How do you answer her?
How do you answer her?
Other urls found in this thread:
the same answer I give my friends and co-workers now that I'm old and dgaf
>I don't do that kind of thing
*Unzips dick in a unique and original way*
nature made women gold diggers because they have the babies. Also I don't trust them because nature made them emotional and you can override their logical. Women will cheat if the right guy can manipulate her emotions and stop her from thinking logically.
Because I've realized I shouldn't have one.
not your business, slut
Non-meme answer: Don't worry about it.
I'm more the strong silent type kind of person.
I'm 18 a senior in high school I'll answer for you
>Was basically autistic for the formative years of life
>Didn't dress well
>Didn't understand social ques
>Picked my nose and put my hands down my pants in public
>In remidial classes in high school
>Obviously I'm not gonna see an interesting girl or a white one
>Not in any after school clubs or activities
>Don't have my liscence
>Sit alone at lunch no girl wants to date a guy who sits alone at lunch
That's really all I can think of getting my liscence soon tho then it's off to tinder and I might finally get laid at least.
cuse I already have a waifu dummy
"Never tried to get one. It just sounds like too much work."
I'd have to
>Lose weight
>Change my entire wardrobe
>Get my driver's license
>Get a better job
>Seek out and destroy any traces of autism I may have left online
>More than double my dick size
>Throw away all my hobbies and interests
>Gain anything resembling ambition
Cuz i is incel
Honestly these, having to do all this makes me not want to bother.
Don't forget
>completely overhaul your entire personality
That's kinda a big one.
>>More than double my dick size
Kek. At least you can jelk. I'd have to gain 5 inches of height to even think about getting a gf.
just be yourself user :)
but only the right kind of yourself
Answer my question first: would you go out with me?
Just gonna originally leave this here
Because I don't care enough and am totally fine with just waving between not caring at all, then crying half the day, back and forth until I just kill myself out of boredom.
I have never had a girl say yes before. That is why I do not have a girlfriend.
But how many of them have said no?
Don't you see the wedding ring?
I have a tulpa wife.
No social skills
No confidence from no validation whatsoever
Unlikeable "personality"
I'd have to overhaul everything about myself like a fucking jester clown cuck to appease some girl into MAYBE dating me for 2 months
It wasn't made for some people.
I can't speak around women or maintain eye contact.
"Who are you and what are you doing in my bedroom?" Doors and windows are locked most of the times, and now she's basically on private land without permission. I'll punish her with my dick until she leaves
Its easier to explain it by asking you a question. Why arent you my gf?
I just haven't found the right one yet now please stop reminding me because I don't believe I ever will thanks
Because I'm a toxic, misanthropic addict who assumes everyone is trying to take advantage of him.
>have had girls interested in me
>have gotten phone numbers
>have had stalkers
>have had aggressive women actively push their way into my life
>have been asked by both male and female friends why i can't find a gf
maybe i'm just not good enough to be somebodies real boyfriend. hurts.
because I'm scared of intimacy
Gotta improve my personal life first.
it's simple user, you don't answer, ignore, and continue on to more meaningful and productive matters.
Just don't have the desire
this is essentially what I came here to post. I'm not willing to go to that massive amount of work just to attract women. Especially since it's not like a one-time task that I could complete and then never worry about again, it's an ongoing burden. You don't just have to get a job, you have to keep a job, you don't just have to lose weight, you have to keep it off, etc.
I never like the girls who are attracted to me, and I'm not hot enough to be a selector.
If you are that same user that manages to follow these threads across the site and make art of rin before the thread expires. I admire your dedication
rather spend my disposable income on weed than some chick
I'm physically unattractive, not shockingly unattractive, but around a 4/10 as rated by strangers in other forums in a time when women my age have absurd expectations, height restrictions (including literal midgets) even when they themselves are very unattractive. At a certain point, when you've lowered your standards to retarded people or meth addicts isn't it better to just be alone?
