User, can you caress my thighs?

>user, can you caress my thighs?

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Other urls found in this thread:

R!P her youtube.

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fuck her thighs, i wanna caress those armpits

Her twitch career has just begun

Can't. I'd need to wash my hands after and my skin already gets dry enough during winter.

She realized no one wanted to pay for her patreon.

Wait OP Stop!!! posting pretty girls makes the tranny janny angry

Theory: She started streaming so she could hide behind her bad quality webcam so people wouldn't realize what she actually looks like.

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She's still cute imo, I wanna cuddle her to death and kiss her forehead

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She looks really, really average. Not ugly but nothing like her pictures.

She had a youtube channel!?

That being said, her newer pictures are more accurate to how she really looks. It seems she gave up the perfect anime waifu look.

How can someone be this out of the loop? It's Chyroptera Horrifica

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She's cosplaying the chick from Beetlejuice. Yeah, a lot of these e-thots are average-to-slightly above average chicks who find a niche to exploit.

You're in the minority, and that's coming from a former Crispy orbiter. I've come to realize how vulgar, shallow, and fake she is. Everything about her old online presence was just a facade, and she's admitted as much.

In her old pictures I would have said she's a 9. I now realize they are heavily edited and staged though.

I'll admit her personality isn't that great. But I still find her adorbs

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If you think she looks anything like she did in her old pictures in that one you're delusional. There's a reason her 2016 pictures get spammed and not her current ones.

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And her personality isn't just "not that great, it is actively repulsive. Maybe not on her streams (gotta make that money) but one look at her twitter will tell you that.

any examples of what you mean exactly?

Nah, I just like the new turn she took in terms of looks. I think her imperfections are cute

Why don't retards realize beauty is in the eye of the beholder?

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>a 21 years old girl on cam with bad lighting and no angles doesn't look exactly like she did at 16-18 in carefully selected pics with right angles and light
in other news, you die if you kill yourself


Like someone else said. She's deviated from the pure anime waifu look to a more natural cute goth gf look

She talks about how she's only streaming to make money, spews hateful leftist garbage, constantly swears and posts vulgarity. It's all very unattractive.

it's not that. It's that what she wanted to do catered to a very niche audience. Her orbiters weren't interested in her goth culture skit. Not only that , but she has poor video editing skills. If she provided signed prints on her Patreon or sold pics that would be cool. Hopefully she does good on Twitch.

any example of that? you know, actual tweets?
because im going through it and other than some leftist stuff i see nothing of the things you just listed, or "repulsive"

Meh, I honestly don't care about her political views. But yeah she has a really lacking personality

This guy is right. I kid you not, one time she was about to end her stream she stared into the camera, zoomed it in on her face, and had the audacity to say that Humanity has the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Can you fucking believe that?

There was a good thread a few weeks back. I'll post some.

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More anti white garbage.

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I guarantee you the vast majority of thirsty men that actually bother to watch female twitch streams don't give a fuck about the political views involved. They just want something nice to look at.

I don't expect them to, I'm just sharing why I've personally lost interest in her, and most of her former fanbase has as well.

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I just cannot be attracted to girls who speak like this. Total turn off.

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retweeting something is not the same as "spewing hateful garbage, constantly swearing, and posts vulgarity".
I get being against what she retweeted, but it's definitely not the same dude.

Honestly? I dont see that as being anti white either
are you seriously ok with a couple of christian women spitting out sentences and advices about relationships when they clealy have dysfunctional ones?

>being against homophobia and trump is hateful speech
i dunno man, sounds kinda the opposite uh?
especially when its the president who goes on with hateful speech everyday on twitter

hate her all you want, but wishing nazis, racists, and homophobic people dead is not hateful speech, and if you think so you're really fucking dumb

You sound just as vapid and brainless as her, and if you can't see anything wrong with what she says you're part of the problem.

>be colored leftist
I like her more now, whats her twitter btw?

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personally i dont give a crap about fags, niggers, or whatever people do with their lives, want to be a nazi racist homophobic? you're free man, do whatever you want, your life, but no matter if you are or not, those are hateful things, and being against hateful things is not hateful by definition.
it's not even about my opinion on her shit, it's about simple logic, racism=hate, if you're against racism, that's literally not hate.

check the other pics, it's plastered there

her retarded political views will calm down when she finds a man

Dumbass, she literally was posting about the Covington kids. ANYONE is a racist to these retards if they don't subscribe to leftist bullshit.

She's getting married to her girlfriend. This month I believe.

She's a leabian with a gf user
Most millennials are left wing anyway

She looks terrible when she's not bugging her eyes out oof.

That's cope for ugly/mediocre people with bad taste.

Wait, they are!? I know she said they've talked about it, but I didn't know they had it planned. That's adorable!

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Based, I love her more now

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>guys stop messing with my queen....... so what if she makes fun of guys with little dicks??? at least shes anti racist...........

