Femanons, how do you really feel about manlets? What do you think the perfect height for a man is?
Femanons, how do you really feel about manlets? What do you think the perfect height for a man is?
They don't want anybody under 6 feet, but if you make about 40 grand for every inch you don't have below that they'll think about it
Women hate short men why are you making this thread, the answer is known to all
i don't care about them. but if i'm dating someone i prefer him to be taller than me. not necessarily above 6ft.
>What do you think the perfect height for a man is?
Just say you want a 6'+ guy, fuck off with your communism measurement units.
get over it prejudice bitch
>I don't care about it but-
Spot the roastie
Honestly as long as you're taller than the girl it doesn't necessarily matter about specifics. What I have noticed is that height only really matters during initial attraction. But a 5'10 dude with hella charisma and a solid dick game could easily btfo a 6'1 boring fuck with no personal depth.
Fuck most the time I'm not taller than the girl I'm 5'3 I guess I will just need to find a way around height attraction
where are you from? plenty of women who are barely 5' tall here, especially latinas and middle eastern girls. Sure they're not the majority but they definitely are around.
I'm a brit fag shortest kid on my course rn id love a latina or any girl under my height or above I really don't care any that would take me at this point
>one dozen "lol I don't care about hieght I'm not like the other girls ok sweatie :)))" virtue signaling posts later
>brit fag
are you cute and from the north?
>woman says she wants a guy above 6ft
>woman says she doesn't care about height
I look 16 so that kinda a bad side but is say I'm a 5/10 and yeah nw
As long as he's not shorter than me (5'3), I'm pretty much game. He just has to be my type and also not fatter than me.
Incels are retarded. Not much news to report today.
are you the guy that used to post pics of himself? black or dark brown hair and brown eyes, 20 or 21
Nope I got brownish blonde hair blue eyes and I'm 18
wow you sound like a cutie. i'd totally date you
Its quite low on the list of importance for me if everything else about him is a good match. I guess i'd rather he was taller than me, but I don't ever meet guys who arent shorter than 5'2
thank you user that means a lot I just wish other people in my college saw it that way
Where do you live though? I'm 5'7 and I really feel bad seeing around taller guys and stuff ugh
I'm not even short but this depresses me so much.
what height are you and why does it depress you if your not short
>Literally every other country on Earth
Uk, I think its genuinely not as important as guys make it out to be My best friend is dating what I guess you would all deem a manlet (whilst she is a taller than average lady)
when we say taller I think we mostly just mean taller. We don't all expect out perfect ideal
That makes me feel better as I'm from the uk also I have never been turned down for my height but an pennsylvania egirl made me so self conscious about my height that its probably affecting my dating life
Yeah I kinda think the same but just the fact when I look around so many tall people just makes me feel but insecure but well as you said not everything is height as long as you're at least a bit taller than the girl is okay, so, and yeah just taller, not like "the tallest person". But yeah you're right, which in the end is important is the personality and character and stuff not height or whatever.
There's always going to be people who do care but they aren't the majority. People like different things. I like kind chubby bear type men rather than six pack chad. If we don't meet someones standards we just move on That goes for everything in a person. But nobody is so hung up on anything as much as height... well except dick size I suppose.
i'm a chubby bear that is 5'7
will u b my gf
ah I got 6 inches wid 5 gurth down there so I'm not the worst below the belt I hope I run into someone like you that does not put height as a top priority I do need to put some weight on as well as I'm extremely skinny what probably doesn't help you have made me stop worrying about height tho so thanks user
oh and thank you user you cheered me up and made my night now I'm gonna sleep happy have a great night anons
There are quite a number of girls who do care and are extremely vocal about it, with absolutely no regard for how it makes others feel. I would hate to be short.
Initial attraction is all that matters. If she doesn't want to fuck you as soon as she sees you, she never will.
>tfw 163cm in a country full of turbo roasties and hyper chads
I'm 188cm/6'2".
I guess it's because if I'm not up to standard with every other requirement, then I'm just going to be mocked. It's even more depressing when most of the requirements (eg. Height, face[bone structure], penis size, not being bald etc.) are all pretty much completely uncontrollable. Women don't have anywhere near the same expectations held to them and if they do have any imperfections, then they can wear makeup and lose fat (two controllable things).