As much as I desire love I also realize that the vast majority of women are quite stupid. Their brains are very immature, almost child like. It's hard to have a fun thoughtful conversation about the things that interest me, they would react too emotionally because I said something about something they do not understand. So while I would enjoy the companionship, cuddling, sex, kissing, etc. I would spend half of my life biting my lip unless her views are very close to mine, which is unlikely in my age group. All they are interested in is instagram and whoring themselves for attention and money.
>"Heh! Trust me.. I'm working on it!"
I have 3 different ones right now and don't want to chose just one.
Ah, y'know man, reasons.
You're looking at me that is answer enough
> because I stopped trying and gave into the gay side of me years ago
never tried, never cared
Just because I'm good looking won't change the fact that I'm schizophrenic. No woman will ever want me.
I do actually, rin you stupid cunt bitch whore roastie niggerfucker drug addict dogfucking piece of shit
I dont really want a gf.
Not like that any girl I know would like me as her bf either.
I am actually pretty confident that I could get a gf if I wanted, the thought of having one is what scares the shit out of me. I had one relationship at some point and completely fucked up because I am way too screwed in the head to take care of another human being. Everytime some girl tries to get closer to me I completely freeze up and block all of her approaches or even subtly mock her for trying. It is certainly a reliable method to give everyone the impression that you are an unapproachable block of ice and now even my friends stoped fucking around with me with this "why dont you get to know [insert random girl at a party] better?" shit.
I am always telling myself that I do this out of kindness, to prevent someone from getting hurt. Truth is I am just terribly afraid of getting my own guts ripped out when I close someone into my heart and get left behind by that someone at some point.
Too ugly for love and I have Aspergers syndrome.
I'm too detached and removed from reality, I'm not a robot but I still struggle to form relationships. I've got nothing going for me and ultimately I am loser I guess I just have a more pleasant demeanor to the point where I can get sex. Lately I've been fucking it up, I'm sick of thinking about sex and relationships when masturbation is still an option.It's more just wanting hugs and kisses.
>Get my driver's license
For my experience, I can tell you that it doesn't get any significantly better after this.
A lifetime of being treated like shit and secluding myself has made my resistance to criticism and failure worn-down to the point of non-existence, so I worship catgirls that can't harm me and ruin any potential friendship and romance with avoidance when I'm hurt, coming back to catgirls that won't hurt me.
I keep getting asked this recently and I have no idea why, like I already gave a straight answer on the line of "not really interested right now" yet its as if people have short-term memory loss. I hate it when people do that;
>someone asks you something
>give reply
>they somehow forget it despite it being the sort of thing that you would remember be it for gossip or heavens knows what else
>proceed to get asked same question 15 more times
Vaginas are gay, I just want someone male or female to cuddle with me in bed and compliment how good my bed is and how snuggly the duvet is.
That pic looks like a faff, still cute that you are making an effort~ don't let it get you down.
Why don't you use more brutal tactics? I doubt she'll feel anything with something as weak as that.
Its a power play user. You gotta take a page out of /sig/. Your life will slowly start to improve and you can come back. Also ask them why they don't have gf's. and if they do say something about how its not going to last, and that they will somehow fuck it up. Like its all social jockeying.
If you are in a group setting and there are females around someone asking you that is to get the females not interested in you to be interested in them. They want to be the chad. However, you can flip it on them, and expose what they are trying to do.
>user why don't you have a gf
>Listen Luke, I get you want to fuck Vanessa here, but we all know you can't, you are 2 inches erect.
I should probably have explained more; where I work (where most waitresses are female) I get asked a lot and I swear I've told the same people numerous times that I don't - I assume it to be filler for having next-to-no common ground with these people. Also I don't believe in /sig/, its far too linear and personally I take that modicum of self-improvement to an extreme albeit without any of the relationship stuff, which coming from someone who doesn't believe in 'love' and sees marriage/ procreation as a means of securing successors + continued benefit to the state and its people is not something that bothers me as I simply don't empathize with those who feel genuinely affected by it (not to mention that I find the concept of sex to be disgusting), Furthermore pretty much everyone at work come to think of it is in a relationship aside from maybe the odd one or two.
I don't get aggressive and I don't see any malicious intent, its just how do they not remember? When someone tells you something normally you'd analyse their every sentence, come to all kinds of conclusions even for those in life that you'll see only a handful of times. Does that not apply to others?