>He is surprised that a Mexican immigrant is left wing
Who do you guys think she is a race traitor?

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the problem is that they think anyone even slightly right of center is a hateful nazi white supremist you actual mouth breathing retard.
also this, using "small dick" as an insult makes her seem infinitely whoreish.

Not being left wing wouldn't make her a race traitor. Most nonwhites are just too stupid to into politics and want gibs.

>she literally was posting about the Covington kids
who were racists, so being against them is not racism, logic dude

>inb4 the investigation found out they did nothing wrong and didn't instigate
i was there, i trust my hears better than "investigations"

show me a tweet where she was against someone who was only slightly off center and not full blown racist/homophobic/etc

and she's a fucking illegal mexican, and a lesbian, you really think she's ok with racism and homophobia and not be agaisnt it?

>This month I believe

you got it wrong man, hate her, mess with her all you want, but be coherent, being against hate is not hate, being against homophobia is not hate, being against racism is not hate
want to hate her because she's a liberal leftist? go on, you have your rights to do so, but by definition right wing is hateful, and leftists are pro tolerance and respect for anyone who does no harm.
You all keep saying she's a leftist, but attribute her right wing behavior and traits.

lol thats a straw man, no one said this and they think Trump supporters are racist but Trump made his campaign off of fear from immigrants and his main policy was to build a wall between us and THEM. If wanting a wall for no reason (because there is no reason to build a wall) isn't racist I don't know what is.

Plus racism isn't that bad, everyone is a little racist, just except already.

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Nevermind, not gonna bother with this shitty bait.

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>leftists are pro tolerance and respect for anyone who does no harm.
Except for republicans. And babies. And white people. And Christians.

Kill yourself globalist.

>Not being left wing wouldn't make her a race traitor.
Wanting to deport your own people is race traitor, is it not? And I'm not saying non white I'm saying Mexican Immigrant, which yeah it isn't a race but I don't know what to call it.

everyone who has posted in this thread is a retard

No one is trying to deport legal immigrants retard. If they're here illegally they are criminals.

Okay man, I agree with the graph and all (I'm fairly left wing), but I'm starting to think you're just baiting.
To be fair, she's since said that this infograph is incredibly old and inaccurate, even if her personality is still bad,

She still likes all the same stuff though. I think she just said that because she was getting roasted.

im just disgusted by her being a superficial dumb whore who makes fun of guys by saying they have a small dick. she's just another dumb slut, nothing special about her except her cute owo smol look.

She does that alot lmao.

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>Doesn't realize that globalism would mean an end to useless wars
I wish there was a real globalist agenda, but sadly there is just American Imperialism.

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Look into the Open Society Foundation and Soros and say that again.

show me a tweet where she's going against republicans, whites, and christians just for the sake of it and not in response to some hate said republicans, whites, and christians went on about

context dudes, context.
where is saying this? on twitter
when is she saying this? during the big dick/small dick energy meme period
you really think a dumb teen or 20ish girl on twitter doesnt follow the current twitter meme craze?

i know most of you(and myself as well) are out of the loops with social media memes and only focus on Jow Forums ones, but look up for it and you'll see everyone is on this big dick energy(being good and respectful) small dick energy(hating on everything just to be hateful, idiotic jokes, and generic poor logic and baseless arguments) meme
it has literally nothing to do with making fun of actual dick sizes

and lets be honest, we all here would shit out a "i guess you have a small dick and gotta go hate on everyone to compensate" joke on anyone we disagree with on here, but if she does it? bad girl, shouldnt insult people!

less Jow Forums, more crispy pics

Stop bending over backwards to make her look better, it's pathetic.

can u pls give us a quick rundown? i wanna join le Fuck Jews club but I don't feel like doing all the research myself. I'm sure there's a lot of misinformation out there as well and starting my investigation on this with some JewFax would make it easier for me.

also sage cause fuck this hoa

be careful u dont wanna hurt yourself with all these mental gymnastics you're doing to make her seem like a blameless little angel

>to make her look better
>to make her seem like a blameless little angel
that's where you're wrong man, i dont give a fuck about her, i dont find her attractive enough to care and for the little i saw she's boring and even a bit annoying.
im not trying to make her look better, im going against your retarded logic by which hating on racism/homophobia is being hateful

Agreed let's get this going again

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>show me a tweet where she's going against republicans, whites, and christians just for the sake of it and not in response to some hate said republicans, whites, and christians went on about
Okay. heh hem.
Calling the Covington kids "vile crackers" despite them doing nothing besides going to an anti abortion event.
Making fun of two "whitie christian" girls because they aren't whores like her.
Calling Trump racist despite him never saying anything racist, and insinuates his supporters are as well.
Need I go on?