I hate how the ideal body for a man is low body fat + hundreds of hours in the gym building muscles over years, whereas all woman need to do is keep a low body fat. There are also significantly more guys who fetishise BBW than girls who fetishise the 'dad bod'.
Our society is under the illusion that girls are the only ones that feel insecure, that girls are the only ones that are held to ridculous standards. If a guy does show insecurity, and if he isn't mocked for it, girls lose most of their attraction for that guy no matter how much they virtue signal and say otherwise.
The fact that women can openly mock men for their height but men can't openly mock women,for their weight. But this isn't even a fair comparison because being fat is objectively bad and 100% controllable while being short isn't either.
Even if a man is average he will not get anywhere near the same amount of attention or sexual opportunities as the average woman. Men have to compete for the top spots. Women are given attention by default.
Everyone points out the double standards held onto women. No one but in the darkest depths of the internet (eg. Here) or among sexist communities are the double standards even acknowledged.
You go on r/Braincels and then go on Twitter. They have the exact same content, only sexism towards men goes viral, while sexism towards women gets quarantined on Reddit.
This photo just reminds me of that.
I mean, both your straw men arguments have women as whores, which checks out, so I'm not sure what you're trying to prove or disprove here.
If height was the only thing that mattered, I would have a gf by now.
t. 6'3" robot
Fkn manlet cope LOL
You have to also not be ugly and with a not shit frame
Not a femanon but asked plenty of female friends this and the answer is always the same 6'0-6'3/185-190cm. Also apparently the best Penis size is about 17-20cm (7- 8inches).
Also even among the most "body positive girls" height seems to be what they find most important in attractiveness to a guy. As I've been told by pretty much all women I've asked "Under 6ft isn't desirable but doable, but I can't date anyone shorter than me"
>TFW 8 inch dick and 188cm and still can't pick up.
Honestly how in fuck are you even supposed to use dicksize to pick up? So it's basically meaningless if you just want a ONS.
You can't use your dick to get dates, but it will help you keep them. Being a dicklet is the ultimate suffering, since even if I manage to get a gf, she will 90% chance be disappointed sexually, and probably even cheat on me (which is my greatest fear).
Literal cucks worrying over appeasing a girl
You should be afraid of women today. You're 1 false rape threat away from your life being completely ruined. Plus is it so wrong to want love? I want to cuddle up with a girl so badly it hurts, but I probably won't ever get there.
Someone taller than me by a good couple of inches but not too tall. I'm 5'2 so no less than 5'9 but no more than 6'0. Yes, it's kind of specific but i personally like a guy i can feel protected by. Any taller though, and it just becomes really awkward for me and i feel uncomfortable.
I'm 5'7, take it or miss it?
>Honestly how in fuck are you even supposed to use dicksize to pick up?
Guys with big dicks will often just tell the women straight up in conversation. It's apparently extremely successful because girls will often just fuck it just for the curiosity of having a big dick in them. Even if you're a 3/10 and you're packing an 8 inch+ a huge portion of women will just fuck you for the curiosity of big dick.
I don't feel. I just want to die. Who fucking cares. None of this is real. I try to find someone to love he still can't hold me. who cares about fucking measurements and numbers when HE MIGHT AS WELL BE IMAGINARY I CANT FUCKING TOUCH HIM I CANT FUCKING SEE HIM I HEAR HIM SOMETIMES BUT WHO CARES AT THIS POINT I AM STILL JUST IN LOVE WITH AN IDEA.
My first e-bf who I met up with once was 5'8 and I'm 5'7.5 so now I'm into slightly shorter guys. 5'6-5'11 is a good range.
Would go up to 6'6 if the person ticks all my other aesthetic fetishes.
I don't have anything against shorter fellas. Not a deal breaker or anything.
My ideal would be my height, give or take an inch in either direction.
Holding hands with someone much taller than you is annoying.
Not important to me granted they're not a dwarf. I've seen dreamy dudes who were around 5'7'' or below. Doesn't matter much because I'm a 5'10'' negress so I probably trigger most manlets simply by existing.
Uhhhh I don't think that's how it works.
If you bring up your dick size in conversation with a girl during a first impression, that's probably a huge red flag for any sane individual.
Probably 5'9,cutest most cozy height but he has to be skelly
Not on Tinder. It's literally a hookup app. I've had girls show me where guys straight up say "I have a 8 incher" then the girls message says "send me picture" and they do and then they hook up.