>you should work on your form before increasing the weight. you can get injured!
You should work on your form before increasing the weight. you can get injured!
I started making massive gains when I just kept putting weight on the bar regardless of hitting 5 reps. You just deload and restart and you breeze through plateaus
That’s good advice. Bad form could end up keeping you out of the gym for weeks or months. Form is important for both maximum gains and for your health.
Can you go into details? My bench has stalled hard at 3x5 195 lbs. what’s the next steps? How far down do I deload?
Based and redpilled. Just look at the bloatlord
Keep increasing till you can only bang out 1 rep, then deload to the nearest half pl8 you can do 5 reps of
Lick a ding-a-ling and your form will improve
This is actually true though
>why yes, of course i will encourage my wife's son to lift
just like the kids that dont read directions and fail tests. basics > personal bests
>i train for strength, and i only do compound lifts
>I call recreational lifting "training"
>cardio is an integral part of any athletes training regime
>do slow and controlled reps with a pause and squeeze
>1 rep
Welcome to snap city.
Why are the people who say this always virgins?
You seriously can’t do one heavy rep without snapping your shit up? Holy fuck imagine being this guy
>The best way to squat 3 plates with perfect form, is to squat 4 plates with bad form
>i always feel so hungry when i cut
>i feel so much more confident after i started nofap
Dont do this ffs
>Have sloppy form because its more manly
Fuck you idiot, nofap works
>tfw curling 25lb dumbbells
>dominant hand is easy
>weak hand is hard af
>Fuck you idiot, nofap works
I saw somebody do something like this.
>3 plates loaded
>Ugly as hell start to finish
>Loads up another plate
>Attempts after barely a minute rest, crashes down on the safeties
>Barbell on safeties, goes down to 2 plates, tries to hang clean it up
>Fucking crashes on the safeties again
>Back down to 1 plate, cleans it up, racks it, loads 3 plates back on
I didn't stick around to watch the attempt but this guy is always doing shit that should break his back.
>I train for health posture and stability!!!!!!
I don't like this thread. Down voted.
Based retard poster
>this thread is off-topic, please dont bump it
Honestly, slow controlled reps helped me get past sticking points in both bench press and squats.
>Honestly, slow controlled reps helped me get past sticking points in both bench press and squats.
that’s a nice craniax
Doing reps in a slow and controlled manner is actually way harder and takes more discipline. Boys just sling weights like troglodytes instead of doing it correctly. Men actually do the research and do it right.