Lord farquaad lookin nigga LOL

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>im going against your retarded logic by which hating on racism/homophobia is being hateful
never did i say that. it is obvious that you're talking to two different people, yet you find it extremely easy to blame me for the other guy's opinions that you are currently misrepresenting to make him look stupid. i don't think he ever said that disliking racism is hateful. regardless, i for sure never said that.

if i could id put money on you actually being interested in her.

Don't bully Crispu!!!

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WTF why would a billionaire that prospers in the current state of Capitalism want socialism

Your too deep in Jow Forums's alt-right conspiracy community, they will lie about anything to make you fear the left lol, Soros is just a Democrat that funds political Democrat and Democratic movements. look into American intervention in Middle East & South America, Koch brothers, and PragurU's founders if you really want a spook. its filled with a bunch of oil "entrepreneurs" funding it

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>only posting her old pictures when she was actually cute
The denial is strong.

Why don't you GTFO if your not here to worship the Queen.

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I dont get people saying this even the op ysed pme of her newer photos

She's using you all for twitch donations and she's ugly to boot.

She's still cute even in her new photos

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>implying I'm donating
I gave her my free Twitch Prime sub but I will never give someone money for nothing and neither should you.

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you are missing the point. a twitch prime sub might as well be a real sub, it's real money going into her pockets. so the point still stands, she wants chumps like you to keep worshipping her so that she can somehow make money off of you. her making a twitch was a good idea, subtle enough for you not to realize that she wants to monetize you while still monetizing you.

And the free advertising they give her here.

legal or illegal still a Mexican and it would be logical for a Mexican who loves their ethnicity to want more Mexicans around them, and how do you know she is legal?

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>Calling the Covington kids "vile crackers" despite them doing nothing besides going to an anti abortion event.
I was there, they were being openly racists and misogynist, well beyond the basic being against abortion.
>Making fun of two "whitie christian" girls because they aren't whores like her.
watch their videos, those 2 christian women openly say that a man wanting to have sex with her girlfriend/fiance is a molester and a pig, who should instead respect her "life companion" for wanting to wait until marriage, no matter if it takes a few months or 10 years.
they associate out of marriage sex with behaving like monkeys and are completely against males being males.
those 2 women should not spit on other people's relationship just cause they have sex like every normal couple does, im with her on that.
>Calling Trump racist despite him never saying anything racist,
being racist is not just saying stuff man, wanting to build a wall to not let people from other races is racist as well,
>inb4 trump is against illegal immigrants, not legal ones
he openly assumes any immigrant is illegal, and openly denies that any crime committed by immigrant could be committed by a legal one
his whole career as president is based on hate and racism, he doesnt need to "say" racist things to be racists, facts speak.

but go on, show me some other example of her going against people for no reason at all

>if i could id put money on you actually being interested in her.
you'd lose, im interested in seeing people hate someone for real issues this someone has
>she's boring
>she's talentless
>tries too hard to look cute
>no personality
>repeats the same shit over and over
fucking agreed, hate her for that, bring her down, i dont fucking care, but if you(not you specifically, a plural you) go and hate her because "she swears all the time on her twitter and posts hateful speech", then you're fucking retarded, you're hating something she doesnt do

If she's illegal then she should gtfo

she doesnt live in usa anymore so who cares

>he didnt watch the vids
lol fuck these kids, they were just being rowdy high schoolers anyways, probably raped be their priest like all Catholics.

>trust me i was there
fucking lol
>hey associate out of marriage sex with behaving like monkeys and are completely
against males being males.
They're right you hedonist whore.

Christ that's autistic. Maga hats are literally the new fedora

And you ignore my point. I am not giving her money, Twitch or Amazon is, so I lose nothing and she gains $2. Plus she is cute so she deserves those $2 that I did not waste. Its like watching an ad for a Youtuber,you gave the Youtuber money but all you wasted was 30 seconds which personally cost you more than a twitch prime sub that takes 3 seconds.

your point is irrelevant. the argument was never "she is taking money out of your pockets", it was always "she is using you for money", which you are proud to admit.

""men"" like you are the reason human sexual dichotomy has become so twisted in the past decade or so. modern cuck.

>yfw you will never see a movie with Crispy next to you. :v(

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I want to sleep with her feet on my face

>>yfw you will never see a movie with Crispy next to you. :v(


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This implys that I gain nothing from Crispy which isn't true, I have a file on computer filled with images of her, therefore she gave me 100's of images that I use to post on this image board and the pleasure I gain from looking at her and said images. So I gave her nothing and she gave me and the public 100's of images, and I find that giving her my Twitch prime sub is enough of a compensation for her indirectly giving me the ability to share her images which I gain enjoyment of, and the whole time I lose nothing. I don't know what you think I'm losing, and I never said she isn't using me for money which wake up dumb fuck but every twitch streamer is using their fans for money if they didn't they wouldn't except donations.

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I wanna see Crispy get gangbanged by a pack of niggers