothing to do except drink and gamble.
This I always thought it was funny when places ask if you graduated or not and then never ask for your diploma
I know im fucked. I dont give a fuck if im 35 and studying something i wanted with passion. But i have no idea what i want and im 30 fucking cashier job. Atleast im not alone in this filth and desperation feeling time isnt on my side anymore.
Security companies will hire anyone. All it takes is a security license (which is only like $100). As long as you don't have any felonies, you can pay like $200 for a security license and the class and you could probably get hired that same exact day. All you have to do is show up on time and try not to miss days/no shows and you're good.
Except I'm a neet right now user and have no money.
If you're a neet that means you're living with someone. I got the money from my aunt to get my OSHA and do construction. My own mom wouldn't give me the money because she thought I'd blow it on videogames or some shit. I'm sure you can find someone that'll give you the money if it means improving yourself and bettering your life, especially if it means getting you out of their fucking house/couch.
No, I'm Australian and we have TAFE, I have cert 3 business admin and cert 3 hospitality already. If I wanted to go to uni I would have to do Adult Tertiary Preparation.
Except I'm a poorfag and $100 is to much. Maybe if it was like 20 or 40.
>Security companies will hire anyone
you don't have to be physically fit at all?
i am a 150lb manlet, so i don't see how i could "secure" anything
And I'd also like to just put it out there that your problem isnt' that you're stupid or a neet, your problem is that you have a self-defeatist attitude. Every reply has been an excuse for why you can't get your shit together i.e. too stupid for a trade, neet so can't become a security guard.
You, like so many of us, are your own worst enemy and weakness. Unless you want to end up poor, alone, and homeless.
You're not fucked until you're at least 40. You have some time user. You have me in this filth, desperate, final hour bullshit, but that's not much comfort I know. whatcha studying?
>he doesn't know he can assist Father Elijah in realizing his dream if he fucks over the NCR
Drinking, gambling, and being a degenerate are the lifeblood of the NCR. Choose higher. Choose the way of the Khan or Kaiser.
Shut the fuck up you stupid nigger. I literally went to college and failed all my classes because my memory issue.
I already went down that path and let's say it's not good.
Does it matter if I look like a fag with 4 inch wrists.
Fug, i meant im 30 now in a dead end job and read these fucking posters complaining about being 26 and going to college, i wouldnt give a shit if i was 35 and being in a fucking dorm room. Just as long i could go on with something i would enjoy. Drugs and alcohol fills up the void for now but at the same time drains me even more these days.
>haven't worked in 3 or 4 years
>living off the good will of my family
>this can't end well
>but lets keep going and see how much worse it can get
>retard has never seen a female security guard
Majority of them are femlets or fat. Or super fucking old. There isn't shit to "secure". Security guards are just there as a preventive method. To make people think twice about stealing that apple or trying to break into that office. Literally all you do is walk around, stand up all day, or call the police if shit actually hits the fan. You're probably thinking of a fucking bouncer or some shit, in which case if you are a big dude, you can make extra money on the side by bouncing.
I've literally seen 5'5" dudes as security guards as well as old ass 70 yr old barely sentient dudes.
>lashing out at the one person that's trying to help you
Then die alone, miserable and poor then my dude. If you're too much of a sopping wet pussy to pick yourself up and change your outcome than this place deserves you, faggot.
Not at all.
have you tried volunteering user? it will bolster your work ethic and let you out something on your resume.
My doctor dropped out of med school twice, and got student loans each time(how he did it don't know, and I didn't ask, sorry.) but if that guy can do it..........well, I won't say you can, but, you CAN find your own thing, and you can do it. Drugs and booze fill the void for me when i'm not taking care of elders. I work for a company that provides home health care for elderly patients. It's cheaper than actual state health care. Perhaps look into that. I clean, I cook, I read to them. I do shit their relatives don't want to do. Hell, sometimes I don't have to do anything but read to them or just bullshit and I get paid for it. Old folks don't care if you're socially retarded, which I am to a retarded degree. I won't say you're stronger than you think you are, I won't say you're better than you think you are, but you CAN make it, even if it's not how you thought you would. See if your state offers elder home care. IT's a route, and it's a start. y'know, if you can't draw, write, or make porn games.
I've already been doing that actually. been going to church for the last year
>Tell nigger I have memory problems
>Said nigger says you can do shit that requires memory
Stupid nigger going to be stupid.
Thanks user, you made my day a bit brighter with your post. Made me remember a guy at work telling me im to good for this job and i should work somewhere else, that i deserve so much more. Indeed he was bit drunk but atleast honest. It reminded me there may be some hope. All the best of luck to you user, thank you.
>brain dead memento fucktard will die alone and poor
Have fun faggot. If your dumb shit pile of brains is too fucking stupid to remember to show up to work and write down "nothing happened" every hour for 8 hours, then yeah you should probably do everyone a favor and fucking kill yourself. A high schooler's day is more work than a security guard's, and you're telling me that you're incapable of doing that. Do you hear how fucking retarded you sound you fucking tard?
>mfw you're never going to make it
I honestly feel bad for you faggot.
>angry nigger is angry after being called out on his bullshit
Typical thanks for the laugh.
just gonna get this off my chest
>finishing up M4, most likely going into a somewhat prestigious residency program
>no debt, no financial problems
>parents are well-off and proud of me
>no friends, no social interactions
>haven't talked to anyone other than my parents and two PIs for 5 months
>pastimes have become boring
>do nothing but sleep and drink
>have been drinking myself to sleep every night for the past 2 years
sometimes when I'm at the cadaver lab I wonder what the difference between him and me is
To be fair i'm fairly drunk too, but everything I said was true. My life is comfortable now, even though I live with my mom to share living expenses. But I wish you the best of luck, the best of everything. Look to the unlookable. Seek the unseekable. You might just find your calling, or at least, something sustainable, in the unexpected. I'm a huge fuckup user, but even I found -something- worth doing eventually.
Whatever you need to tell yourself to cope with your shit existence. I'm surprised you haven't forgotten this thread existed since your memory is sooooo fucked, rain man.
Lel rain man
>open catalog
>See this at the top of the page
Looks like angry nigger is also a stupid nigger lmao
How about you two faggots get a room and fuck already.
>open catalog
>see this at the top of the page
But catalog only shows the OP posts. Doesn't really make sense how you'd see that at the top of the page, so I'm convinced that not only are you a brain dead memento faggot but you're also samefag idiot. Nice. You're also convinced that I'm a nigger for some reason, when you're the one with the low i.q. replies and excuses as to why you're pile of human shit with nothing to show for himself, seems like you're the actual nigger here, my dude.