I was in love with her, or thought I was, for so many years that my obsession ruined my entire adult worldview. I sincerely hope I meet a nice brunette one day, because even years later the idea of being intimidate with a blonde just reminds me of her and makes me want to puke. For the first few years after her traumatic head injury, I wrote off her constant blackmail and emotional manipulation as learning how to live with her disabilities. I came back after every time she cheated and acted like it was nothing because I told myself that she didn't process things like she used to. I watched her lie and told myself it was ok because she knew her life was horrible and she needed to lie about it to everyone else to make herself believe it and feel better.
It took me ten years to realize I had no duty to be faithful and loyal to a girl who lied, cheated, and manipulated her way through relationships like a 14-year-old and refused to take responsibility for the smallest things in her life. Spending a decade in that weird trapped psychological hell made me depressed, reclusive, and boring/awkward to be around. To top that off, for some retarded reason (the only good friend I had left told me to) I moved to a liberal shithole of a city where everyone is in an openly polygamous relationship and wears shirts about how there are more genders on the spectrum than atoms in the universe and white men should all die. Even if I did meet a good woman here, I'd be too paranoid that she was secretly insane and just thought of herself as "conservative" because she was slightly less far-left than the rainbow-mohawk butch 300lb lesbian riding her bicycle topless wearing a strapon (who is being praised by most of the passerbys as being "so brave" and "the future.")
Tl;dr I'm fake and gay
ah, you're one of them asexuals. Ugh carry on. I mean if you really want it to stop, just say you do. You seem confident enough in yourself to pull it off.
Hey man, stay strong. At least you've recognized it. The same thing happened to me a couple of years ago. When I got with her and she said yes, i thought my existence had been validated and that I was nothing without her. She was my first gf and I thought that whatever the fuck we were in was love. She eventually ended it while playing on her 3ds and it really threw me for a loop. I just focused on myself and my own happiness and worked to improve myself. I eventually got another one, but she was crazy, and I realized that I was better than that and I didn't need her. Its all about building yourself up so you don't put them on a pedestal and let them walk all over you. Im sure you aren't too far gone my man.
stay strong and /sig/. You'll begin to feel better about yourself.
Thanks, man. /sig/ tips? I also have self-destructive porn habits I can't seem to kick, how the fuck do I stop de/s/troying myself
Honestly, I do not have time. It is not worth it.
I don't think I need a gf to get by.
where is the rin fanart ?
So /sig/ starts with improving your environment. Jordan Peterson once said to clean your room. Its not a meme. The state of your life is reflected by the state of your environment, if you want to improve the former, you must improve the latter.
Also definitely start getting into shape, its what I did. I started to feel better about myself after I did that. It fixed a lot of my insecurities and made me not so apprehensive about talking to people, especially members of the opposite sex. Write down fitness goals or just goals in general, men unlike women are extremely goal oriented, if we aren't pursuing a goal, we don't feel fulfillment and stagnate.
Be goal minded, start achieving goals and you will start to feel ALOT better about yourself and your ability to do things. The key is writing them down, start with weight goals and track your progress. Start small by jogging and loggin how many push ups you do. Hey if you really do live in a city, you might run into that qt brunette who's walking her dog.
Another key thing was /nofap/. I believe the subreddit sums it up pretty well. I had an excessive porn problem after the first gf ended it. I pathetically searched for porn of women built like her and with the same hair color and got off to it, it was fucking horrible. After I started getting in better shape, I started going out more and that mostly stopped. Up until the time I snagged the second girl, I had not looked at or got off to porn in over a year. It really does hold you back.
Maybe as one of your goals in addition to fitness should be to try the 90 day /nofap/ challenge. If you have any other questions just start going on Jow Forums and ask people for tips.
I snagged this from a /sig/ post about a week ago, but it really helps getting started.
Heres a nofap guide too.
>inb4 haha le leddit maymay
Got anymore questions user before I have to dab out?
I'm an emotionally stunted man children who wouldn't know the first thing about being in a relationship. I have an aversion to things that aren't instant gratification and things that force me to grow as a person.
