1. What mode is this?

1. What mode is this?
2. Is it gay that I fapped multiple times to this?

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roiding female powerlifter competing in a nominally natty league

1. fridgestrong
2. yes

>is it gay fapping to a woman
Nah son

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>Does roids, still skips leg day.

Bet (You) think traps (flat trannies) are straight too

who is this?
why is she up to her elbows in chalk?

>what are limb proportions

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I've been only in this for 10 months now so please enlighten me how far I have to emerge my body in chalk before my trip don't slip?

Why would I like mentally ill man you mongoloid

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1. future roidgut mode
2. Not necessarily, unless you're actually gay. But shit taste, regardless.

Annie thorisdottir. I'd donate a kidney if I could rub my cock all over her lats

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Roids or hgh?


1.absolutely disgusting roidfridge
2.just because you like women with shitty physique doesn't mean you gay just mean your taste is shit

>Annie thorisdottir
thank you

she clearly has a hgh gut

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Super lean, look at a picture of her standing next to a mildly fit male and youd realize she doesnt actually look that big.

While it looks like kinda cool in a conan thr barbarian sense why does she soak he arms in chalk? Wont her arms be completely dried out and gross

Imagine if you're fucking this bitch and she sneezes.

What mode? Crossfit log mode.

Are you playing retarded?
She has man traps, arms and abs but absolutely no leg definition.


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too much chalk mode

no? traps are gay because they're male. trapfags can deny all they want that they're just attracted to them for their "feminine" qualities, but they're really after the dick and at the end of the day it's still a dude with a dick. taking that same logic, muscular women are still women, so you know not gay.

Its not straight but its also not gay. Gay guys aren't into traps/trannies, they're into other men

Its its own weird thing

goblin arms

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>t. Butt hurt faggots mogged by a crossfit tee

Id rub my balls all over her protruding roid gut

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Nigger whatever you think there's no denying her physique being absolute shit. I get a flagpole from muscular girls and always loved them but this goblin just look like a fucking Alaskan cottage freezebox

She's walking /fraud. Nice roid gut...er...slut.

>tfw I'm a male and this is my body type

>nigger nigger look mom I'm so edgy kek

This shit need to be raepd so she can remember her original state: SHE IS A WOMAN on HGH!

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That core looks disgusting, rest is alright, legs aren’t really that nice either due to the narrow hips

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this is now a chloe thread

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She is the peak of the physical fitness


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but fapping to someone that looks exactly like a woman but has a dick instead of a vagina, is gay.
like, you wouldn't even imagine that the person has a dick, you would only discover if he shows it.
an average gay man wouldn't go for traps. it looks too much like a woman and they're mostly interested in buff/hairy dudes. that's proof enough that it really isn't a gay thing.
check pornhub trap section, if you saw almost any of them in clothing, the thought of "she must have a dick" would never go through your mind.

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Why are you even bringing up traps in a muscle woman thread, we are talking about WOMAN not some skinny faggot from an angle that makes him look like a woman

>/fit overload