If I were to pick a weeb name for working in Japan what is weirder?
I don't know moon symbols. Which of these names can I make seem normal in moon symbols?
If I were to pick a weeb name for working in Japan what is weirder?
Why don't you move into my bedroom instead of moving to Japan
Idk I think moaning Hitomi when I nut in you would sound hotter, pick that one
Japan smells less like taint
that's fair i guess :(
you hurt me user
I am not sending you my black raspberry vanilla soap just so you can figure out how to make your taint smell good thatts the shit your dad is supposed to teach
Just use your Western name, fucking gaijin
user I just wanted to love and cherish you
Why are you being so mean to me :(
i think ryoko sounds the most weeby op. good luck and remember that while moving to another country is stressful at first but you will get used to it
It's not even a real gaijin name. Imagine if your birth certificate name were Iaper.
Dick face. Thanks for your honesty. I will have to go with the shit I don't like. Fuck
>Dick face.
user why :(
If your face doesn't look like a penis you couldn't be offended and even so can you just please be fun
At least you could take an ump or eak wherever you want with a name like Iaper.
Lisa laperelli
>so can you just please be fun
How do I do this? I want to make you happy
eat hangover poop and stop being a muslim
You are becoming less and less coherent the more this thread goes on
I was drunk when I made the thread.
Oh. I'm glad you declined my bedroom invitation then, because that would be rape and I don't want that
>I don't want that
Well shit, what do you want?
To be in a loving relationship with you
And also to die
Is this the so called superior japanese animation I keep hearing about?
Mima isn't even a japanese name. I don't think it's a name anywhere. Also, why would you change your name? I'd go for Hitomi if I were you , it's a pretty common name in japan.
Just use your foreign name in katakana like the government says, you can change your name to kanji but it is difficult and you do it one time
Do everything like the government says
Because Japan is not like anime
Real Japan is Office Space turned up to 11
Everybody hurts. Real strength is kindness.