Why are the good people so quiet and the evil shills so loud? If you have something of value to say then say it ffs

Why are the good people so quiet and the evil shills so loud? If you have something of value to say then say it ffs.

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I haven't seen such a relatable thread in a while
I guess the good people aren't as good as the bad people are evil,
you feel me?

I've no idea if I'm a good person or one of the evil shills you are talking about, but I think I can feel what you are talking about, clarify?

If you're quiet, you're not a good person. You're a neutral person. Most people are pretty neutral, some a bad, truly good people are rare as fuck.

Such a sad state of things. Youd think at least 1% of people would endlessly pursue virtue but nope. On the other hand a good 20% of whites and 90% of non-whites pursue neo-Babylon communist whore druggie degeneracy and get crazier and more far left every day.

Because the good people have been beaten down for so long that the evil (((people))) are running everything. Try and speak up and see how quick you'll lose your job, your loved ones or even your family and friends. There is no incentive to be good because being good means being punished

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>ooga booga don't speak out
You're part of the problem you know.

Only bad posters make threads for 'attention' and that's easiest when pissing people off to get the replies. They should be banned but no one cares to lower spam.

Only 20% of whites?

And yet you are the one beating this guy down for making his post by calling him a part of the problem.
What do you think that solves or helps with?

He's a faggot enabler by being beaten down dumb ass. He spread spooking. You can say whatever you want. If people reject you for it, you could assume that your own factions that agree with you would form but he's the problem for instead falling in line then spreading the scare tactic that others should fall in line as well.

No one likes good people.

And yet you are reinforcing his belief.

>at least a percent would pursue virtue
They're the ones imprisoned family.

Also your post seems schizophrenic.

You're either baiting me or retarded my lad.

Are you okay? The way you post seems very rambley and schizo

Sugintou looks stressed.
I feel bad for her.
Time has not been kind to her or to me.

Loud people can also be stupid people too btw.

Good knows actions are more important than words, and empty barrels make the most noise.

The best thing to do to so called "evil shills" is to ignore them, because they are really hard to persuade.
You just have to hope that time does it's job or something happens in that person's life that gives them motivation to not be evil

Well, I can regale robots about how I was a NEET loser virgin who fixed all his shit over the course of many hard years work (took until my mid 30's even) but no one wants to hear about that shit. Mainly because it involves work and time.

People go here for instant gratification. The spergs, pity posters, racists, and all the other loud shills are the ones who do it best, even though they're just coping with their own shitty situations.

Cool junk pic by the way.

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because good people often get tired of being slandered, mocked, ridiculed, betrayed, and ostracized by the very people they are trying to help

Because no one wants decent threads apparently, threads which are interesting or just genuine muh feels threads are quickly drowned out by a torrent of le epic shitposting bait threads, which are the same copy and paste pieces of shit, with the same copy and pasted responses for months on end.
Eventually a new flavor of the week bait topic comes around, then everyone insistently posts that same shitty bait thread over and over, with people posting until bump lock in under an hour, whilst decent threads fly to the bottom of the catalog in record time.
The reason why there's zero quality is that spasticated brainlets can't get enough of the most transparent bait posting possible.
Its a proverbial pig rolling in shit, the pig loves every second of it, and if you try to stop it from rolling in shit, you only end up wrestling the wretched retard and its in seventh heaven the entire time no matter how much you try and stop them from rolling in their own filth.

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