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have you tried not being bald?

visit your doctor and get a prescription for propecia

I take propecia for 6 months already and it's not working.

Because of epigenetics.

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Obviously. Studies show it doesn't work for everybody. Enjoy life!

Dht levels. Are you getting body hair? Next, is your dad bald?

Sucks dude. Being bald means you gotta be swole. No one ever said a bald swole dude is ugly. Just look at all the porn stars

going with the Majestic look

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So wrong. DHT affects him only because of his predisposition to baldness. Plenty of hairy guys with full heads of hair.

its the hair follicles sensitivity to dht not dht levels

bu fucken huu, ppl are being tortured right now n ur crying about balding


What about that Japanese research?
There was an Italian one too

Any news?

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Wow thanks I feel so much better now

bu fucken huu, ppl are starving right now n ur crying about unhealthy food
What a fucking stupid argument. There will always be someone out there with a shittier life situation and it doesn't mean anyone else's is automatically trivial.

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Stop taking creatine

Cry harder

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Male pattern baldness is passed down on the mother's side, not the father's.

That's nothing but old wives tale bullshit. Learn genetics you fucking simp

Psoriasis or something similar? In any case, I'm 100% convinced shit like this is dietary. I haven't figured out exactly what it is yet, but when I fast it goes away 100%. When I eat clean and avoid all drugs (caffiene and nicotine included), alcohol, sugar, and get exercise and sun regularly, it stays almost totally gone, but never 100% unless I fast. Also, fun fact, dialysis patients always see their psoriasis clear up if they have it, implying it has something to do with your kidneys being overloaded. Good luck getting the truth out of modern jew medicine though. Shit fucking sucks man, I feel you. Good luck.

seborrheic dermatitis?

I have it too and my hair is thinning.

Just shave that shit bro chicks love it

Are you mad that you’re going to bald? Lmao this is max level cope right here. Do some research or shut the fuck up with your cope

Too much dong sucking

Que sera, sera

embrace and move on

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He's right. Both parents matter.

buddy, the guy i know with the best looking wife was bald in high school. a bald head doesn't mean no women.

I had some pretty harsh balding in my early twenties. Like 21 and 22. It was horrifying. I started using nizoral shampoo every other day. I’m 28 now and the balding has slowed way down to the point that I have pretty average 30 year old hair, maybe better than average.

No idea if the nixoral is effective or if it’s just genetics. My dad still has hair and he said he started balding pretty early too.

>>Not using GOD TIER Minoxidil

It probably goes away when fasting because the body isn't getting as much nutrients so it prioritizes other things than the excess skin.

Blupilled. Also, not everyone is such a fag to care about something just because women like it or not.

then why would you give a shit if you were balding? some fashion faggot? oh no, i don't have to pay for haircuts now.

Because balding is a muthafucka

i could see that if you had some trash shaped head. who cares if you have a normal shaped head. i'm sure there are more pressing issues in your life than how much hair you have.

I'd say self-esteem; because society treats attractive people way better; and because you are losing something you always had, just like the analogy of when someone takes a toy away from a baby. Balding men also have to pay for 'haircuts' (shaving close to the skin) to look decent.

Just like people prioritize romantic relationships to the point they have killed themselves over cheating, there are others who prioritize looks. Even powerful and influential men, like Julius Caesar, suffered from significant distress for losing their hair, despite having other 'more pressing' issues.

Thank God, I'm not balding. I would kms if that ever happens.