I do have a girlfriend. Also, why are you an anime?
>Maybe as one of your goals in addition to fitness should be to try the 90 day /nofap/ challenge.
Best I've ever done is two weeks, senpai.
And when I was Jow Forums it was good, but lately it's been hard to fit gym into work and personal schedules. I need to make it a bigger goal.
Please don't dab out, I already feel dirty clicking that R*ddit link.
The really funny thing is, I have literally all these things. Fit from gym, good car, good job... That doesn't matter. Those only attract gold diggers. You can be a jobless low iq idiot and have a loving girlfriend. I know people like that.
All you are doing is putting off working on getting a girlfriend to these long idealized goals. I haven't ever had a real girlfriend and I'm those things you aspire to be, because I fucking suck at talking to girls irl, can't read hints for shit, and don't know what flirting is like.
I know someone who is 5'5, jobless, sits at home all day playing vidya, who has a girlfriend. I don't get it. I'm such a loner.
Simple. I'm white, 5'6, 3/10 at best, have a 5 inch dick, am a KHV, no friends. Any woman that I could possibly get can do better than me. No reason for a woman to choose to be with me over any other guy. And why be with a manlet ugly loser when you can just be with a better man that has friends and a life? Why be with a guy that is a virgin loser when you can be with someone that has a successful life and has lived an eventful life?
You gotta hold strong. Part of being a better person is sacrificing for better pastures. MAKE TIME for the gym and fight the urges. If it gets bad, just go outside for a walk, put on some chill beats and just think man,
>has going down this path helped me before, or does it continue the cycle of self destruction.
Fight for those 90 days. It is an addiction that gives you comfort and pleasure, but that pleasure is a lie. The fact that you said it is self destructive means you know it is. Fight like your life depended on it, because in some ways it does. Because at the end of the day, you have to fight for you. YOURSELF. It may hurt at first. But no pain, no gain
Be the hero in your own story and slay that dragon.
>that pleasure is a lie
not the guy you're replying to but thanks for this
>I know someone who is 5'5, jobless, sits at home all day playing vidya, who has a girlfriend
A lot of these people don't seem like much, but once you open up to them they're incredibly uplifting and fun social presences. I know a ton of guys who are lower-income fatties with kinda ugly faces too, have qt gf because once you get to know them you instantly start to have fun. I'm too autistic to put my finger on why, but it's something about a disarming/open charm and approachability.
jesus christ, i'm the same here
Same guy here
>bigger goal
You gotta write down small achievable goals. If your goal is too big you set yourself up for failure, feel bad about yourself and probably go watch porn. And they even don't have to be fit goals user, maybe they can be just goals to improve your career. You work right? Maybe try to improve your performance and attitude at work. Maybe its saving enough from work to treat yourself to a nice dinner or do something with a group of friends.
The point im trying to make is we gotta correct your mindset. Thats why I say write down, so you have a visual to see you are making progress on something. Once you fix your mindset, things will fall into place, As it stands, your mindset probably isn't doing too hot. Its worn down by years of self-loathing and self-destruction that you've forgotten what it feels like to feel good about yourself.
Which is probably why you rely on porn, BECAUSE ITS INSTANT GRATIFICATION. That is why the /nofap/ and the small achievable goals are crucial. Also another thing that helps with nofap is having a full busy day, coming home and just going to sleep. Just think,
>I'm better than that, I don't need it, Im tired as shit, I wont fap.
Just hold out for the 90 days, mark it on your calendar. 3 months is not a LONG time. In fact for some people its a blink of an eye. Hold strong man, I know you can do it.
Fix the mindset, everything will fall into place.
It may sound crazy and unreal but girls don't care about you cock size
I really don't know. Probably because in a coward?
I don't go to parties
I don't smoke
I don't drink alcohol
I don't use drugs
I don't do stupid teenagers shit and inmature garbage
Finding someone who share this kind of shit is hell on earth
I just accepted my eternal loneliness and keep moving with it
I'm a hedonistic nihilist that's why cunt
Because I don't try hard enough. Then again I'm fine on my own for now, so it's fine.